Archivum Anatolicum 3, 152f. (OA Sargon Legend)

SEAL no. 1556

  • Kt j/k 97 obv. (Günbatti)Kt j/k 97 obv. (Günbatti)
  • Kt j/k 97 lower edge (Günbatti)Kt j/k 97 lower edge (Günbatti)
  • Kt j/k 97 rev. (Günbatti)Kt j/k 97 rev. (Günbatti)
  • Kt j/k 97 upper edge (Günbatti)Kt j/k 97 upper edge (Günbatti)
  • Günbatti 1997, 152Günbatti 1997, 152
  • Günbatti 1997, 153Günbatti 1997, 153
Copy / Photo
276-279 (photo)
152–155 (copy)
Tablet Siglum
Kt j/k 97
Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi, Ankara

Transcription according to Dercksen 2005.



1       šarrum(LUGAL) : Šarrum(LUGAL)-ki-in šar(LUGAL)

2       A-ki-dí-e : re-bi4-tim : šarrum(LUGAL)

3       da-num : ša iš-tí : i-le-e

4       e-ta-wu-ni : Adad(dIM) : da-nu-tám

5       i-dí-šu-ma : iš-tù : ṣí-it

6       ša-am-ší-im : a-dí e-ra-áb

7       ša-am-ší-im : ma-tám : aṣ-ba-at-ma

8       i-na UD-mì-im : iš-té-en6

9       a-na 70 a-lá-ni : kà-kà-am : a-dí-in

10      ru-ba-e-šu-nu : ú-ṣa-bi4-it : ù a-le-šu-nu

11      ú-ḫa-li-iq : Adad(dIM) : be-el : e-mu-qí-im

12      ù Iš8-tár : be-lá-at : ta-ḫa-zi-im

13      at-ma : ṣa-bi4-tám : a-mu-ur-ma : li-bi4-tám

14      a-na na-ri-im : a-dí-ma : i-na

15      lá-sà-mì-a : mu-sà-ri : i-bi4-tí-iq-ma

16      ṣa-ar-a-am : áš-ta-kà-an-ma : al-sú-ma

17      ṣa-bi4-tám : aṣ-ba-at : li-bi4-tám

18      i-ma-e : ú-šé-li : Adad(dIM) ù Iš8-tár

19      a[t-ma1 [l]i-im alpī(GUD.ḪI.A) 6 li-me-/e

20      immerî(UDU.ḪI.A) : ù-mì-ša-ma : lu ú-ṭa-ba-aḫ

21      7 li-me-e : qá-[r]a-du-a : ša i-ra-/tim

22      ú-mì-ša-ma : ma-aḫ-ri-a : e-ku-lu-ni

23      3 li-me-e : lá-sí-mu-ú-a

24      ša : ar-kà-tim : e-ku-lu-ni

25      1 li-im : ša-qí-ú-a

26      < ša> UD-mì-ša-ma : mu-ḫa-am

27      ša kurur-sí-na-tim : a-dí-i

28      ša-ba-im : e-ku-lu-ni

29      x-DU-i iq-re-e-ma

30      7 li-me-e : qá-ra-du-a



31      i-ra-tim : e-ku-lu : a-na

32      wa-ar-ki-im : i-ir-tum :

33      lá ik-šu-ud-ma : a-lá-áp-šu

34      ku-ša-ma-ni-a-am : ša ku-sí-i-šu

35      iṭ-bu-ùḫ-ma : a-na wa-ar-ki-im

36      i-ir-tám : i-dí-in : nu-ḫi-tí-mì

37      gu5-ur-na-am : ú-ri-ir-ma

38      a-na ar-ni-šu 1 me-et alpī(GUD.ḪI.A)

39      2 me-et immerī(UDU.ḪI.A) : iṭ-bu-ùḫ-/ma

40      ur-dí-a : ú-ša-ki-il5 : Adad(dIM)

41      ù Iš8-tár : at-ma MU.7.ŠÈ warḫam(ITI.KAM)

42      ù ša-pá-tám : i-na i-ki-il5-tim

43      qá-du : um-mì-ni-a : lu ú-ší-ib

44      i-na wa-ṣa-i-a : ša sāmtim(na4GUG)

