CM 8 Pl. 27ff. (Ištar Baghdad)

SEAL no. 1813

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Tablet Siglum
IM 58424 (3 NT-323)
Iraq Museum, Baghdad

The text and the translation are copied from the electronic resource "Akkadian Prayer Miscellany" (see "External links").



1 [lu-uk-ru-ubša-ra-at ni-ši [ru]-ḪU-um-tam

2 [lu-zi-izši-a-aš i-⸢na⸣ []-⸢ab⸣-li-tim

3 [a-na d]⸢INANNA⸣ na-bi-a-at te-né-še20-ti-⸢im

4 ⸢lu-zi-iz⸣ i-na mu-ši-im ⸢ša⸣-at lu-uk-ta-ar-ba-am

ba-bi-⸢uš i-na⸣ ke-ed-⸢ri⸣-im lu-ši-i-⸢il

ta-a-a-⸢ra⸣-at DUMU.⸢MUNUS⸣ [d]NANNA te-še-mi zi-ik-ri

ta-⸢al⸣-ḫi-ši as-⸢ku⸣-pa-ša lu-ii-sé-er

ši-ga-ru-⸢um dINANNA⸣ še-mu-ú te-<es>-li-ti

ra-ap-⸢ša⸣-at ú-uz-ni-im SUKKAL dnin-šubur

10 i-qá-ab-⸢bi du-mu-uq⸣ ni-ši e-né-na-am i-de

11 ⸢x x dna-na-a-⸢a⸣ [e]-⸢ki⸣-in-ta du-ta tu-ra-am

12 i-de-ma ⸢x-x⸣ [x]-⸢x⸣-ba-DU i-qá-bi du-um-qí

13 ⸢li-zi⸣-iz i-na mu⸣-ut-ti-ki i-lu ⸢a⸣-bi-ia

14 li-ša-⸢ni⸣-[a]-⸢ki⸣-[imiš-ta-⸢ri-ia-la⸣-ak-ti li-im-di

15 i-na mu-⸢ut⸣-<ti>-⸢ki⸣ dINANNA ⸢SUKKAL⸣ i-lu a-bi-ia

16 li-zi-⸢iz⸣-ma e-né-ti pa-ṭa-ra-am li-iq-bi

17 a-bu aš-ta-nap-pu ma-⸢aḫ-ra⸣-ki ša-di-im pa-ar-ḫi-im

18 <i-na> ⸢bu⸣-ur-mi-⸢ni⸣-ia di-⸢ma-tum i-za-nu-un pa-ar-sà-at

19 ak-ta-ra-ab iš-ta⸣-ri-iš a-qá-ab-bi

20 qú-li-im a-na di-ni-⸢im⸣ i-na-an!(SA-)na be-el-ti at-ti

21 la ap-ri-⸢ik⸣ d⸢INANNA⸣ a-na ši-⸢ba⸣-tu pa-ni-ki

22 ma-nu-um []-⸢ru⸣-ba-an-ni a-na nu-ga-tu li-ib-bi-ki

23 ap-ri-ik dINANNA a-na ši-ba-tu pa-ni-ki

24 ta-aḫ-ta-àṣ-ṣí ṣi-li tu-da-pi-ri še-di-ia

25 ek-mé-e-ku ⸢ši-ta⸣-am i-na mu-ši-im ṣa-la-la-am

26 ur-⸢ri⸣-!?(TE) e-⸢re!?⸣-[e]-⸢ku?⸣ i-di a-ḫi-<ta>-am du-pu-ur-ma

