AfO 50, 11ff. (Mama)

SEAL no. 7502

  • HS 1884 obv. (SEAL)HS 1884 obv. (SEAL)
  • HS 1884 rev. (SEAL)HS 1884 rev. (SEAL)
  • HS 1884 edge (SEAL)HS 1884 edge (SEAL)
  • Krebernik 2003/4 obv.Krebernik 2003/4 obv.
  • Krebernik 2003/4 rev.Krebernik 2003/4 rev.
Copy / Photo
13 (copy), 14 (ph.)
Tablet Siglum
HS 1884 ('175')
Hilprecht Sammlung, Jena
Genre / Classification
Hymns and Prayers, Mama

col. i


1' [                           ]⌈ši?⌉ ⌈a-at?-ta?⌉

2' [                           dBIL.G]I it-ta-an/-pa-aḫ

3' [                           t]u-ba-su

4' [                           ]⌈e?⌉-eb-ru

5' [                           ]⌈e⌉-mu-qi

6' [                           ]⌈x⌉-ul(-)te-e

7' [                                 -t]a?-ar

8' [                                   ] UD



col. ii


1' [                           ] ⌈x-ma?-si?-im?⌉

2' [x x x x x x T]U? GALA?-iš pa-ra-ki!

3' [x x (x) tu-up-š]a?-ra-ša i-ša-ṭa-ar tu-up-pa

4' mi-im-ma sú-pi ša i-ša-si20-a-ni-im

5' te-še20-me-mi šu-a-at ú-wa-ṣa-ar eš15-šu

6' im-mu-ut-ti-ša na-zu-uz ú-se-li

7' il-šu ri-i-mu-um i-ka-ra-ab dMa-ma

8' tu-ut-te-él šar-ra-am ḫa-ṭa-šu tu-ša-ar-ma

9' il-šu ma-aḫ-ra-ša i-ṣa-ba-at qá-as-sú

10' a-nu-um še-rum ú-ša-at-li-im-ši

11' ša-du-i er-ṣe-ti-im na-ga-ab na-ra-ti

12' i-ši-im-šu-um ṣú-ul-mi ḪÉ.GÁL-la šu-wa-à-ia

13' [r]a-da-am ši-ir dIŠKUR nu-ḫu-uš a-pé-ti-im

14' [ ]-te-mi ṣe-re-et ša-ma-i

15' [ul-la-a]d? re-em er-ṣe-ti-im i-ni-ib in-bu

16' [     ]⌈x⌉-ši-ia-ma tu-ša-ab-ša

17' [     d]⌈Ma⌉-ma ka-la bu-la-at dEN.LÍL

18' [                      nu-ḫ]u-uš ú-ga-ri

19' [                          ]⌈x⌉ la ú um šar-ri

20' [                              bu-u]l? dŠAKKAN

21' [                                 na]m?-ma-aš-ta eq-li

22' [                                            d]Ma-ma

23' [                                            -t]a il-tu

24' [                                              ]-⌈im?⌉

25' [                                           -u]m?-ma-ti




col. iii



1' [                                              ]⌈x⌉-ša

2' [                                           -a]m

3' [                                              ]x-ta-ad-di

4' [                                              ]

5' [                                              ]

