RA 15, 159ff. (Agušaya B)

SEAL no. 7494

Copy / Photo
176-177 (photo)
Tablet Siglum
Unknown present location
Genre / Classification
Hymns and Prayers, Agushaya B
col. i
1           ga-na zu? [...]
2           ú-ir da? [...]
3           pa-a-nam [...]
4           ki-a-ki(-)i? [...]
5           i-da-at du-un-ni-ša
6           [a]r-ka-as-sà pu-ur-sà
7           [a]š-ra-ta-ša-a li-ta?/ša?-am-⌈x-x⌉
8           [le]-qé-a-am it-ta-ti-ša
9           šu-un-ni-a al-ka-as-[sà]
10         na-di-in te-re-e-ti
11         it-pé-e-šu dNin-šubur
12         er-šu-ú SUKKAL-lu ša ⌈x-x-x-(x)?⌉
13         al-KI-e ú-ir ur [...]
14         šu-ú it-ta-ṣí a-na ZU-[x x]
15         i-li-ik iš-te-e[n?] i?⌉-na BU?-[...]
16         a-na ṣe-ri-i-ša
17         iš-ni-šu i-mu-[ra?]-am šu-ur-[ba?]
18         i-qá-al el-ša-a i-te-⌈x⌉-ša? x x x x
19         ip-ta-ar ši-ik-na-as-sà
20         šu!-uk-lu!-la-at e-pé-ša
21         ú-ul im-la(-)al x-(x) ni-ši
22         ši-ki-tu-uš ta-ak-la-at! (sign: AK)
23         a-le-yu-tim ma-da-at
24         zu-ʾ-ú-na-at na-mu-ra-ti
25         at-bu-uš-ša šu-ul-ma⌉?-at⌉?
26         [ga]-ṣa-at ša-li-a-at ù ra-ʾ-ba-at
27         GURUŠ? KI.SIKIL-am i-šu
28         ba?/zu? ga? ⌈x⌉ ḫi-ip ri-gi-im-ša
29         ⌈i-ta-ḫa-az⌉ it-te-[ša?]
30         ⌈x x⌉ [x] ⌈x x x⌉ al ⌈x-x⌉
col. ii
1'           ù? [...] in? [...]
2'           (traces)
3'           (traces)
4'           [...] pa?-ni?-a?-am?
5'           [...] ši?-ga?
6'                 ki-ru-gú 7-kam-ma?
 7'          (traces)
8'           [...] dṢa-al-tum?
9'           [...]-iš il-tim 8-tár
10'               giš-gi4-gál-bi
11'         ša-am-ri-iš ⌈x-x⌉-⌈e⌉
12'         le-i-it i-li ga-še-er-tum
13'         šu-pí-iš du-un-ni-ša
14'         ša-ga-pu-ri-iš it-na-za-az
15'         qá-ra-at-tum 8-tár
16'         le-i-ti-i-li ga-še-er-tum
17'         šu-pí-iš du-un-ni-ša
18'         ša-ga-pu-ri-iš it-na-az-za-az
19'         i-na na-ar-bi-i-ša
20'         ik-ta-na-ṣa-aṣ le-em-ni-ša
21'         la ú?-ta-ar i-ra-as-sà
22'         i-na i-la-a-ti at-ra-at
23'         eṭ-li-iš ú-ti-à-at
24'         a-wa-ta-am i-qá-ab-bi
25'         ša-am-ri-iš i-sà-qá-ar
26 '        ⌈ši-i i-da-at du-un-ni-ša⌉
col. iii
1'−9'      (traces)
10'         UD-mu ki? [...]
11'         i-gu?-ug? [...]
12'         ⌈x⌉ [...]
13'         ki-ma ga-aš-ra-at
14'         ⌈a-ša⌉-ka-a-nu? [...]
15'         ša i-na ši?-[...]
16'         ša ta-ap-pu?-ḫi? [...]
17'         ur-ra-a i-x [...]
18'         ša la x ab? [...]
19'         a-la-ak-ta [...]
20'         ú-te-eq-[qí/qú (?) ...]
21'         d⌈x⌉ [...]
col. iv
(About 6 lines at the beginning of the column are broken.)
1'           A-gu-[ša-ia? ...]
2'           te-li-i-[tu? ...]
3'           a-na dÉ-[a ...]