27 ⸢a⸣-li-ik i-[nama-aḫ-ra u4-ḫu-ru-um i-bu-a-an-ni

28 ar-ḫa-tum ⸢bi-ir⸣-ka-a-a ú-ma-ṭi-a-ni-im li-ús-ma-am

29 ki-ma aš-lim im-me-ḫi-im ta-zi-qí-im

30 ur-ra-am uk-⸢lum⸣ ṣíl-lí ú-tu-ur ⸢pu⸣-lu!(PA-)uḫ-ta-am

31 i-na ṣe-ri-⸢ia⸣ i-li-ku u4-pu-ki

32 ka-li-a-ku i-na ra-di-im la ⸢e-ir⸣ a-na pu-<uz>-ri-im

33 [(x)]-⸢x⸣-ba-aḫ ki-ma i-me-er-ti-im ⸢i⸣-na ku-pa-i-im

34 [x]-⸢pa?⸣ it-⸢ti ka⸣-ka-bi-im a-⸢di⸣ te-KU?-ri-im

35 [la il]-⸢li-ik⸣ ú la iq-ri-ba-am ia-a-ši-im

36 [qi?-na?]-⸢za? ez?⸣-[zi]-⸢⸣ ta-ri-ka-at ⸢pa⸣-al-ḫa-at-ma

37 [i-ši-id ki-im]-⸢ti⸣-ia tu-ša-bi-li ša-ra-am

38 [x x x x] ⸢⸣-in-ni ta-as-pu-⸢ḫi-iš⸣ ú-zu-ki

39 [x x x x x]-⸢i-ta?⸣-am na-me-er-tum

40 [x x x] ⸢x x x⸣ i-di-la-am ú-ma-tim ú-ṭi

41 [...] ⸢bi⸣-ti ep-še20-⸢ti⸣-ia ú-ka-bi-is ṣe-te-tu-um

42 [... d]INANNA ú-⸢ul⸣ [(x)]-x-⸢ka⸣-ni

43 [...] ⸢d⸣INANNA ú-⸢ul⸣ [ta?]-ka-li ṣíl-lí ma-aš-ḫa-am

44 [...] ⸢ZI⸣ ú-ḫi-ru ú-⸢ul⸣ [(x)]-⸢x⸣-ti-⸢im

45 [...] ⸢x⸣ ú-ul ú-ši-⸢ib x⸣-a-ku a-ḫa-⸢x-x⸣

46 [...] ⸢x⸣ bi-ki-ta-am ú-mi-⸢ša⸣-[amia-a-ti



47 [x x x]-⸢ma⸣-ma-an la i-iz-⸢x⸣ [x] ⸢x⸣ ta-aq-bi-ri

48 [x x x]-⸢x⸣-ri-pa-ti-ia ⸢x⸣ [x x]-mi-im ú-na-pa-x

49 [a-ta-na]-ka-la-am ša-am-⸢nam⸣ u4-⸢ma⸣-[am] ⸢?-ri⸣-iš at-na-la-ak

50 [a-ta-na]-ši-iq ša-ap-tu še-ri-⸢im i-na⸣ [x] ⸢x⸣-ti-im

51 [re-qé]-⸢et ma⸣-di-iš a-ni-ši a-la-⸢ak⸣-ti [ì]-⸢

52 [x x (x)]-IM A ⸢x di⸣-ma-tum ú-a-ba-at ⸢ki-ma⸣ [x x x]

53 [i-nama-⸢li-ti-im na-ri-⸢x⸣ [x x]-⸢x⸣-ia

54 [lu]-⸢mu-un li-ib⸣-bi-im ni-sà-tum ⸢mu-ur⸣-[ṣú-um]

55 ⸢ša⸣-ak-nu-ni-⸢im⸣-ma ú-ša-am-qá-⸢tu ŠI?-x⸣-[x x x]

56 e-li-iš uš-na⸣-wi-ir šu-⸢tam⸣ nu-ru pa?-nu-⸢ia?⸣ [na?-aw?-ru?]