6' [                                   dBé-le-e]t-ì-lí


7' [x x x x x] ⌈x⌉-mi wa-ši-ba-at ke-eš el-li-im

8' [ma-sú-ta-am š]u-ka-am ki wa-li-di-iš ta-ni-it-ta-aš / lu-uz-mu-ur

9' [d]⌈Ma⌉-ma bu-uk-ra-at a-ni-im wa-ši-ba-at / ke-eš el-li-im

10' ma-sú-ta-am šu-ka-am ki wa-li-di!(KI)-iš ta-ni-it-ta-aš lu-uz-mu-ur

11' ul-lu-ta-am ke-ku-na ra-aš-ba-ta-am ka-li-iš-ša

12' bé-le-et ga-ṣú-ti-im ša-du-i [ù] ḫu-ur-ša-ni

13' dA-ru-ru ra-aš-ba-ta-am ka-li-iš-ša

14' bé-le-et ga-ṣú-ti-im ša-du-i [ù] ḫu-ur-ša-ni

15' ra-bi-ta-am ša-ab-su-ut re-mi-im

16' qá-qá-ri-im ù ša-ma-i

17' mu-šu-ṣí-it ḪÉ.GÁL-li el-šu-nu mu-šu-li-it-ta-aš/-nu

18' dMa-ma ša-ab-su-ut re-mi-im

19' qá-qá-ri-im ù ša-ma-i

20' mu-šu-ṣí-it ḪÉ.GÁL-li el-šu-nu mu-šu-li-it-ta-aš-nu

21' SAG.KAL-la-at i-gi4-gi4 ba-ni-a-at ka-li-ma

22' qú-ur-qú-ra-at dA-nun-na-ke4 i-li ù šar-ri

23' da-ru-ru ba-ni-a-atka-li-i-ma

24' [qú-ur-qú-ra-a]t dA-nun-na-ke4i⌉[-li ù šar-ri]

25' [                   ] ⌈x⌉ [                            ]


col. iv


1' [                                             ]⌈x⌉-im

2' [                                             ]-ZA

3' [                                          -]u (or -U]Z)

4' [                                          -š]a-am-ma

5' [                                           -t]a-aš

6' [                                             ]-um

7' [                                             ]-al

8' [                                         -d]i-nu-ša

9' [                                          -š]i?

10' [                                             ] ⌈x⌉

11' [                                            ]-um



col. i


1' [..]. you(?).

2' […fir]e(?) broke out.

3' […] she puts him to shame(?).

4' […] friends(?).     

5' […] (my)(?) strength.

6' […] incantation (?).

7' [… you] come/bring back(?).

8' [..].


col. ii


1' [..].

2' [..]. to the lamentation-priest of the sanctuary(?).

3' … her scribe writes a tablet.

4'–5'  Every prayer which they cry she hears and he draws it on it (the tablet).

6'–7' Before her in prayer stands his (the king's) god, the wild bull, and blesses Mama.

8'–9' She makes the king sleep, she lets him lay down his scepter. His god holds his hand in front of you.

10'–11' Fierce Anum bestowed her the mountains of the earth (and) the source of the rivers.

12'–13' He decreed for him (the King) the black clouds, his (Anu's) own plenty(?): rainstorm, the flesh of Adad, the abundance of the beclouded (people).

14'–15' He uncovers(?) the breasts of the heaven (and) the womb of the earth gives birth(?), fruit ripens.

16' [..]. she brings into existence.

17' [..]. Mama (?) all subjects of Enlil

18' [..]. the abundance of the meadow

19' [..]. King(?).

20' [..]. livestock of Šakkan.

21' [..]. animals of the field.

22' [..]. Mama.

23' [..]. goddess.

24' [..].

25' [..].


col. iii


1' [..].

2' [..].

3' [..].

4' […]

5' […]

6' [… Bēlet]-ilī.


7'–8' …, who dwells in pure Keš, [expert] in scribal art like her father – Let me sing her praise!

9'–10' Mama, the firstborn of Anum, who dwells in pure Keš, an expert in scribal art like her father – Let me sing her praise!

11'–12' Whose temple is high, the awe-inspiring one in everything – the lady of the raging ones, of mountains and uplands.

13'–14' Aruru, the awe-springing one in everything – the lady of the raging ones, of mountains and uplands.

15'–17' The great one, midwife for the womb, for the earth and the heaven, who lets the yield to be produced on them, who lets them give birth.

18'–20' Mama, midwife for the womb, for the earth and the heaven, who lets the yield to be produced on them, who lets them give birth.

21'–22' The foremost one among the Igigi, the creatress of everything, the lady-metalworker of the Anunnaki, of gods and kings!

23'–24' Aruru, the creatress of everything, [the lady-metalwork]er of the Anunnaki, of gods and kings!

25' […]


col. iv


1'  [..].

2'  [..].

3'  [..].

4'  [..].   

5'  [..].