4'           mi-na-am [...]
5'           tab-ni-a-am [...]
6'           ša pí-ša? ba!-ar [...]
7'           an ta-ni? [...]
8'           iš-ti-a-at bu-[uk-ra-at dNin-gal]
9'           ... [...]
10'         a-pa-[n]i-ia [...]
11'         šu ta ar [...]
12'         de ke? [...]
13'         ta-aḫ-[...]
14'         ma? [...]
15'         im? [...]
16'         a? [...]
col. v
1            ta-aš-ta-ka-an na-ar-bi-[i-ša?]
2            dṢa-al-tum ri-ig-[ma-ša?]
3            iš-ta-ka-an e-li-i[a]
4            li-tu-ur up-pí-iš-ša
5            ⌈dÉ-a pa-a-šu i-pu-ša-ma
6            a-na A-gu-ša-ia qá-ra-ad i-li i-sà-qar
7            a-na sú-ur-ri ki-ma ta-aq-bi-i
8            e-pí-pu?-uš?-ma
9            ⌈tu-ta/ša-ar⌉-ra-ri-in-ni-ma
10          ⌈tu-ḫa-ad⌉-[di] ⌈i-šu-ú-ṣú-uk-ki
11          ki-ma [i]n?-né-ep-šu-ú
12          ib-ba-nu-ú dṢa-al-tum
13          ṭe?-mi-ni li-il-ma-da
14          ni-šu ar-ki-a-tum
15          ⌈li-ib-šiša-at-⌈ti⌉-ša
16          li-iš-ša-ki-in gu-uš?-tu-ú
17          i-pa-ar-ṣí-im <ša> ša-at-ti
18          bi-it-ri-i ⌈ni-ši⌉-i gi-im-ra-as-sí-in
19          li-me-el-lu i-sú-qí-im
20          ši-me-e ri-gi-im-ši-in
21          at-ti bi-it-ri-i em-qé-ta-ši-in
22          ṭe!-em-ši-in li-im-di-i
23          ù ša-rum ša an-ni-a-am za-ma-ra-a[m]
24          i-da-at qú-ur-di-ki
25          ta-ni-it-ta-ki iš-mu-ni
26          Ḫa-am-mu-ra-pí <ša>  an-ni-a-am za-ma-[ra-am]
27          i-na pa-li-šu ta-ni-it-ki ⌈x x⌉
28          in-né-ep-šu
29          lu šu-ut-lu-um-šu ad-da-ar ba-la-ṭ[ú]
col. vi
1            ⌈ù!? ri-im-ta-ki
2            si-iq-ru-uk-ki
3            na-ad-na-a-ti a-na A-gu-ša-ia
4            ú-da-at dṢa-al-tum
5            i-KI-i-ip ⌈x-ti-i-ki
6            a-⌈x x⌉-ba-tim ša-qú-ú-tim
7            ma-an-nu-um li-im-gu-úr-ma
8            ša am-ta-li-ú? qá-ti-iš-ša
9            at-ti! ka-ab-ta-as-sà
10          ab-ta-na-ak-ki x x
11          ú-na-id 8-tár
12          šar-ra-tu i-la-tim
13          A-gu-ša-ia du-un-na-ša
14          ki-ma te-li-i-...
15          la-ʾi-iš-ta dṢa-al-ta
16          ša ni?-šu-⌈x-ša⌉ ⌈ib⌉-nu-ú-ši
17          dÉ-a ni-iš-ši-i-ku
18          i-da-at du-un-ni-ša
19          ka-la ni-ši ú-še-eš-mi
20          ub-ta-an-ni ta-ar-bi-a-ta-ša
21               ki-ru-gú 10-kam-ma
22          na!-ar-bi-a-aš ú-ša-sí-im
23          i-nu-uḫ ip-ša-aḫ li-ib-ba-ša
24          la-ba-tu Iš8-tár
25               giš-gi4-gál-bi
26               DUB-pí ša A-gu-ša-ia
col. i
1      “Come! [...]
2            Give order ... [...]
3            The face [...]
4      ... [...]
5           the signs of her strength.
6      Investigate her case for me!
7           Her places ...
8      Take for me her signs!
9            Recount for me [her] behaviour!”
10    The giver of messages,
11          the capable Ninšubur,
12          the wise messenger of ⌈...⌉
13    “... Give order! ... [...].”