57 ša-ap-la-⸢nu⸣-[umek-le-et ka-ab-⸢ta⸣-ti [x (x)]-⸢ni ma-li⸣-at

58 ú ša du-um-⸢⸣-[am] ⸢e-pu-šu-ú-šu ma-ti-⸢ma⸣ gi-⸢mi⸣-[il lu-um]-⸢ni⸣-im i-ri-ba-am

59 ki-⸢ma⸣ du-di!-[tim] ⸢ú⸣-ul e-di-il-⸢ma⸣ ba-[ba]-⸢am

60 i-na ṣe-⸢er né⸣-eḫ-ti-im ú-ul a-ḫi-iš-⸢ma⸣ [ú]-⸢ul⸣ ma-ši šu-um-ki

61 a-wa-at ta-[aq]-⸢bi⸣-im ú-ka-bi-it wa-ar-ki pi-i-ki

62 ú qá-bé-ki ⸢al⸣-li-ik dINANNA

63 a-gu-ú ša ⸢tám⸣-ti-im ⸢uk⸣-ta-na-ta-mu-ni-in-ni

64 dINANNA ša-⸢ru-ú⸣ i-la-a-ku eṭ-ri-in-ni

65 ta-at-ta-ad⸣-ni še20-ṭù-ti a-na ka-la-ma

66 ki-ma ḫa-⸢ar⸣-[bi]-im e-bi-im a-wi-ra-am la i-šu

67 ip-pa-al-[sà-nimu-de-e ú-da-ap-pi-ir

68 i-ḫu-iz pu-[uz-ra]-am i-na pa-ni-ia ú-ul ip-pa-al-sà-am

69 ú-ta-mi ⸢u? iq⸣-bi-a-am i-ta-am it-ba-al 

70 a-lí-ma d⸢INANNA⸣ ša tu-ta-ki!(DI-)li-in-ni

71 ú-ba-al-la-[aṭ]-ka-ma ta-da-la-la-an-ni a-na ma-ti-im

72 ik-ta-ab-⸢ta⸣-[ammu-ur-ṣú e-li ša pa-na-nu-um

73 ki-⸢ma⸣ e-ri-ti⸣-[imša ar-ḫi-iš qú-ru-bu u4-mu-ša

74 ú šu-du-lu ⸢x x⸣ [x] ⸢x⸣ [x x] ⸢x⸣ ši-ip-tu-um ki-ma li-'-im ú-ka-sà-ni ša-am-ra-tum ik-ki-ra i-da-tu-ú-a

75 šu-na-tu-[ia] ⸢na?⸣-ap-pa-ṣa-am iš-ti-ma-ni-⸢im

76 ⸢um-mi⸣ a-⸢am⸣-[ri] ⸢a⸣-di-⸢ir⸣-[ti a]-⸢na⸣ ka-ri-im ša la i-du a-na-ku e-mi-id

77 mi-iṣ-⸢ṣa-am d⸣INANNA ú-⸢ul⸣ a-ri-ik ba-la-ṭù-um

78 a-ta-an-ḫa-⸢am⸣ dINANNA a-⸢di⸣ ma-ti né-ke-em-ti pu-uṭ-⸢ri⸣-im

79 ta-ar-ṣa ka-pa-a-⸢a⸣ da-ma am-ma-a-ma

80 i-na ša-⸢ri-im ki-ma ⸢iṣ-ṣú-ri-im na-pí-iš-ti <>-bi-a-at

81 ṭa-bu-um⸣ dINANNA ša-nu-⸢úr⸣-ki li-sí-qá-am ki-ma nu-ur a-pa-ti-im

82 ⸢li⸣--⸢⸣ dINANNA ar-⸢ku-um⸣ dINANNA ik-ta-ri ki-ša-di

83 ⸢ú⸣-na-ab-ba ⸢la⸣-la-ra-tum nu-bé eṭ-lu-ti-ia

84 ú-ul a-li-ik it-ti ḫa-⸢wi⸣-ri a-na bi-it e-mu-ti-im

85 ú-ul e-⸢ru-ub⸣-ma ši-pi-[irmu-ši-im ú-ul e-pu-uš

86 a-gi-iš ta-⸢x-ta?-x⸣ ki-ma dIŠKUR⸣ e-li-ia ta-sà-ap-ḫi ì-lí-ia

87 [a]-⸢na?⸣ mu-de-ia šum-⸢ma⸣-an ki-⸢ma ú⸣-zi-ki la ḫa-mu-tam ta-ar-di

88 [x]-⸢x-x⸣-um ma-an-<nu>-⸢um!?⸣ ip-ri-ik a-na pa-ni?-i-ki ša!?(KA) ki-ib-ra-a-ti-im

