SEAL no. 1556
Kt j/k 97 obv. (Günbatti)
Kt j/k 97 lower edge (Günbatti)
Kt j/k 97 rev. (Günbatti)
Kt j/k 97 upper edge (Günbatti)
Günbatti 1997, 152
Günbatti 1997, 153
Transcription according to Dercksen 2005.
1 šarrum(LUGAL) : Šarrum(LUGAL)-ki-in šar(LUGAL)
2 A-ki-dí-e : re-bi4-tim : šarrum(LUGAL)
3 da-num : ša iš-tí : i-le-e
4 e-ta-wu-ni : Adad(dIM) : da-nu-tám
5 i-dí-šu-ma : iš-tù : ṣí-it
6 ša-am-ší-im : a-dí e-ra-áb
7 ša-am-ší-im : ma-tám : aṣ-ba-at-ma
8 i-na UD-mì-im : iš-té-en6
9 a-na 70 a-lá-ni : kà-kà-am : a-dí-in
10 ru-ba-e-šu-nu : ú-ṣa-bi4-it : ù a-le-šu-nu
11 ú-ḫa-li-iq : Adad(dIM) : be-el : e-mu-qí-im
12 ù Iš8-tár : be-lá-at : ta-ḫa-zi-im
13 at-ma : ṣa-bi4-tám : a-mu-ur-ma : li-bi4-tám
14 a-na na-ri-im : a-dí-ma : i-na
15 lá-sà-mì-a : mu-sà-ri : i-bi4-tí-iq-ma
16 ṣa-ar-a-am : áš-ta-kà-an-ma : al-sú-ma
17 ṣa-bi4-tám : aṣ-ba-at : li-bi4-tám
18 i-ma-e : ú-šé-li : Adad(dIM) ù Iš8-tár
19 a[t-ma] : 1 [l]i-im alpī(GUD.ḪI.A) : 6 li-me-/e
20 immerî(UDU.ḪI.A) : ù-mì-ša-ma : lu ú-ṭa-ba-aḫ
21 7 li-me-e : qá-[r]a-du-a : ša i-ra-/tim
22 ú-mì-ša-ma : ma-aḫ-ri-a : e-ku-lu-ni
23 3 li-me-e : lá-sí-mu-ú-a
24 ša : ar-kà-tim : e-ku-lu-ni
25 1 li-im : ša-qí-ú-a
26 < ša> UD-mì-ša-ma : mu-ḫa-am
27 ša kurur-sí-na-tim : a-dí-i
28 ša-ba-im : e-ku-lu-ni
29 x-DU-i iq-re-e-ma
30 7 li-me-e : qá-ra-du-a
31 i-ra-tim : e-ku-lu : a-na
32 wa-ar-ki-im : i-ir-tum :
33 lá ik-šu-ud-ma : a-lá-áp-šu
34 ku-ša-ma-ni-a-am : ša ku-sí-i-šu
35 iṭ-bu-ùḫ-ma : a-na wa-ar-ki-im
36 i-ir-tám : i-dí-in : nu-ḫi-tí-mì
37 gu5-ur-na-am : ú-ri-ir-ma
38 a-na ar-ni-šu 1 me-et alpī(GUD.ḪI.A)
39 2 me-et immerī(UDU.ḪI.A) : iṭ-bu-ùḫ-/ma
40 ur-dí-a : ú-ša-ki-il5 : Adad(dIM)
41 ù Iš8-tár : at-ma : MU.7.ŠÈ warḫam(ITI.KAM)
42 ù ša-pá-tám : i-na i-ki-il5-tim
43 qá-du : um-mì-ni-a : lu ú-ší-ib
44 i-na wa-ṣa-i-a : ša sāmtim(na4GUG)
45 ù na4ZA.GÌN : qa-nu-a-am
46 lu ar-ku-ús-ma : a-na ma-tim
47 lu ú-za-iz : ša-du-a-am : Ḫu-ma-nam
48 a-ší-ni-šu : am-ḫa-sú-ma : ki-ma
49 sí-ki-tim : i-ba-ri-šu-nu : ṣa-al-/mì
50 ú-ša-zi-iz : ru-ba-am
51 ša Tù-uk-ri-iš : maš-kam : ú-lá-bi4-iš
52 Ḫu-du-ra : bi4-be-na-tim qá-qá-da-/tí-šu-nu
53 áš-ku-un : A-lá-ší-am : ki-ma
54 sí-ni-iš-tim : qá-qá-da-tí-šu-nu
55 ak-tù-um : ša A-mu-re-e
56 ki-ma a-pì-šu-nu : ša-ma-ṭim
57 i-ša-ar-šu-nu : aq-tí-i : ša Ki-lá-re-/e
58 i-ma-ar-ší-im : qá-qá-da-tí-šu-nu
59 ar-ku-ús ša-ni-um Kà-ni-šé
60 sú-tù-ḫi-šu-nu ú-šé-er
61 ša Ḫa-tim : qá-ba-al-tí : qá-qá-da-tí-šu-nu : ú-ša-ag-li-ib : Lu-ùḫ-me-e
62 tù-dí-tám : ú-dí-id : Qú-ti-tám : Lu-lu-am : ù Ḫa-ḫa-am ṣú-ba-tí-šu-nu ú-ša-/ri-/im
63 3 sí-ki ša-ma-e : i-qá-tí-a : al-pu-ut : mì-na-am i-DUB-pè
64 lu-ša-am-i-id : A-nu-um : lá i-de8-a-ni : ki-ma šarrum(LUGAL) a-na-ku-ni
65 ma-tám e-li-tám ù ša-áp-li-tám aṣ-bu-tù-ni-i
66 ša-tù-uk-ki li-ša-ar-bi4-ú : Adad(dIM) : šarrum(LUGAL)
1 King Sargon,
2 king of Akkade, the market city,
3 strong king, who speaks with the gods.
