SEAL no. 1539
BM 120003 obv. (British Museum)
BM 120003 rev. (British Museum)
Lambert 1973, 359
Lambert 1973, 360
1 [x] ⌈x⌉ […]
2 dSîn(EN.ZU) ur-[…]
3 ki-ku-un-na i-⌈x⌉-[...]
4 Er-ra wa-ši-i[b! bi-it Mi-iš-lam-mi-im]
5 iš-ši-iq qá-qá-ra-am a-di x […]
6 e-mu-uq šar-ri-im ⌈d⌉Sîn(EN.ZU) ú-[x x (x)]
7 An-nu-ni-tum is-sà-q[á-ar] ⌈a⌉-na Na-ra-a[m-dSîn(EN.ZU)]
8 ši-ta-ra-a[m! i-ni-ša(?)] IG-ri-[...]
9 la ta-ap-pa-la-[sà?-aḫ?] ⌈x⌉ ma-ḫa-a[r-šu?]
10 ši-ti mi-im-ma [ša aš-ku]-nu-ku-um mi-it-ḫa-[aṣ]
11 ip-pa-ti-a-ma b[a? x x x]-ú šu-ṣi-a-ku-[um]
12 ka-ki er-ni-ti-i[m x x (x)] ⌈x x⌉ li-im-ḫu-ra ṣi-im-di-i[š]
13 dIštar(INANNA) te-l[i!-tum iq-bi a-n]a šar-ri-im er-ni-ti-i-ša
14 a-a tu-um-mi-[id (tubqāti) ḫ]a?-ṣí-in-ni ka-ak-ki
15 šu-im-ma a-na […] x da?-la-at bi-it Er-ra ra-bi-ṣi-ka // [(x x x)] šu-ṣi-a-ku-um
16 Na-ra-[am-dSîn(EN.ZU) (…) im-ḫ]u-ur ka-ak-ki i-na <qá >-ti-šu
17 iš?/da?-m[i? ... l]u-ú-še-li li-iš-ti
18 mi-x[x x x] ⌈x⌉ ša-a-ti
19 Er-r[a pa-šu i-pu-ša-a]m-ma a-na ⌈Na-ra-am-dSîn(EN⌉.ZU) šar-ra-šu is-sà-qá-ar
20 iš-t[a-tu qá-ab-la-am dEnlil(]EN.LÍL) na-ak-[ri-iš] ù ra-i-ša-ku
21 ra-b[i-ṣa-ak na-a]b-la-ak [i-ša]-ta-ak
22 mi-ša/qá [(?) . . . . n]i [ x x (x)]-ti
23 qá-ab-l[a-am x x] wa-ar-ri/ḫ[u-um x]-ta-i
24 šar-ru-u[m iq-ta]-bi ru-a-š[u? na-ra-a]m Er-ra
25 qá-ab-l[a-am lu?-uš?]-ti! ar pi-ri-ka-ka lu-ša-aš-qí
26 lu-pu-uš-ku-⌈um⌉ b[i-t]a-am ša ta-ši-la-tu li-ib-bi
27 ta-ša-ab i-qè-er-bi-šu ri-mi pa-ra-ak šar-ru-ti-im
28 lu-ša-ri-ik e-li-ik lu-ša-ar -pi-iš
29 ki-ku-un-na-a-ak lu-ša-al-bi-iš wa-ar-qá-am
30 i tu-šu-li-il šar-ra-šu i ta-ḫi-iš
31 i tu-ši-im La-az i-na mu-ut-ti-ka
32 ta-am-ḫa-ri-ša e-re-di-ši dIštar(INANNA)
33 i-lu-um Er-ra ù (ras.) Na-ra-am-dSîn(EN.ZU)
34 pu-úḫ-ri-iš il-li-ku ru-šu ù šu
35 ta-at-ta-AK-PI-iš ma-ta-am qá-ba-al-šu
36 it-na-al-la-ak iš-ta-šu qú-ra-du-um Er-ra
37 PI-ru-um ša-ka-al-mu-šu a-aš-šu-um e-zu-u[m! ...]
38 ki-ma ib-ba-ri-im i-[...]