89 [ku?]-⸢um?⸣-ma dINANNA bu-⸢lu⸣-ṭù-um ⸢dINANNA? x x x x⸣-um

90 [x x x]-⸢ni?⸣-ri-im ⸢li⸣-ki-⸢ir⸣ a-ḫa-ma

91 [x x x] ⸢x⸣ an-ni-ti-im BU-⸢x-x⸣-in-ni ⸢di⸣-ma-⸢tam

92 [x x da]-⸢li⸣-i-⸢li⸣ i-na a-lim ⸢lu-ud-lu-ul



1 [I will entreat] the beloved queen of the people,

2 [I will stand] before her at [mi]dnight,

3 [To Ishta]r, who illuminates humanity,

I will stand in the night watch (and) entreat (her) intently.

At the gate with a gift of greeting will I rejoice:

6 (Saying) "(Because) you are merciful, daug[ter] of Sin, you will hear my utterance."

My whispered prayer indeed "smears" (i.e., covers) her threshold:

8 "Ishtar (is) the (temple) bolt who hears my prayer."

The wise vizier, Ninshubur,

10 He puts in a good word for the people; he knows (how) to grant favor.

11 . . . of Nanaya knows (how) to return the confiscated virility,

12 . . . puts in a good for word for me

13 May the god of my father stand before you,

14 May he rep[o]rt to yo[u], my goddess. Learn my situation (lit. way)!

15 Before you, O Ishtar, may the god of my father, (as) vizier, stand

16 and commend (lit. speak) releasing my guilt.

17 Ah! I constantly wailed before you, O . . . mountain!

18 From the iris of my eye a tear drips (lit. rains). You are cut off (from me)!

19 I entreat Ishtar intently, saying:

20 Attend to me with (your) decision! Now you (are) my lady!

21 (If) I have not resisted, O Ishtar, the glowing (i.e., anger) of your face

22 (Then) who [con]ducts me to the anger of your heart?

23 (If) I have resisted, O Ishtar, the glowing (i.e., anger) of your face,

24 (Then) you have snapped off my protection (lit. shade); you have driven away my protective spirits.

25 I am deprived of sleep, of slumber by night,

26 By day, (when) I was awake, my arm was dislocated (lit. removed) at (my) side.

27 (Although) I walked in front, a straggler (lit. a person behind) overtook me,

28 My (formerly) fast legs curtailed running for me.

29 You blew me about like a rush in a storm,

30 In the light of day, my protection (was) the darkness, brimming with fear.

31 Behind me came your clouds,

32 I was detained in a cloudburst; I could not get to shelter.

33 . . like a sheep in a reed thicket,

34 . . . with a star, until(?) you . . . me.

35 [She/He did not] come, and she/he did not draw near to me,

36 [A whi]p(?) she was wielding fur[ious]ly(?); she was frightful.

37 You caused the wind to carry off [the foundation of] my [fam]ily,

38 [. . .] you dispersed my family members in your wrath.

39 [. . .] . . . brilliance,

40 [. . .] . . . she/he shut me out; she/he made the days dark.

41 [. . .] my house; my handiwork she/he treads in the heat of day,

42 [. . .] Ishtar, . . . cannot . . . me.

43 [. . .] Ishtar, [do you(?)] not withhold my plundered protection?

44 [. . .] . . . not . . .

45 [. . .] I did not sit . . .

46 [. . .] . me weeping dai[ly].


47 [. . .] no one . . [.] . you bury,

48 [. . .] . . . [. . .] . . .

49 [I used] to eat oil, (but now) I wander about eve[ryday] in hunger,

50 [I used] to kiss the lips of a baby with . . .