6'  [..].

7'  [..].

8'  [..].

9'  [..].

10'  [..].

11'  [..].


Word Translation Semantic Line
Adad (dIŠKUR) DN Deities/Divine sphere ii 13'
Anum DN Deities/Divine sphere ii 10', iii 9'
Anunnakkū, Enunnakkū DN Deities/Divine sphere iii 22', iii 24'
apâtum, epiātum beclouded (epithet of human beings); numerous, teeming ii 13'
Aruru DN Deities/Divine sphere iii 13', iii 23'
bānûm, f. bānîtum creator, begetter iii 23'
bašûm (v.) G to be, exist; Š bring into being, create ii 16'
bâšum (v.) to be ashamed, come to shame i 3'
ba'ūlātum subjects, population ii 17'
Bēlet(-kala)-ilī (DINGIR.MAḪ) DN Deities/Divine sphere ⌈iii 6'⌉
bēltum (NIN) lady, mistress, proprietress Social status/Groups/Professions iii 12', iii 14'
bukratum daughter, first-born Kinship terms iii 9'
būl Šakkan, būl dŠakkan animals, livestock of Šakkan Fauna (wild) ii 20'
būlum (MÁŠ.ANŠE) animals, livestock Fauna (domestic),Fauna (wild) ii 20'
eli, elu on, above, over ii 5', iii 20'
ellum (KÙ.GA) pure, clear, sacred Qualities/Attributes iii 7', iii 9'
emūqum ((LÚ.)USU) strength, force Human activities/actions i 5'
enēbum (v.) to fruit ii 15'
Enlil DN Deities/Divine sphere ii 17'
eqlum (A.ŠÀ) field, terrain Locations/Buildings ii 21'
erṣetum (KI) earth, land, netherworld Nature/Cosmological phenomena ii 11', ii 15'
eṣērum (v.) (ḪUR) to draw, design ii 5'
gaṣṣum I cruel, murderous iii 12', iii 14'
gegunnûm, kikunnûm raised temple Locations/Buildings iii 11'
Girra DN Deities/Divine sphere ⌈i 2'⌉
ḫaṭṭum (gišGIDRU) stick, sceptre Fabricated objects ii 8'
ḫegallum (ḪÉ.GÁL) abundance, productivity, prosperity, plenty Abstract concepts ii 12', iii 17', iii 20'
ḫuršānum (ḪUR.SAG) mountain(s) Nature/Cosmological phenomena iii 12', iii 14'
ibrum, ebrum friend, colleague Human activities/actions i 4'(?)
Igigû DN, the (ten) great gods Deities/Divine sphere iii 21'
iltum (DINGIR) goddess Deities/Divine sphere ii 23'
ilum (DINGIR) god, deity Deities/Divine sphere ii 7', ii 9', iii 22', [iii 24']
ina in, on, by, from ii 6'
inbum fruit, flower, sexual appeal Flora ii 15'
itūlum, utūlum (v.) Gt to lie down, sleep, be lying ii 8'
izuzzum (v.) (GUB) G to stand; Gtn iter. of G; Š cause to be present, appoint ii 6'
kalîš totally iii 11', 13'
kalûm II (DÙ.A.BI) all, totality, everything Abstract concepts ii 17', iii 21', iii 23'
kalûm III (UŠ.KU) lamentation-priest Social status/Groups/Professions ii 2'
karābum (v.) G to pray, bless, greet ; Gtn iter. Gt constantly pray to, call blessings on; Š caus. of G ii 7'
Keš GN Locations/Buildings iii 7', iii 9'
like, how?, if, that iii 8', iii 10'
maḫrum II front, presence ii 9'
Mama DN Deities/Divine sphere ii 7', ii 17', ii 22', iii 9', iii 18'
massûm leader, expert Human activities/actions ⌈iii 8'⌉, iii 10'
mimma anything, something; everything, all Abstract concepts ii 4'
mušālidum who causes to give birth iii 20'
mušēṣûm who brings out iii 20'
muttum front ii 6'
nagabbum, nagbum I underground water; the whole, entirety Nature/Cosmological phenomena ii 11'
nammaštûm, nammaššûm moving things, animals Fauna (wild) ii 21'