14    He went out to [...]
15          He went alone from [...]
16          to her.
17    He became different against him(?), he saw the exceedingly gre[at one(?)],
18          keeping silent against her ...,
19          inspecting her figure:
20    She was perfect in her actions.
21          She ... of the people.
22    Her figure was trustworthy.
23          She was abundant in victory.
24    She was endowed with terrifying splendor.
25          She is safe(?) in her onrush(?).
26    She was murderous, whirling(?) and enraged.
27          She possessed a young man(?) (and) a girl.
28         ... her clamor.
29    He learnt ... [...]
30         [...]
col. ii
1'−5' [...]
6'     The seventh song.
7'     [...]
8'     [...] Ṣāltum.
9'     [...]of the goddess Ištar.
10'   Its antiphon.
11'   Impetuously [...]
12'             the most capable of the gods, the powerful,
13'         to make her might appear,
14'              always stands mightily.
15'   The heroine Ištar,
16'              the most capable of the gods, the powerful,
17'         to make her might appear,
18'             always stands mightily.
19'   Through her great deeds
20'              she always grinds off the evil against her.
21'         She never turns back.
22'              She is surpassing among the goddesses.
23'  She is ... like a man:
24'             Does she says a word,
25'        she speaks impetuously:
26'              This is the sign of her might.
col. iii
1'−9' [...]
10'   The day [...]
11'   He grew angry (?) [...]
12'   [...]
13'   that she is strong.
14'   I place(?) [...]
15'   Who/Which in [...]
16'   Who/Which you light up(?) [...]
17'   The day [...]
18'   Who/Which not [...]
19'   The way [...]
20'   They/She/He w[aited(?) ...]
21'  [...]
col. iv
1'     Agu[šaya ...]
2'           the very compete[nt one spoke]
3'           to E[a..:]
4'     “What [...?]
5'           You created [...]
6'     Of her mouth... [...]
7'     ... [...]
8'     The fi[rst-born of Ningal] is unique.
9'     ... [...]
10'   for me [...]
11'−16' [...]
col. v
1      “You have accorded [her(?)] greatness.
2            Ṣāltum has raised [her(?)] clamor
3                 against me.
4                 May she return to her cave!” 
5      Ea opened his mouth and
6            the hero of gods spoke to Agušaya:
7      “To be sure, as soon as you said it,
8                 I will do (it).
9           You... me and
10               you made (me) happy by your sending out.
11    That it was done,
12               (that) Ṣāltum was created,
13         (this) report of us(?) may learn
14               the people of future days.
15    Let it take place annually,
16               let be established a whirling dance!
17          At the cult days of the year
18               Look at all the people!
19    Let them play in the street!
20               Hear their clamor!
21         Look yourself at their clever deeds!
22               Learn their intention!
23    And the king who heard from me this song,
24               the sign of your heroism,
25               and your praise,
26          Ḫammurapi,  reign this song
27              as your praise ...
28               was composed,
29          may he be granted life forever!
col. vi
1      And your wild cow(?)
2                 by your command
3                 you gave to Agušaya.
4      Ṣāltum is affliction(?).
5      ... your [...].
6      The high ...
7      But who should agree with
8            what I will have filled in her hands?
9      You, her mind
10          I have created for you ...
11    He (Ea) praised Ištar,
12               queen of the goddesses,
13          Agušaya, her might,
14               as(?) the capable one ...
15    The merciless Ṣāltum
16               who ... he had created,
17          the prince Ea −
18               the sign of her might
19          he made all people hear.
20               He made beautiful her magnificence.
21    The tenth song.
22    He gave her fame worthy of her.
23          She calmed down, her heart was appeased,
24          the lioness Ištar.