4 Adad has given him strength:
5 from sunrise
6 to sunset
7 I conquered the land and
8 in a single day,
9 I gave the weapon to 70 cities.
10 I captured their princes and destroyed their cities.
11 I swear by Adad, lord of strength,
12 and Ištar, mistress of battle:
13 I saw a gazelle and threw a brick
14 into the river. When
15 I was running, my girdle broke and
16 I provided myself with a snake and I ran (on)
17 and caught the gazelle. I rose the brick out of the water.
18 I swear by Adad and Ištar:
19 1 thousand oxen, 6 thousand
20 sheep I truly slaughter every day.
21 7 thousand are my heroes who
22 eat briskets in my presence every day.
23 3 thousand are my runners
24 who eat long parts (of meat).
25 1 thousand are my cupbearers
26 eat the top part
27 of the lower legs until
28 being satisfied.
29 My ... invited and
30 my 7 thousand heroes
31 ate briskets. For
32 the last (man) there was not enough brisket.
33 He slaughtered his ox
34 from Kušam(m)anu belonging to his seat and
35 gave to the last (man)
36 a brisket. My cook
37 burnt mediocre (meat)(?) and
38 as his punishment he slaughtered 1 hundred oxen,
39 2 hundred sheep, and I/he
40 fed my servants. I swear by Adad
41 and Ištar: For 7 years, one month
42 and two weeks I truly stayed in the darkness
43 together with my troops.
44 Coming out (again), I tied
45 a (measuring) reed of carnelian and lapis lazuli, and
46 for the land
47 I made a division. The mountain Ḫumanum
48 I divided in two parts and as
49 a peg (= boundary marker) between them I erected
50 my image. The prince
51 of Tukriš I dressed in an (animal) skin.
52 (The men of) Ḫudura – I applied slave marks to their heads.
53 Alašia – I covered their heads like
54 that of a woman.
56 I chopped as if cutting off their noses.
57 The heads of the Kilarites
58 I tied with straps.
59–60 I released the sutuḫus of the people of Kaniš.
61 I shaved the middle of the heads of (the men of) Ḫatti.
61–62 I pierced the Luḫmeans with a toggle-pin. As for Qutitum, Lullu and Ḫaḫu: I slit open their cloths.
63 I touched three fringes of the sky with my hands. Why should
64 I make numerous (words) on tablets? Does Anum not know me, (and ) that I am the king
65 (and that) I seized the upper and the lower land?