39 a-li na-ki-ri ti-bu-uš x […]
40 uz-zi na-ki-ri i-lu-u[m …]
41 i-ša-ka-an šu-um šar-ri-im mu-[…]
42 il-li-li-iš la ta ar ni ni-ši (-)[…]
43 e-li-tu-um ù ša-ap-li-tu-um […]
44 qá-ab-lu-um Er-ra za-[i-ri-šu? ...]
45 šar-ru-um i-si-ir ta-ḫa-zi ir-bi [...]
46 šar-ru-um iq-ra-ab e-pi-⌈iš⌉bi tu-⌈um!?⌉x […]
47 ra-ak-su ṭú-ur-ru-šu tu-uk-ku-šu tu-x[...-]x
48 i-na ši-ga-ri-im mu-ri-bi-im ba-bi-im ka-[wi-i]m
49 ša-ak-na ba-aš-ma-an sí-pá-ra re-ti-ta-an da-al-ta-an
50 ù šu-um Er-ra Na-ra-am-⌈dSîn(EN.ZU)⌉ [e]l-šu-nu ša-ṭi-ir ta-ḫa-zu-um
51 ša-ki-in šu-um ša[r-ri-im el-šu]-nu ša-ṭi-ir ṭú-ub-bu-um
52 eṭ-lu-ut Er-r[a ... ] im-ni-šu
53 ma-al-ku! g[e-ru-ú ...] ⌈i!⌉-ni-lu
54 ip-ḫu-ur ki x [...] x-ti ma-da
55 bi-tu-um pi ta [... i-]ši-ma ad-da-ar pa-la-i nu-úḫ-ši
56 ki-iṣ-ṣú-šu x […] ⌈x⌉-ku-šu
57 el-lu mu-šu e[l-lu ...]-šu-šu
58 i-ri-ib qè-er-b[i-šu …] ar/ri ka la aq ru ša-ar-ri
59 dLa-az šar-ra-t[u-um] x-ka-am ma-li-a-at
60 tu-uš-ša-am-ma x [...] x tu-še-a-al
61 im-mu-ut-ti na-ra-mi-iš ta-ka-ra-ab šar-ra
62 tu-ku-ul-ti A-ni-im na-ra-mu Du-ra-an-ki
63 šar-ru Mi-iš-lam-mi-im a-ša-re-du I-gi4-g[i4]
64 Er-ra na-ra-mu Du-ra-an-ki šar-ru Mi-iš-lam-mi a-ša-re-du [I-gi4-gi4]
65 i-di-in a-na šar-ri-im ka-ak-ka-am da-an-na-am ši-bi-ir-[ra-am]
66 er-ši-im ḫa-di mi-ša-ri-im ba-nu bi-ti-[ka]
67 a-na Na-ra-am-dSîn(EN.ZU) ši-bi-ir-r[a]-[a]m [i-di-in]
68 er-ši-im ḫa-di mi-ša-ri-[im ba-nu bi-ti-ka]
69 mu-um-ma iš-tu sí-ip-p[i ...]
70 i-ša-am-ma na-ra-am a-na [...]
71 eq-la-am x x x […]
72 x […]
1 ...
2 Sîn ...
3 The temple terrace ...
4 Erra, sitti[ing in the Emeslam],
5 kissed the ground until ...
6 Sîn ... the strength of the king.
7 Annunītum spok[e] to Narā[m-Sîn],
8 the iridescen[t-of-eyes] ...:
9 Do not prost[rate(?)] ... befor[e him(?)!]
10 Drink, what[ever I s]et before you, figh[t!]
11 ... will be opened ... bring out for your[self!]
12 May [your hands(?)] hold the weapons of victory like a yoke team.”
13 Sk[illful(?) Ištar [spoke(?) t]o the king about her desire for victory:
14 “You should not lean my [ax] (and) my weapon [against(?) ...].
15 Be attentive to [...] the doors(?) of the house of Erra, your protector! Bring out the [...] for yourself (and) fight!”
16 Narā[m-Sîn ... rec]eived the weapons from his hands.
17 ... [l]et me raise. May he drink!
18 ...
19 Erra o[pened his mouth] and spoke to Narām-Sîn, his king:
20 “Enlil has wo[ven battle like an e]nemy but I am the destroyer.