napāḫum (v.) G to blow, light up, rise i 2'
nārum I (ÍD) river, watercourse, canal Nature/Cosmological phenomena ii 11'
nuḫšum abundance, plenty, fertility Abstract concepts ii 13', ⌈ii 18'⌉
parakkum (BÁRA) cult dais, sanctuary, chapel Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings ii 2'
qaqqarum (KI) earth, ground Locations/Buildings,Nature/Cosmological phenomena iii 16', iii 19'
qātum (ŠU) hand Body/Body parts ii 9'
qurqurratum female metalworker Social status/Groups/Professions iii 22', [iii 24']
rabûm (GAL) I big iii 15'
rādum rainstorm, cloudburst Nature/Cosmological phenomena ii 13'
ramûm III (v.) G to slacken, become loose; D release, let go ii 8'
rašbum terrifying iii 11', iii 13'
rēmum womb, compassion Body/Body parts ii 15', iii 15', iii 18'
rīmum (AM) wild bull Fauna (wild) ii 7'
ša who(m), which, of ii 4'
ṣabātum (v.) (DAB5) G to seize, take, hold ii 9'
šabsūtum, tabsūtum midwife Social status/Groups/Professions iii 15', iii 18'
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) mountain, open country Nature/Cosmological phenomena ii 11', iii 12', iii 14'
Šakkan (dŠakkan, dŠákkan) DN Deities/Divine sphere ii 20'
šamû I (AN) sky, heaven Nature/Cosmological phenomena ii 14', iii 16', iii 19'
sankallum (SAG.KALA) foremost iii 21'
šarrum (LUGAL; EN) king, lord Social status/Groups/Professions ii 8', ii 19', iii 22', [iii 24']
šasûm (v.) G to shout, call (out), read (out); Gtn iter. of G ii 4'
šaṭārum (IN.SAR) (v.) to write (down) ii 3'
šemûm (v.) G to listen, to hear; Gtn to hear, to listen again and again ii 5'
ṣerret šamê cosmic retaining rope Deities/Divine sphere,Nature/Cosmological phenomena ii 14'
ṣertum nipple, teat, udder Body/Body parts ii 14'
šērum I fierce ii 10'
šiāmum (v.) to fix, decree ii 12'
šīrum (UZU) flesh, body; entrails; kinsman, blood relative, meat; ominous sign Body/Body parts,Kinship terms ii 13'
šuāti, šâti him, her, it ii 5'
šukāmum penmanship(?) iii 8', iii 10'
sullûm (v.) to appeal to s.o., pray to ii 6'
ṣulmum rain cloud Nature/Cosmological phenomena ii 12'
šûm his, hers, belonging to him/her ii 12'
supûm, suppûm prayer Verbal expressions ii 4'
šutlumum (v.) Š to grant, bestow generously ii 10'
tanittum, šanittum (hymn of) praise Verbal expressions iii 8', iii 10'
târum (v.) (GUR) G to turn, return, become again; D to bring, send, give, pay back i 7'(?)
tûm, tuʾum incantation(-formula) i 6'
ṭuppum, tuppum (DUB) clay tablet, document, letter Fabricated objects,Written texts/Literary terms ii 3'
ṭupšarrum, tupšarrum (DUB.SAR) scribe Social status/Groups/Professions ⌈ii 3'⌉
u and, but, also iii 22', 24'
ugārum (A.GÀR) meadow Locations/Buildings ii 18'
ullûm II exalted iii 11'
walādum (v.) G to give birth ii 15'
wālīdum begetter, procreator, father iii 8', iii 10'
wāšibum sitting, dwelling, present; inhabitant iii 7', iii 9'
zamārum (v.) to sing, to play iii 8', iii 10'
Signs in text
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Revision History
Wende, Janine
Transliteration, Index
Streck, Michael P.
Wasserman, Nathan
Corrections (trans.)
Pohl, Antonia
Tulaikova, Yulia
Addition to index