66 May they increase the regular offerings for me. Adad is king.
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
Adad (dIŠKUR) | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 4, 11, 18, 40, 65 |
Akkade | GN | GN | 2 |
Alašium | GN | 53 | |
alpum (GU4) | bull, ox | Fauna (domestic) | 19, 33, 38 |
ālum (URU.KI) | village, town, city | Locations/Buildings | 9, 10 |
amurrum | GN, west wind | 55 | |
anāku | I, me | Personal prons. | 64 |
Anum | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 64 |
appum | nose, tip, crown (of tree) | Body/Body parts | 56 |
arnum | sin, guilt, misdeed, punishment, fault, penalty | 38 | |
bēltum (NIN) | lady, mistress, proprietress | 12 | |
bēlum (EN) | lord, master, proprietor, owner | Social status/Groups/Professions | 11 |
bibinātum | slavemark | 52 | |
dannum (KAL.GA) | powerful, mighty, great, strong | Qualities/Attributes | 3 |
dannūtum | strength, power | Abstract concepts | 4 |
elītum | that which is above; upper part | 65 | |
emūqum ((LÚ.)USU) | strength, force | Human activities/actions | 11 |
erbum II (in: ereb dŠamšim (dUTU.ŠÚ.BA)) | sunset | 6 | |
gurnum | average quality | 37 | |
Ḫaḫḫum | GN | 62 | |
Ḫattum | GN | 61 | |
Ḫudura | GN | 52 | |
Ḫumānum | GN | 47 | |
ḫusārum (na4ZA.GÌN) | lapis lazuli | 45 | |
ikiltum | darkness | 42 | |
ilum (DINGIR) | god, deity | Deities/Divine sphere | 4 |
immerum (UDU) | sheep | Fauna (domestic) | 20, 39 |
irtum I (GABA) | breast, chest | Body/Body parts,Written texts/Literary terms | 21, 31, 32, 36 |
išarum II (GÌŠ) | penis | 52 | |
Ištar | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 12, 18, 41 |
ištēn (DIŠ) | one, single, the first one, first | 8 | |
kakkum (GIŠ.TUKUL) | stick, weapon, battle | Fabricated objects | 9 |
Kaniš | GN | 59 | |
Kilar | GN | 57 | |
kursinnum | ankle | 27 | |
Kušammān | GN | 34 | |
kussûm (gišGU.ZA) | chair, stool, throne | 34 | |
lāsimum | runner | 23 | |
libittum (SIG4) | brick, mudbrick | Fabricated objects | 13, 17 |
līm | thousand | 19, 21, 23, 25, 30 | |
Luḫme | GN | 61 | |
Lullu(b)um | GN | 62 | |
maḫrum II | front, presence | Abstract concepts | 22 |
maršum | leather strap | 58 | |
maškum | skin, hide, leather | Materials | 51 |
mātum (KUR; KALAM) | land, country | Locations/Buildings,Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 7, 46, 65 |
me'atum, mētum | hundred | 38, 39 | |
misarrum, musarrum | belt | 15 | |
mû I (A(.MEŠ)) | water | 18 | |
muḫḫum | skull, top, head | Body/Body parts | 26 |
nārum I (ÍD) | river, watercourse, canal | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 14 |
nuḫatimmum | cook | 36 | |
qabaltum | middle | 61 | |
qanûm (GI) | reed, cane | Flora | 45 |
qaqqadum, kaqqadum (SAG; SAG.KI) | head, beginning, capital | Body/Body parts | 52, 53, 58, 61 |
qarrādum (UR.SAG) | warlike; hero, warrior | Human activities/actions,Social status/Groups/Professions | 21, 30 |
qātum (ŠU) | hand | Body/Body parts | 63 |
Qutium | GN | 62 | |
rebītum | square, open place; abdomen | Body/Body parts | 2 |
rubûm (NUN) | prince, ruler, nobleman | 10, 50 | |
ṣabītum | gazelle | Fauna (wild) | 12 |
ṣalmum II (ALAN) | figure, image, statue | 49 | |
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) | DN, sun | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 6,7 |
sāmtum (NA4.GUG) | redness, carnelian | 44 | |
šamû I (AN) | sky, heaven | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 63 |
šanûm I | second, next | 59 | |
šapattum (U4.15.KAM) | 15th day of the month, period of 15 days | 42 | |
šaplītum | lower part, inside | 65 | |
šāqûm, šāqium | cup-bearer | 25 | |
Šarrum-Kīn | PN, RN | 1 | |
šarrum (LUGAL; EN) | king, lord | Social status/Groups/Professions | 1, 2, 64, 65 |
sattukkum, šattukkum | regular offering | 66 | |
šattum (MU) | year | 41 | |
ṣerrum I (MUŠ) | snake | 16 | |
sikkatum I (šikkatum) | peg, nail (of wood or metal), part of a lock | 49 | |
šina II | two | Abstract concepts | 48 |
sinništum (MUNUS) | woman | Social status/Groups/Professions | 53 |
ṣītum | exit, (new) growth of plant, rise | 6 | |
ṣubātum | textile, garment | Fabricated objects | 62 |
Sutuḫḫu | GN | 60 | |
tāḫāzum (ME; ME6) | battle, combat | 12 | |
tudittum, dudittum | a dress-pin on woman's breast | 62 | |
Tukriš | GN | 51 | |
ṭuppum, tuppum (DUB) | clay tablet, document, letter | Fabricated objects,Written texts/Literary terms | 63 |
ūmišam | daily | 22, 26 | |
ummānum | army, troops | Social status/Groups/Professions | 43 |
ūmum I (UD) | day, daily | Abstract concepts,Nature/Cosmological phenomena,Time concepts | 8 |
wardum (SAG.ÌR; ÌR) | slave, servant | 40 | |
warḫum (ITI) | the moon, (day of) new moon, first day of month | Time concepts | 41 |
warkatum | rear, estate, legacy, background, affair, backside; after | 24 | |
warkûm | rear, later | 32, 35 | |
ziqqum | (a pillar) | 63 |