21 [I am] a cr[ouching one, a fla]me, a [fi]re.
22 ...
23 Batt[le] ...”
24 The kin[g spok]e, h[is(?)] friend, [the belove]d of Erra:
25 “[Let me weav]e(?) batt[le] ... let me raise up your divine symbol.
26 Let me build for you a house of joy.
27 Sit in it, reside on the royal dais!
28 Let me make it long (and) wide over you.
29 Let me cloth your temple terrace with green.
30 May she (Laz) hail its king, may she prosper.
31 May Laz sit(?) before you.
32 I will follow Ištar to her battle.
33 God Erra and Narām-Sîn
34 went together, his friend and he.
35 His battle constantly ... the land.
36 The hero Erra constantly went with him.
37 ..., terror, the fierce ...
38 Like mist [...]
39 his attack [...] the cities of the enemies.
40 The go[d ...] the fury of the enemies,
41 establishing the name of the king ...
42 Like Enlil ...
43 The upper and the lower ...
44 Erra [... his] e[nemies(?)] in the battle.
45 The king enclosed the battles, [...] became big.
46 The king drew near. Built was the house ...
47 Its enclosure was tied, its ...
48 On the bolt which leads into (it), (on) the ⌈outer⌉ gate,
49 were installed two b. snakes. The fixed double doors were made of bronze.
50 And an inscription (lit. “name” of Erra (and) Narām-Sîn was written on them (the snakes): “Battle”.
51 An inscription of the k[ing] was applied (and) written: “Prosperity”.
52 The men of Erra [...] at its side.
53 The h[ostile] princes lay [...].
54 He gathered many [...].
55 The house [... de]termined forever a reign of porperity.
56 Its chapel ...
57 Pure are its rites ...
58 ... the kings.
59 Que[en] Laz was full of ...
60 She sits and rejoices [...]
61 In the presence of her beloved, she invokes blessings on the king:
62 “Anu’s trust, beloved of Duranki,
63 king of Meslam, foremost of the Igigi,
64 Erra, beloved of Duranki, king of Meslam, foremost [of the Igigi],
65 give to the king the strong weapon, the staff,
66 (to) the wise one, who takes pleasure in justice, who built [your] house!
67 To Narām-Sîn [give] the staff,
68 the wise one, who takes pleasure in justi[ce, who built your house!]”
69 [He ...] the ... from the doorframe.
70 He trembles and the stele to [...]
71 A field [...]
72 ...
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
ālum (URU.KI) | village, town, city | Locations/Buildings | 39 |
Annunītum | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 7 |
Anum | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 62 |
ašarēdum (SAG.KAL) | first and foremost, pre-eminent, leader | 63,64 | |
bābum (KÁ) | doorway, door, gate, entrance | Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings | 48 |
bašmum | snake, horned viper, horned viper (Cerastes cerastes), mythical poisonous snake | Diseases/Demons,Fauna (wild) | 49 |
bītum (É) | house | Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings | 4,15,26,55,66,68 |
daltum (GIŠ.IG) | door | Fabricated objects | 15,49 |
dāmum | blood | Body/Body parts | 17 |
dārum | era, eternity | Abstract concepts,Time concepts | 55 |
Duranki | TN | 62,64 | |
elītum | that which is above; upper part | 43 | |
Emeslam (mešlammum) | TN | 4,63,64 | |
emūqum ((LÚ.)USU) | strength, force | Human activities/actions | 6 |
Enlil | DN | 20, 42 | |
erbum I, irbum | income | 45,58 | |
ernittum | triumph, battle objective | Abstract concepts,Human activities/actions | 12,13 |
Erra | DN, DN ( = Mars?) | Deities/Divine sphere | 4,15,19,24,33,36,40,44,50,52,60,64 |
eršum I | wise | Fabricated objects | 66,68 |
eṭlum (GURUŠ; ŠUL) | manly; young man | Human activities/actions,Social status/Groups/Professions | 52 |
gegunnûm, kikunnûm | raised temple | 3,29 | |
ḫaṣṣinnum | axe | 14 | |
Igigû | DN, the (ten) great gods | 63,64 | |
ilum (DINGIR) | god, deity | Deities/Divine sphere | 33,40 |
