SEAL no. 7506
VAT 5798 obv. (Vorderasiatisches Museum)
VAT 5798 right edge (Vorderasiatisches Museum)
VAT 5798 right edge (Vorderasiatisches Museum)
VAT 5798 lower edge (Vorderasiatisches Museum)
VAT 5798 rev. (Vorderasiatisches Museum)
VAT 5798 left edge (Vorderasiatisches Museum)
VAT 5798 left edge (Vorderasiatisches Museum)
VAT 5798 upper edge (Vorderasiatisches Museum)
1 il-ta-am ša-ma-aš ni-⌈ši⌉-i-⌈ša⌉
2 dNa-na-a sú-up-pí-a šu-uB-Ba na-az-⌈za⌉-⌈as⌉-[sà]
3 ša-tu ki-ma ar-ḫi-im a-na-ṭa-li-im
4 i-gi-sú-ṣi-il-la-ša ša-ru-ri za-ʾ-nu
5 [uḫ]-ta-an-na-mu e-lu-uš-ša
6 [n]a?-na-bu ma-aš-ra-ḫu du-šu-pu ku-úz-bu
7 [ḫu-d]i ṣi-ḫa-tim ù ru-a-mi tu-uš-ta-az-na-[an]
8 [r]a?-ma-am dNa-na-a ta-az-mu-ur
9 [it-t]a-al-la-⌈ku⌉ i-du-uš-ša ki-na-tum
10 [šu?-u]l?-mu-um ba-aš-tum si-im-tu-um
11 [qá?-bu?]-ú ša ⌈šu⌉-ul-mi ⌈ù⌉ [b]a-la-ṭi-im
12 [al]-ka-as-sà ad-da-ar da-⌈mi-iq⌉-tum it-tu-um
13 ⌈x x x-du⌉-at šu-a-ra-am
14 ⌈x x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉-du i-si-iq-ša la-am-da-at
15 šu-ul-lu-um li-ib-bi-i-ša a-bu-uš ú-ša-te-er-ši
16 ta-at-bi-⌈ma⌉ i-ri-ma-am id-di ki-š[a-d]i-⌈ša⌉
17 i-ku-ul-la-tu i-la-tim ⌈ra⌉-bu-um [A]-nu-um
18 a-li-du-uš ⌈ú⌉-ul-li [r]e-e-šu-uš
19 et-tum ⌈mu⌉-uš-ta-ar-ḫa-at ù ka-na-at
20 i-ši-im-ši na-aš-ma-ḫi ⌈ka!?⌉-da-ša ul-ṣa-am
21 ⌈ṣú⌉-ḫi-iš si-qá-ar ḫu-da-tim
22 i-ta-wu-ú an-ša-aš ú-ša-an-ma-ar li-ib-bu-uš
23 be-le-e-ti [š]a da-ad-mi ab-ra-ti-ši-in
24 pa-al-sà-a-ši-[i]m ki dUTU ni-šu nu-ri-iš-ki
25 [l]e-a4-tum em-qù-⌈tum⌉ te-⌈li⌉-tum
26 dIr-ni-na ga-aṣ-ṣa-tum g[a]-⌈še⌉-er-ti I-gi-gi
27 [a]t-ti šu-uš-qú-tum a-še-ra-sú-un
28 [q]é-er-bu-uš-šu-uš(-)šu-qú-ru šu!-mu-ú-ki
28a pa-[r]u-ú
29 im-ri li-ri-iš ka-ba-at-tu-uk
30 šu-te-eb-ri-i šu-li-li i-na ib-ra-tim
31 ki-du ḫa-šu-ra-am li-bi-lu-ki-im
32 ṣú!-<ḫi>-iš-ki li-im-lu-⌈ú⌉ la-lu-ú-⌈am⌉ nu-uḫ-ša-am
33 ta-ar-ṣi-à-ta-ki mi-gi-ir-ki
34 šar-ri tu-ud-di ⌈Sa⌉-am-su-i-lu-na zi-bi-ki li-qú-ud
35 i-pa-⌈at⌉ ⌈ki⌉-ib-ra-⌈tim⌉ ù ⌈ša-di?-im?⌉ li-iš<-ta>-ak-ka-an
36 šu-⌈ba-as-sú⌉ ⌈ṣú⌉-[ḫi]-⌈iš?⌉ ⌈ma-ḫa⌉-ar-ki [l]i-⌈ir⌉-mi
37 ši-bi-ir ne-ši-⌈im⌉ a-g[e4-e ša]r-ri-im
38 ša-na-tim ⌈ša⌉ mi-⌈ša⌉-[ri-im] ⌈ù⌉ ⌈ki⌉-na-tim
39 šu-úr-šu-ud [x x] ⌈x⌉ [x x x x] ⌈x⌉ [š]u-ul-mi
40 na-nu-uk-ki na-[ad?-nu?-šu?-um?] ⌈ad?⌉-[da?-a]r?