51 The way of the [go]ds is very [dista]nt to the people,

52 [. . .] . . . tear(s); she/he destroyed like [. . .]

53 [With] lamentation . . . my [. .]

54 [Sor]row (lit. misery of the heart), lamentation, (and) ill[ness]

55 Have beset me, and they have caused . . . to fall

56 From above, a light illuminated a dream; my face [was radiant (lit. became bright)].

57 Down belo[w], my mood is dark, filled with [. .] . . .

58 And the one whom I treat with fav[or] repays me wit[h ev]il.

59 I did not close the g[a]te like a toggle p[in],

60 I did not hasten toward peace; your name was [n]ot forgotten.

61 I honored the word that you [sp]oke to me, according to your command (lit. mouth),

62 And I carried out (all) that you commanded, O Ishtar!

63 Waves of the deep constantly overwhelm (lit. cover) me,

64 O Ishtar, the winds are blowing! Rescue me!

65 You have spread (lit. given) contempt for me to everyone,

66 Like a pristine (lit. pure) des[e]rt, I have no one to look after (me).

67 My acquaintance look[ed at me] (and) withdrew,

68 He took sh[elt]er; he would not look upon my face.

69 He swore and(?) said to me: "He moved (lit. carried) the boundary (marker)."

70 Where (are you), O Ishtar, (you) who assured me (saying),

71 "I will he[a]l you so that you will praise me to the land."

72 The illness was heavier [on me] than before,

73 Like a pregnant wo[man] whose days were quickly drawing near.

74 And . . . are ample . . [.] . [. .] . An incantation was binding me like a bull. My violent signs were negative (lit. strange, hostile, different),

75 [My] dreams have fated a club (i.e., a beating?) for me.

76 O my mother, look [at my] apprehension/sorrow, I have landed [a]t an unfamiliar (lit. that I do not know) quay.

77 O Ishtar, life is (too) short for me; it is not long (enough)!

78 I have become exhausted, O Ishtar, how long? Release me from my loss.

79 My hands (lit. palms) are stretched out (in prayer); my arms are shaking!

80 My life rises in the wind like a bird!

81 O Ishtar, your sweet light focuses (lit. narrows) on me as (rays of) light from windows,

82 May it focus on me, O Ishtar. My long neck has become short,

83 The mourners wail a lament of my manliness.

84 I did not go with the husbands to the father-in-law's house,

85 I did not enter, and I did not consummate my marriage(?) (lit. do the wo[rk] of the night).

86 Furiously, you . . . ; like Adad over me, you dispersed my (personal) deities,

87 For my acquaintances, had it been in accordance with your anger, you would not have pursued (them so) hastily.

88 [O . .] . . , who in the world has blocked/opposed you?

89 Preserving life, O Ishtar, (is) yours(?)! O Ishtar, . . .

90 [. . .] . . . may (it) be hostile to the stranger(?).

91 [. . .] this . . . tears

92 [. .] (that your) [pr]aises in the city I may sing!