imbarum, ibbarum | fog, mist | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 38 |
imnum | right hand, right side | Abstract concepts,Body/Body parts | 52 |
išātum | fire, fire (of heart), inflammation, fever | Diseases/Demons,Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 21 |
Ištar | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 13 |
kakkum (GIŠ.TUKUL) | stick, weapon, battle | Fabricated objects | 12,14,16,25,32,65 |
kawûm | outer | 48 | |
kiṣṣum | shrine | 56 | |
Laz | DN | 31,59 | |
libbum (ŠÀ) | heart, mind; inner body | Body/Body parts | 26 |
maḫrum II | front, presence | Abstract concepts | 9 |
mātum (KUR; KALAM) | land, country | Locations/Buildings,Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 35 |
mīšarum | justice | Abstract concepts | 66,68 |
mû II | cult rites, divine orders | Food/Drink,Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 57 |
mummum | 1. life-giving force?; 2. school for scribes, workshop? | Social status/Groups/Professions | 69 |
muttum | front | 31,61 | |
nablum | flash of fire, flame, fire-arrow | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 21 |
nakrum | strange, foreign, enemy | Social status/Groups/Professions | 17,20,39,40 |
Narām-Sîn | PN, RN | 7,16,19,33,50,67 | |
narāmum | loved one, love | Human activities/actions,Qualities/Attributes,Social status/Groups/Professions | 61,62,64 |
narûm (NA.RU) | stele | 70 | |
nuḫšum | abundance, plenty, fertility | Abstract concepts | 55 |
palûm (BALA) | period of office, reign, a staff, rod | Abstract concepts,Fabricated objects | 55 |
parakkum (BÁRA) | cult dais, sanctuary, chapel | Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings | 27,59 |
pirikkum | divine symbol | 25 | |
puḫriš | in assembly, together | 34 | |
pûm I (KA) | mouth, statement, command, opening | Body/Body parts | 19 |
qablum II (ŠEN.ŠEN) | battle, fight | 20,23,25,35,44 | |
qaqqarum (KI) | earth, ground | Locations/Buildings,Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 5 |
qātum (ŠU) | hand | Body/Body parts | 16 |
qerbum | centre, interior | Abstract concepts,Locations/Buildings | 27,58 |
qurādum | hero, warrior | Human activities/actions,Social status/Groups/Professions | 24,36 |
rābiṣum | bailiff | 15,21 | |
rū'um, rūḫum | friend, companion | Human activities/actions | 34 |
šagalmušu, šakalmušu | fear | 37 | |
šaplītum | lower part, inside | 43 | |
šarratum | queen | Social status/Groups/Professions | 59 |
šarrum (LUGAL; EN) | king, lord | Social status/Groups/Professions | 6,13,19,24,30,41,45,46,51,58,61,63,64,65 |
šarrūtum | kingship, reign | Kinship terms | 27 |
šibirrum | shepherd´s staff, sceptre | Social status/Groups/Professions | 65,67 |
šigarum | (wooden) clamp, (neck-)stock, door lock, bolt | Fabricated objects | 48 |
ṣimdum | binding, (yoke-)team, bandage | Fabricated objects | 12 |
Sîn | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 2, 6 |
siparrum | bronze | Materials | 49 |
sippum | (door-)jamb | Fabricated objects | 69 |
šumum (MU) | name, son, line of text | Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions | 41,50,51 |
tāḫāzum (ME; ME6) | battle, combat | 45,50 | |
tamḫārum | battle, combat | 32 | |
tašīltum | celebration | Human activities/actions | 26 |
tībum | arousal, attack | 39 | |
tubqum | corner, recess | 14 | |
ṭūbum | goodness, happiness, prosperity | Abstract concepts | 51 |
tukkum | alarm, warning | 47 | |
tukultum (NIR.GÁL) | trust, support | 62 | |
ṭurrum | binding, knot | 47 | |
uzzum | anger, rage | Emotions/Feelings | 40 |
warqum, erqum | yellow, green | 29 | |
werrum | mighty one | 37 | |
zā'erum, zā'irum | hostile, enemy | 44 | |
zikrum, siqrum | utterance, name; mention of the name; reputation | 8 |