SEAL no. 7143
MLC 1299 obv. (Yale Babylonian Collection)
MLC 1299 right edge (Yale Babylonian Collection)
MLC 1299 rev. (Yale Babylonian Collection)
van Dijk/Goetze/Hussey 1985, 87
CDLI P296059.
1 e-re-mu e-re-mu
2 qá-ar-na-šu ḫu-ra-ṣum
3 zi-ba-sú!(Text: SÍ) uq-nu-um e-lu-um
4 ša-ki-in i-na li-bi-im ša Eš4-tár
5 a-s[i]-ši-im-┌ma┐ ú-ul i-tu-ra-am
6 a-mur-{MA?!}-ši-i-ma ú-ul i-pa-al-sà-a[m]
7 š[um]-ma qá-áš-da-at li-im-qú-u[t]
8 [d]a-du-ša-a
9 [š]um-ma na-di-a-at mu-pí-ir-ša
10 li-im-qú-ut
11 ba-tu-ul-tum ma-ra-tu a-wi-li-im
12 a-na ri-ig-mi-ia
13 a-na {RI-IG} ša-gi-mi-ia
14 <li?>-[i]m-qú-ut li-šu-um
15 [ša?] qá-ti-ša-a
16 li-im-qú-ut [ṣ]ú!-ḫa-ru-um
17 ša a-ḫi-i-ša
18 ┌e┐ [ta-ar]-ku-si-im bi-it-ki
19 a-na [ri?]-ik-si-im [ša?] qá-ti-ki
20 ┌la?/e?┐ t[a-ap]-pa-[la/al]-sí-i
21 ki-ma šu-u[m-m]a-ni-im i-ta?-ap?-la-si-ni
22 ki-ma bu-ri-im lu-i-ki-ni
23 a-mi-ni ra-mi ki-ma pa-ar-[ši]-gi-im
24 ta-ar-ku-si re-eš-ki
25 ki-ma [n]é-ba-[ḫi]-im
26 te-z[i?-ḫ]i-ma? q[á-ab-l]a-ki
27 ┌ṣí┐-[ḫa-ti]-ia k[i-m]a ša-am-ni-im
28 [n]a-ši [i?-n]i-ki
29 [al-k]i-ma [a-n]a ṣe-ri-ia
30 [x x x] iš!?-im?-m[a? š]u-mi-i[m]
1 Love-charm! Love-charm!
2–3 His two horns are gold, his(!) tail is pure lapis-lazuli:
4 Placed in the heart of Ištar.
5 I raised my voice to her, but she did not turn to me,
6 I gazed (at her) but she did not look at me.
7–8 If she is a hierodule, may her sweetheart perish.
9–10 If she is a cloister-lady, may her provider perish.
11–14 May the nubile girl, a daughter of a gentleman fall at my cry, at my shout!
14–16 May the dough fall (out) of her hands,
16–17 (as well as) the little one on her arms.
18 Do not attach your house to me!
19–20 Do not look after the task under you hands!
21 Look at me like (a cow held with) a halter!
22 Lick me like (a cow licking) a calf!
23–24 Why, my love, did you cover your head like (with) a p.-cover?
25–26 (Why) like (with) a belt did you girdle you loins?
27 My l[ove-making] is (as good) as oil,
28 ... ... ... you(f.)
29 ... come forward, to me!
30 ... ... name(?).
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
aḫum II | arm, side; bank (of river) | Body/Body parts | 17 |
amārum (v.) | G to see; catch sight of; N pass. of G, be found | 6 | |
awīlum, aʾīlu, amēlu (LÚ; LÚ.ÙLU) | man, free man, human being | Social status/Groups/Professions | 11 |
batultum | adolescent, nubile girl | Social status/Groups/Professions | 11 |
būrum II | calf, (bull) calf | Fauna (domestic) | 22 |
dādum I | darling, favorite, sexual attractiveness | Human activities/actions,Social status/Groups/Professions | 8 |
ezēḫum (v.) | G to gird on, strap on, tie on | 26 | |
ḫurāṣum (KÙ.SIG17; KÙ.GÌ) | gold | Materials | 2 |
irimmum | charm, love charm | Abstract concepts | 1 |
Ištar | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 4 |
līšum | dough | Food/Drink | 14 |
maqātum (v.) | G to fall, drop; Š caus. of G | 7, 10, 14 16 | |
mārtum (DUMU.MUNUS) | daughter, girl | Kinship terms | 11 |
muppirum | provider | Social status/Groups/Professions | 9 |
nadītum | "fallow" (i.e. childless) woman, celibate (priestess) | Social status/Groups/Professions | 9 |
nēbeḫum, nībaḫum | band, belt, sash | Fabricated objects | 25 |
palāsum (v.) | to look, glance, G to look at, towards; N look, gaze, consider; Ntn iter. constantly gaze at | 6, 20, 21 | |
paršīgum | headdress, turban, keffieh | Fabricated objects | 23 |
qablum I | hips, middle | Body/Body parts | 26 |
qadištum, qašdatum | priestess (kind of) | Social status/Groups/Professions | 7 |
qannum II, qarnum | horn | Body/Body parts | 2 |
rakāsum (v.) | G to bind | 18, 24 | |
râmum | love, love-making | Abstract concepts,Emotions/Feelings,Human activities/actions | 23 |
rēšum (SAG) | head; beginning; slave | Abstract concepts,Body/Body parts | 24 |
rigmum | voice, cry, noise | Emotions/Feelings,Human activities/actions,Verbal expressions | 12, 13 |
riksum | knot, bond, contract | Fabricated objects | 19 |
šagīmum | roaring, clamour | Verbal expressions | 13 |
šamnum (Ì; Ì.GIŠ) | oil, fat, cream | Food/Drink,Materials | 27 |
šasûm (v.) | G to shout, call (out), read (out); Gtn iter. of G | 5 | |
ṣīḫtum | laughter, pl. flirtations, amusements, delights | Human activities/actions | [27] |
ṣuḫārum ((LÚ.)TUR; DI4.DI4.LA?) | boy, male child, servant, adolescent | Kinship terms,Social status/Groups/Professions | 16 |
šummannum, šummunnum | halter, tether | Fabricated objects | 21 |
šumum (MU) | name, son, line of text | Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions | [30] |
târum (v.) (GUR) | G to turn, return, become again; D to bring, send, give, pay back | 5 | |
uqnûm (na4ZA.GÌN) | lapis lazuli, turquoise | Materials | 3 |
zibbatum | tail | Body/Body parts | 3 |