41 ṣe-ri-iš AN [...]-⌈x⌉-ra-à-ki-im
42 dNa-na-a [...]-⌈ri?⌉-⌈iš?⌉ iḫ-ta-aš-šu-uš
43 i-na ma-aš-⌈ta⌉-k[a-tim ..]-mi ⌈il⌉-⌈tum⌉
44 ⌈el⌉ [i]m-ra-x x [...] x ša-ni-iš ni-gu-ta-am te-ri!-iš
45 ib-bi-⌈ir?⌉-x x [...] ⌈x⌉-li-il
46 na-ra-[am-ša šar-ra-a]m ⌈sa-l]i-mu-uš-ša ta-ab-bi
47 [Sa?-a]m?-s[u?-i]-lu?-na? [... iz-z]a-az-za
48 [...] [šu]-wa-tu ta-ab-bi-i-šu
49 [da-r]i-a-am ba-la-a-ṭa-am dNa-na-a ar-k[a-am]
50 [ta]-tu-ú-ra-am tu-ṣi-ib ta-aš-ru-uk-šu-[um]
51 [a-n]a ⌈Sa-am⌉-su-⌈i⌉-lu-na na-ra-mi-i-ša
52 ⌈tu⌉-ša-at-[li-i]m-šu-u[m] ⌈ša-am⌉-ša ki na-an-na-a-ri-im
53 qí-bi-tu-uš-ša mi-i[g-ru-u]š e-te-el
54 [e]l ⌈úr⌉-ša-ni š[a-qí] i-n[a] ki-ib-ra-tim
55 [...] i-ma [... l]i-ri-iš na-bi-i-[ša]
56 ⌈x⌉-tum iš-⌈x⌉ [x x] x x iq-qé-er-[bi-...]
57 g[išg]e4-g[ál-bi]
Le. Ed.
58 šu-uš-qú-ú-ut il-tim
1 To the goddess, sun of her people,
2 to Nanāya pray, proclaim(?) [her] position,
3 she who is like the moon to look on
4 (and) whose awesome appearance is endowed with brilliance.
5 Upon her
6 [off]spring(?), splendour, sweetness and attractiveness bloom.
7 She is provided with [jo]y, laughter and charm.
8 Nanāya has sung of [lov]e(?).
9 At her side constantly walk justice,
10 [well-]being(?), dignity, decorum,
11 [comma]nd(?) of well-being and life.
12 Her path is a good sign forever.
13 ⌈She is …⌉ in dancing.
14 [...] she knows her lot.
15 Her father increased her (ability to attain) her desire.
16 She arose and he put love charms round her neck.
17 Anum the great, from among all goddesses,
18 her begetter, has raised her head.
19 She, the unique one, is magnificent and honoured.
20 He decreed for her exuberance, … (and) rejoicing.
21 Laughingly, a word of joy
22 he said to her, making her heart radiant:
23 “You are the mistress of the world’s inhabitants!
24 The people look upon you(!), upon your light, as (at) the sun’s!”
25 Capable, wise(?), experienced,
26 raging Irnina, the most powerful among the Igigi,
27 you are the most exalted one, directing them.
28 Among them precious are your names.
28a pārū-songs.
29 Shine! May your mind rejoice!
30 Keep up exulting in the shrines!
31 May the surrounding regions bring you cypress wood,
32 for your pleasure(!) may they be filled with wealth and abundance!
33 May your chosen-(one), your favourite,
34 the king you have destined, Samsuiluna, burn your food-offering!
35 May he always put the tribute of the (inhabited) world and the steppe (before you).
36 May he joyfully(?) set up his residence before you!
37 The staff of life, the cr[own of the kin]g,
38 years of justice and truth,
39 Securely founded [...] of health,
40 at your command are gi[ven(?) to him(?) foreve]r(?).
41 Towards [...]
42 Nanāya [...] – he (the king) used to rejoice (over her).
43 In the chamb[ers ...] the goddess
44 over(?) … she asked for a joyful song again.
45 … [....] …
46 She named [her] belov[ed, the king], in her [ami]ty.
47 [Sa]ms[u]-[i]luna(?) [ ... is st]anding(?).
48 [...the mis]tress named him.
49 A everlasting life, a long (life),
50 Nanāya [re]peatedly granted him largely.
51 [T]o Samsuiluna, her beloved,
52 she bestowed the sun as light.
53 At her command her fa[vorite] is the champion.
54 [He is raised] above (all) heroes in the world
55 [...] [May] he rejoice, who was named by her!
56 [...] in [...]