Word Translation Semantic Line
abātum (v.) G to destroy; D destroy completely 52
abum father 13, 15, 17
Adad (dIŠKUR) DN 86
adi until, as far as 34, 78
adirtu I gloominess 76
aggiš furiously 86
agûm II wave, flood 63
aḫārum (v.) to be behind, (D) hold back, delay, stay behind 44
aḫāzum (v.) G to take, marry, grasp, seize, learn; Š to make s.o. take, marry, learn 68
aḫītum side 26
aḫûm outside(r), strange 90
akālum (v.) G to eat, consume, devastate; Gtn iter. of G; Š caus. of G 49
alaktum way, course 14, 51
alākum (v.) (DU) G to go, walk; Gt go off, away; Gtn wander, go repeatedly, roam about, walk; Š caus. of G 27, 31, 35, 49, 62, 64, 84
ali where? 70
ālum (URU.KI) village, town, city 92
amārum (v.) G to see; catch sight of; N pass. of G, be found 76
āmirum, āmerum, āwirum that sees, reads 66
ammatum I forearm, cubit 79
ana I to, for [3], 20, 21, 22, 23, 32, 51, 65, 71, 76, 84, 87, 88
anāḫum (v.) G to become tired; Š trouble, exert, strain; Št be depressed 78
anāku I, me 76
annûm this, those 91
aptum window, window opening 81
arḫiš quickly, hastily 73
arḫum I fast, quick 28
arītum, erītum (PEŠ4) pregnant woman 73
arkum long 77, 82
askuppum, askuppatum (I.LU.KUN4) (threshold) slab 7
ašlum rush, rope; a linear measure of ~ 60 metres 29
attī you (2 f. sg. pron.), you (f.) 20
awātum, amātu (INIM) word, matter, speech 61
bâ'um (v.) G to go along, across, pass, overtake, defeat; Š cause to move along 27
bābum (KÁ) doorway, door, gate, entrance 5, 59
balāṭum (TI) life, vigour, good health 77
balāṭum (v.) G to live, stat. be alive; D bring back to life, revive, let live, support, provide for 71, 89
bēltum (NIN) lady, mistress, proprietress 20
berîš in hunger, hungrily 49
bikītum crying, weeping 46
birkum knee 28
bītum (É) house 41, 84
burmu color(ed part), iris 18
dalālum (v.) G to praise 71, 92
dalīlum praise 92
dawûm, damûm (v.) to jerk; convulse 79
dimtum II tear 18, 52, 91
dīnum (DI.KU5) verdict, case, judgement, legal decision 20
dumqum goodness, good (thing), welfare 10, 12, 58
duppurum (v.) D to move away, stay away 24, 26, 67
dūtum virility, manliness 11
ebbum bright, pure 66
edēlum (v.) to shut, bolt 40, 59
edûm (v.) G to know; D to cause to know 10, 12, 76
ekēmum (v.) to take away, deprive 25
eklum dark 57
ekmu taken away, stolen 11
eli, elu on, above, over 72, 86
eliš above 56
emēdum (v.) to lean on, impose, dock (a ship) 76
emūtum family of the husband, relationship by marriage 84
enēnum (v.) I G to grant a privilege, do a favor, to grant favour, be favourable 10
ennettum sin 16
epēšum (v.) G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G 58, 85
epištum, epšetum deed, action, work 41
erēbum (v.) (KU4) G to enter, come in; Š cause to enter, bring in; penetrate 85
êrum (v.) to be(come) awake 26
eṭērum (v.) G to take away, save 64
eṭlūtum manliness 83
eṭû (v.) to be(come) dark, dim 40
ezziš furiously, fiercely 36
gimillum requital, favor 58
ḫamuttum haste 87
ḫarbum I deserted, desert, abandoned land 66
ḫaṣāṣum (v.) I to snap off 24
ḫāwirum husband 84
ḫiāšum (v.) to hurry, hasten 60
idum (Á) arm; side; strength; wage 26
ilum (DINGIR) god, deity 13, 15, 51, 86
immertum ewe 33
ina in, on, by, from 2, 4, 5, 13, 15, <18>, 25, 27, 29, 31, 32, 33, 50, [53], 60, 68, 80, 92
inanna now 20
īnum (IGI) eye 18
išdum (SUḪUŠ) foundation, base; root [37]
iṣṣūrum bird 80