25    Its antiphon.
26    Tablet of Agušaya.
Word Translation Semantic Line
agāgum (v.) G to be(come) furious; D to be angry iii 11
Agušaya DN, name of Ištar iv 1', v 6, vi 3, vi 13
aḫāzum (v.) G to take, marry, grasp, seize, learn; Š to make s.o. take, marry, learn i 2
alaktum way, course Abstract concepts i 9, iii 19'
alākum (v.) (DU) G to go, walk; Gt go off, away; Gtn wander, go repeatedly, roam about, walk; Š caus. of G i 15
amārum (v.) G to see; catch sight of; N pass. of G, be found i 17
annûm this, those v 23, v 26
ašrum (KI) place, site Locations/Buildings i 7
awātum, amātu (INIM) word, matter, speech Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions ii 24'
balāṭum (TI) life, vigour, good health Abstract concepts v 29
banûm (v.) G to build, create; N be created, made iv 5, v 12, vi 10, vi 16, vi 20
barûm (v.) to see, to look v 18, v 21
bašûm (v.) G to be, exist; Š bring into being, create v 15
bukratum daughter, first-born Kinship terms [iv 8']
dārum era, eternity Abstract concepts,Time concepts v 29
dunnum strength, force i 5, ii 13', ii 17', ii 26', vi 13, vi 18
Ea DN Deities/Divine sphere iv 3', v 5, vi 17
emqum wise, clever v 21
epēšum (v.) G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G i 20, v 5, v 8, v 11, v 28
eršum I wise i 12
eṭliš manly ii 23'
eṭlum (GURUŠ; ŠUL) manly; young man Social status/Groups/Professions i 27
gana come on, yallah! i 1
gašrum strong, powerful ii 12, ii 16, iii 13
gaṣṣum I cruel, murderous i 26
gimratum totality v 18
gūštum whirling dance (connected to dGušaya?) v 16
ḫadûm III (v.) G to be joyful, rejoice v 10
Ḫammurāpi PN; RN PN v 26
ḫīpum break i 28
ḫuppum hole, pit v 4
iltum (DINGIR) goddess Deities/Divine sphere ii 9', ii 22', vi 12
ilum (DINGIR) god, deity Deities/Divine sphere ii 12', ii 16', v 6
irtum I (GABA) breast, chest Body/Body parts ii 21'
Ištar DN Deities/Divine sphere ii 9', ii 15', vi 11, vi 24
ištēn (//diš) one i 15, iv 8
išûm (v.) G to have i 27
itpēšum wise, expert i 11
ittum sign, mark Abstract concepts i 5, i 8, ii 26', v 24, vi 18
izuzzum (v.) (GUB) G to stand; Gtn iter. of G; Š cause to be present, appoint ii 14, ii 18
kabattum, kabtatum liver, mood, mind, intention Body/Body parts vi 9
kalûm II (DÙ.A.BI) all, totality, everything vi 19
kaṣāṣum (v.) to gnash ii 20
lābatum lioness Fauna (wild) vi 24
lamādum (v.) to learn, to become aware v 13, v 22
lā’išum gripping vi 15
lē'ûm powerful, competent ii 12, ii 16
lemnum (ḪUL) evil, bad; evil person, enemy ii 20
leqûm (v.) G to take, take over; Š caus. of G i 8, ii 11
lē'ûtum competence, skill, power i 23
libbum (ŠÀ) heart, mind; inner body vi 23
mādum many, very vi 7
magārum (v.) G to consent, agree; Gt to agree with one another, settle on vi 7
malûm IV (v.) G to become full, fill up; D fill (up); Št to provide vi 8
mannum who?, who vi 7
mēlulum (v.) to play v 19
mīnum what, what? iv 4
nadānum (v.) (SUM) G to give, bestow i 10, vi 3
nâdum (v.) G to praise; D=G vi 11
nâḫum (v.) G to rest; D to calm vi 23
namurratum awe-inspiring radiance Deities/Divine sphere i 24
napāḫum (v.) G to blow, light up, rise iii 16
narbûm greatness, pl. deeds Abstract concepts ii 19', v 1, vi 22
Ningal DN Deities/Divine sphere [iv8']
Ninšubur DN i 11
niššīkum, naššīkum a title of Ea, prince vi 17
nišū (UN.MEŠ) people, humanity, population Social status/Groups/Professions i 21, v 14, v 18, vi 19
palûm (BALA) period of office, reign, a staff, rod Abstract concepts,Fabricated objects v 27
pānûm first, earlier, front ii 4
pānum I (IGI) front, face, earlier times Abstract concepts,Body/Body parts i 3, iv 10'
parāsum (v.) G to cut (off), decide, divide; Gtn continually block i 6
parṣum office, (cultic) ordinance, divine powers, rites v 17