57 [Its] [an]tip[hone].
left edge
58 Exaltation of the goddess.
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
ettum | unique | 19 | |
abrātum | populace, humanity | 23 | |
agûm I | tiara, crown | 37 | |
alaktum | way, course | Abstract concepts | 12 |
balāṭum (TI) | life, vigour, good health | Abstract concepts | 11, 49 |
bāštum | dignity, pride | Abstract concepts | 10 |
bēltum (NIN) | lady, mistress, proprietress | Social status/Groups/Professions | 23 |
dadmū | the inhabited world; villages, settlements | Abstract concepts | 23 |
emqum | wise, clever | Human activities/actions | 25 |
etellum (NIR) | lord, prince, pre-eminent | Social status/Groups/Professions | 53 |
ḫašūrum | cypress | 31 | |
ḫūdum | happiness, pleasure, joy | 7 | |
ibratum | cult niche | 30 | |
idum (Á) | arm; side; strength; wage | Body/Body parts | 9 |
Igigû | DN, the (ten) great gods | 26 | |
iltum (DINGIR) | goddess | Deities/Divine sphere | 1, 17, 43, 58 |
iptum | tribute | 35 | |
irimmum | charm, love charm | Abstract concepts | 16 |
Irnina (dIR.NI.NA) | DN | 26 | |
isqum | lot, share | 14 | |
ittum | sign, mark | Abstract concepts | 12 |
kibrum (UB) | bank (of a river), shore, rim, brink; quarter of the world | Locations/Buildings,Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 35, 54 |
kīdum | outside | Abstract concepts,Locations/Buildings | 31 |
kišādum (GÚ) | neck, bank | Body/Body parts | 16 |
kittum I | steadiness, reliability, truth, justice, loyality | 9, 38 | |
kuzbum | attractiveness, sex appeal | Human activities/actions | 6 |
lalûm | plenty, exuberance, wish, desire, emotion | 32 | |
lē'ûm | powerful, competent | 25 | |
mašraḫū | good health ? | 6 | |
maštakum | chamber, cell | 43 | |
migrum | consent, approval, agreement | Abstract concepts | 33, 53 |
mīšarum | justice | Abstract concepts | 38 |
Nanāya | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 2, 8, 42, 49 |
nannābum | offspring | 6 | |
nannārum | light of the sky, moon | 52 | |
nannûm | command, behest | 40 | |
nanzāzum, nazzāzum | position | 2 | |
narāmum | loved one, love | Human activities/actions,Qualities/Attributes,Social status/Groups/Professions | 46, 51 |
našmaḫum | exuberance, pleasantness | 20 | |
nigûtum | joyful song, musical celebration | 44 | |
nišū (UN.MEŠ) | people, humanity, population | Social status/Groups/Professions | 1, 24 |
nīšum II | (oath of the) life | 37 | |
nuḫšum | abundance, plenty, fertility | Abstract concepts | 32 |
nūrum I (ZÁLAG) | light | Abstract concepts,Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 24 |
pārum I | hymn | Body/Body parts,Written texts/Literary terms | 28a |
qerbum | centre, interior | Abstract concepts,Locations/Buildings | 28, 56 |
qibītum | speech, command, utterance, word | Verbal expressions | 53 |
rabûm (GAL) I | big | 17 | |
rēšum (SAG) | head; beginning; slave | Abstract concepts,Body/Body parts | 18 |
ru'āmum | love-making; sexual charm of a woman | Abstract concepts | 7 |
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) | mountain, open country | 35 | |
salīmum | peace, amity | 46 | |
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) | DN, sun | Deities/Divine sphere | 1, 24, 52 |
Samsuiluna | RN | 34, 47, 51 | |
šarūrum | brilliance, ray | 4 | |
šattum (MU) | year | Abstract concepts,Time concepts | 38 |
šibirrum | shepherd´s staff, sceptre | Social status/Groups/Professions | 37 |
ṣīḫtum | laughter, pl. flirtations, amusements, delights | Abstract concepts | 7 |
ṣillum (GISSU) | protection; shade, shadow | Abstract concepts,Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 4 |
simtum | appropriate symbol, characteristic | Abstract concepts | 10 |
šuārum | dance | Human activities/actions | 13 |
šubtum, šuptum | seat, dwelling, abode, place | Abstract concepts,Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings | 36 |
ṣūḫum, ṣuḫḫum | laugh, laughter, love play | 32 | |
šulmum | well-being, completeness, health; peace | Abstract concepts | 10, 11, 39 |
šumum (MU) | name, son, line of text | Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions | 28 |
šušqûtum | exaltation | 58 | |
šuātum | mistress | 48 | |
tarṣiātum | chosen one | 33 | |
ulṣum | pleasure, rejoicing | 20 | |
uršānum | warrior, hero | Social status/Groups/Professions | 54 |
warḫum (ITI) | the moon, (day of) new moon, first day of month | 3 | |
zībum | offering, sacrifice | Rituals/Religious practices | 34 |
zikrum, siqrum | utterance, name; mention of the name; reputation | 21 |