Ištar DN 3, 8, 15, 21, 23, 42, 43, 62, 64, 70, 77, 78, 81, 82 (x2), 89 (x2)
ištarum goddess 14, 19
išûm (v.) G to have 66
itti with 34, 84
ittum sign, mark 69, 74
izuzzum (v.) (GUB) G to stand; Gtn iter. of G; Š cause to be present, appoint [2], 4, 13, 16
kabāsum (v.) G to tread, trample; D tread, walk over 41
kabattum, kabtatum liver, mood, mind, intention 57
kabātum (v.) G to be(come) heavy, D make heavy, aggravate, treat honorably 61, 72
kadrûm, kedrûm present, greeting gift 5
kakkabum (MUL) star, meteor 34
kalûm II (DÙ.A.BI) all, totality, everything 65
kalûm V (v.) G to hold (back), detain 32, 43
kappum wing, hand 79
karābum (v.) G to pray, bless, greet ; Gtn iter. Gt constantly pray to, call blessings on; Š caus. of G [1], 4, 19
karûm (v.) II to be(come) short 82
kārum I (KAR) quay, port 76
kasûm III (v.) G to bind; G~D bind person, animal, limb 74
katāmum (v.) G to cover, close 63
kibrum (UB) bank (of a river), shore, rim, brink; quarter of the world 88
kīma like, as; when; that 29, 33, 52, 59, 66, 73, 74, 80, 81, 86, 87
kimtum family, clan [37]
kišādum (GÚ) neck, bank 82
kûm your, yours, belonging to you 89
kupû reed thicket 33
not 21, 32, [35], 35, 47, 66, 76, 87
lallartum female mourner 83
lamādum (v.) to learn, to become aware 14
lī'um bull 74
libbum (ŠÀ) heart, mind; inner body 22, 54
lismum footrace 28
let it be; or; though; indeed 7
lumnum (ḪUL) evil, misery 54, [58]
mādiš greatly 51
maḫrum II front, presence 17, 27
malītum a lament 53
malûm I full, complete, sated 57
mamman somebody, who(so)ever 47
mannum who?, who 22, 88
maqātum (v.) G to fall, drop; Š caus. of G 55
mārtum (DUMU.MUNUS) daughter, girl 6
maš'u destitute, robbed 43
mašûm I, f. mašītum (//u18-lu) forgotten (things) 60
mati when? 78
matīma whenever, sometime 58
mātum (KUR; KALAM) land, country 71
maṭûm (v.) to be(come) little 28
meḫûm storm 29
mūdûm knowing, wise 67, 87
murṣum (TU.RA) illness, sorrow, distress 54, 72
mūšum (GI6) night(-time) 4, 25, 85
muttum front 13, 15
nabûm (v.) G to name, nominate, decree, invoke, D lament, wail, Š cause to name, lament, wail 17, 83
nadānum (v.) (SUM) G to give, bestow 65
nakārum (v.) to be(come) different, strange, hostile; G change; D change, alter 74, 90
Nanāya DN 11
napištum (ZI) throat, life 80
nappāṣu wooden beater, club 75
našāqum (v.) to kiss 50
nawārum (v.) G to be(come) bright, shine; D make bright; Š cause to shine; ŠD lighten, gladen 56, [56]
nawirtum brightness, light 39
nebûm I, nabû shining, brilliant 3
nēḫtum calm, peace 60
nēkemtum removal, loss 78
Ninšubur DN 9
nissatum wailing, lamentation 54
nišū (UN.MEŠ) people, humanity, population 1, 10, 51
nubû lament, wailing 83
nuggatum anger 22
nūrum I (ZÁLAG) light 56, 81 (x2)
palāsum (v.) to look, glance, G to look at, towards; N look, gaze, consider; Ntn iter. constantly gaze at 67, 68
palḫum fearful 36
pānānum previously, before 72
pānum I (IGI) front, face, earlier times 21, 23, 56, 68, 88
parākum (v.) to lie across, obstruct, block 21, 23, 88
parsum clear reports, orders 18
paṭārum (v.) G to loosen, release; G~D; N to be loosened 16, 78
puluḫtum fear(someness) 30
pûm I (KA) mouth, statement, command, opening 61
puzrum concealment, hiding-place 32, 68
qablītum center, central part, middle (watch) of the night 2
qabûm (v.) (DUG4) G to say, speak, command 10, 12, 16, 19, 61, 62, 69