pârum (v.) to look for, to search i 19
pašāḫum (v.) G to cool down, rest; Gtn OB "repeatedly gain relief" sexually; Š cause/allow to rest, calm, pacify; Št be assuaged; ŠD calm, pacify vi 23
pûm I (KA) mouth, statement, command, opening Body/Body parts iv 6', v 5
qabûm (v.) (DUG4) G to say, speak, command ii 24, v 7
qâlum (v.) to pay attention, be silent i 18
qarrādum (UR.SAG) warlike; hero, warrior ii 15', v 6
qarrāttum heroine ii 15
qātum (ŠU) hand vi 8
qurdum warriorhood, heroism Abstract concepts,Qualities/Attributes v 24
ra'ābum (v.) to shake, tremble i 26
rigmum voice, cry, noise Emotions/Feelings,Human activities/actions,Verbal expressions i 28, v 2, v 20
rīmtum wild cow vi 1
šagapūrum powerful, strong ii 14, ii 18
šakānum (v.) (GAR) G to put, place, lay down, Š make smb. place, establish, N be put, established iii 14, v 1, v 3, v 16
ṣāltum combat, strife, discord, quarrel; DN ii 8', v 2, v 12, vi 15
šalûm (v.) I to submerge, immerse o.s. i 26
šamrum fierce, furious ii 10, ii 25
šanûm III (v.) G to do twice, do for a second time; D repeat, report i 9
šaqûm II (v.) G to be(come) high, elevated; D raise up vi 6
šarratum queen Social status/Groups/Professions vi 12
šarrum (LUGAL; EN) king, lord Social status/Groups/Professions 23
šattišam year by year, yearly v 15
šattum (MU) year v 17
šemûm (v.) G to listen, to hear; Gtn to hear, to listen again and again v 20, v 25, vi 19
ṣērum (EDIN) back, upperside, steppe, open country, towards i 16
šikittum appearance, figure 22
šiknum appearance, nature; shape i 19
šuklulum (v.) Š to complete, make/do completely i 20
šulmum well-being, completeness, health; peace i 25
šūpûm made apparent, resplendent, famous, shining, splendid ii 13, ii 17
sūqum (SILA) street Locations/Buildings v 19
šurbûm very great i 17
šutlumum (v.) Š to grant, bestow generously v 29
takālum (v.) to trust, to encourage i 22
tanittum, šanittum (hymn of) praise Verbal expressions v 25, v 27
tarbâtum greatness, magnificence vi 20
tarbītum child rearing; offspring vi 20
târum (v.) (GUR) G to turn, return, become again; D to bring, send, give, pay back ii 21, v 4
Telītum DN, “(the) very competent (one)” epith. of goddesses esp. Ištar iv 2, vi 14
ṭēmum thought, plan, instruction, information Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions v 13, v 22
têrtum instruction i 10
tībum arousal, attack i 25
ṭuppum, tuppum (DUB) clay tablet, document, letter vi 26
ūdum, uddum distress, affliction vi 4
ūmum I (UD) day, daily Abstract concepts,Nature/Cosmological phenomena,Time concepts iii 10'
uppum I tube, socket v 4
urrum daytime, morning, daybreak iii 17
urrum daytime, morning, daybreak Time concepts iii 17'
waqûm (v.) G to wait, Dt wait, await, expect, to wait attentively iii 20
wardatum (KI.SIKIL) girl, young woman Social status/Groups/Professions i 27
warkatum rear, estate, legacy, background, affair, backside; after i 6
warkûm rear, later v 14
wârum (v.) G to go (up to); D instruct, govern, commission, appoint, send i 2, i 13
wasāmum (v.) to be fitting, suitable, beautiful vi 22
waṣûm (v.) G to go out, depart; Š caus. of G i 14, v 10
watrum huge ii 22
zakārum, saqārum (v.) to speak, say, name, mention; talk; swear ii 25, v 6
zamārum (ŠÌR) song Verbal expressions,Written texts/Literary terms v 23, v 26
za'ānum to be embellished, to be equipped i 24
zikrum, siqrum utterance, name; mention of the name; reputation Verbal expressions vi 2
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Revision History
Hess, Christian W.
English corrections
Kärger, Brit
Basic transliteration and translation
Streck, Michael P.
Streck, Michael P.
Final transliteration, translation and commentary
Wasserman, Nathan
Streck, Michael P.
Pohl, Antonia
Pohl, Antonia