qâlum (v.) to pay attention, be silent 20
qebērum (v.) (//túm) G to bury 47
qerēbum (v.) G to be(come) close, approach, D bring, present 22, 35, 73
qinnāzum whip [36]
qinnum nest; family 38
ra'ūmtum, ru'ūmtum beloved 1
rādum rainstorm, cloudburst 32
rapšum wide, extended 9
redûm I (v.) G to accompany, lead, drive, proceed; Gtn to accompany constantly, lead 87
rēqum far, distant [51]
riābum (v.) G to replace, restore 58
ša who(m), which, of 58, 63, 70, 72, 73, 76, 81, 88
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) mountain, open country 17
šakānum (v.) (GAR) to put, place, lay down 55
ṣalālum (v.) G to lie down, sleep 25
šâlum (v.) II to rejoice 5
šamnum (Ì; Ì.GIŠ) oil, fat, cream 49
šamrum fierce, furious 74
šanûm III (v.) G to do twice, do for a second time; D repeat, report 14
sapāḫum (v.) G to scatter, disperse; D squander, spend freely, scatter; N pass. of G 38, 86
šaplānum down 57
šaptum lip, rim 50
šarratum queen 1
šārum (IM) wind, breath 37, 64, 80
šēdum protective deity, luck; spirit (representing vital force) 24
šēmûm hearer, that hears 8
šemûm (v.) G to listen, to hear; Gtn to hear, to listen again and again 6
šerrum young child, baby 50
ṣērum (EDIN) back, upperside, steppe, open country, towards 31, 60
sêrum (v.) G to plaster, smear 7
ṣētum, ṣītum bright light, heat 41
šēṭūtum scorn, neglect 65
šiāmum (v.) to fix, decree 75
siāqum (v.) to be(come) narrow 81, 82
šiāšim to her 2
šiāti, šât (of) her, that, this same 4
šibbatum burning 21, 23
šigarum (wooden) clamp, (neck-)stock, door lock, bolt 8
ṣillum (GISSU) protection; shade, shadow 24, 30, 43
Sîn DN 6
šiprum sending, mission, work, messenger 85
šiptum (ḖN; KAxUD) incantation, spell 74
šittum sleep 25
šuddulum very wide, spacious 74
šukkallum, sukkallum minister, a court official 9, 15
šummaman, šumman if (introducing unreal conditions) 87
šumum (MU) name; son; line of text 60
šuttum dream 56, 75
tabālum (v.) to take away, carry off 69
ṭābum (DU10) good, sweet 81
takālum (v.) to trust, to encourage 70
talḫīšum whispered prayer 7
tamûm II (v.) G to swear; D swear, bind by oath 69
tarākum (v.) G to beat, thump, be dark; D~G 36
tarāṣum (v.) G to stretch out, extend, point, tether, spread 79
târum (v.) (GUR) G to turn, return, become again; D to bring, send, give, pay back 11, 30
tayyārum returning, merciful 6
tebûm (v.) G to get up, arise, set out; Š set in motion, remove 80
tenēštum mankind, people; human kind 3
teslītum appeal, prayer 8
tiāmtum, tâmtum (A.AB.BA) sea, lake 63
tudittum, dudittum a dress-pin on woman's breast 59
u and, but, also 35, 58, 62, 69, 74
uḫḫurum late, remaining 27
uklum I darkness 30
ul not 42, 43, 44, 45, 59, 60 (x2), 68, 77, 84, 85 (x2)
ūmišam daily 46
ummum mother 76
ūmum I (UD) day, daily 40, 49, 73
upûm cloud 31
urrum daytime, morning, daybreak 26, 30
uznum ear, wisdom, understanding 9
uzzum anger, rage 38, 87
wabālum (v.) G to carry, bring; Š send, deliver, make bear; Št pass. of Š 37
warki behind, after 61
wârum (v.) G to go (up to); D instruct, govern, commission, appoint, send 32
wašābum (v.) to sit, dwell 45
wīṣum, mīṣum few, small 77
yâšim, ayyâšim to, for me 35
yâti me 46
zanānum (v.) I G to rain 18
zīaqum (v.) G to blow, waft, gust 29
zikrum, siqrum utterance, name; mention of the name; reputation 6
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Revision History
Bloch, Yigal