45      ù na4ZA.GÌN : qa-nu-a-am

46      lu ar-ku-ús-ma : a-na ma-tim

47      lu ú-za-iz : ša-du-a-am : Ḫu-ma-nam

48      a-ší-ni-šu : am-ḫa-sú-ma : ki-ma

49      sí-ki-tim : i-ba-ri-šu-nu : ṣa-al-/mì

50      ú-ša-zi-iz : ru-ba-am

51      ša Tù-uk-ri-iš : maš-kam : ú-lá-bi4-iš

52      Ḫu-du-ra : bi4-be-na-tim qá-qá-da-/tí-šu-nu

53      áš-ku-un : A-lá-ší-am : ki-ma

54      sí-ni-iš-tim : qá-qá-da-tí-šu-nu

55      ak-tù-um : ša A-mu-re-e

56      ki-ma a-pì-šu-nu : ša-ma-ṭim

57      i-ša-ar-šu-nu : aq-tí-i : ša Ki-lá-re-/e

58      i-ma-ar-ší-im : qá-qá-da-tí-šu-nu

59      ar-ku-ús ša-ni-um Kà-ni-šé

60      sú-tù-ḫi-šu-nu ú-šé-er



61      ša Ḫa-tim : qá-ba-al-tí : qá-qá-da-tí-šu-nu : ú-ša-ag-li-ib : Lu-ùḫ-me-e

62      tù-dí-tám : ú-dí-id : Qú-ti-tám : Lu-lu-am : ù Ḫa-ḫa-am ṣú-ba-tí-šu-nu ú-ša-/ri-/im

63      3 sí-ki ša-ma-e : i-qá-tí-a : al-pu-ut : mì-na-am i-DUB-pè

64      lu-ša-am-i-id : A-nu-um : lá i-de8-a-ni : ki-ma šarrum(LUGAL) a-na-ku-ni

65      ma-tám e-li-tám ù ša-áp-li-tám aṣ-bu-tù-ni-i

66      ša-tù-uk-ki li-ša-ar-bi4 : Adad(dIM) : šarrum(LUGAL)



1        King Sargon,

2        king of Akkade, the market city,

3        strong king, who speaks with the gods.

4        Adad has given him strength:

5        from sunrise

6        to sunset

7        I conquered the land and

8        in a single day,

9        I gave the weapon to 70 cities.

10      I captured their princes and destroyed their cities.

11      I swear by Adad, lord of strength,

12      and Ištar, mistress of battle:

13      I saw a gazelle and threw a brick

14      into the river. When

15      I was running, my girdle broke and

16      I provided myself with a snake and I ran (on)

17      and caught the gazelle. I rose the brick out of the water.

18      I swear by Adad and Ištar:

19      1 thousand oxen, 6 thousand

20      sheep I truly slaughter every day.

21      7 thousand are my heroes who

22      eat briskets in my presence every day.

23      3 thousand are my runners

24      who eat long parts (of meat).

25      1 thousand are my cupbearers

26      eat the top part

27      of the lower legs until

28      being satisfied.

29      My ... invited and

30      my 7 thousand heroes



31      ate briskets. For

32      the last (man) there was not enough brisket.

33      He slaughtered his ox

34      from Kušam(m)anu belonging to his seat and

35      gave to the last (man)

36      a brisket. My cook

37      burnt mediocre (meat)(?) and

38      as his punishment he slaughtered 1 hundred oxen,

39      2 hundred sheep, and I/he

40      fed my servants. I swear by Adad

41      and Ištar: For 7 years, one month

42      and two weeks I truly stayed in the darkness

43      together with my troops.

44      Coming out (again), I tied

45      a (measuring) reed of carnelian and lapis lazuli, and

46      for the land

47      I made a division. The mountain umanum

48      I divided in two parts and as

49      a peg (= boundary marker) between them I erected

50      my image. The prince

51      of Tukriš I dressed in an (animal) skin.

52      (The men of) udura – I applied slave marks to their heads.

53      Alašia – I covered their heads like

54      that of a woman.

56      I chopped as if cutting off their noses.

57      The heads of the Kilarites

58      I tied with straps.

59–60          I released the sutuus of the people of Kaniš.

61      I shaved the middle of the heads of (the men of) atti.

61–62          I pierced the Lumeans with a toggle-pin. As for Qutitum, Lullu and au: I slit open their cloths.

63      I touched three fringes of the sky with my hands. Why should

64      I make numerous (words) on tablets? Does Anum not know me, (and ) that I am the king

65      (and that) I seized the upper and the lower land?

66      May they increase the regular offerings for me. Adad is king.

Word Translation Semantic Line
Adad (dIŠKUR) DN Deities/Divine sphere 4, 11, 18, 40, 65
Akkade GN GN 2
Alašium GN 53
alpum (GU4) bull, ox Fauna (domestic) 19, 33, 38
ālum (URU.KI) village, town, city Locations/Buildings 9, 10
amurrum GN, west wind 55
anāku I, me Personal prons. 64
Anum DN Deities/Divine sphere 64
appum nose, tip, crown (of tree) Body/Body parts 56
arnum sin, guilt, misdeed, punishment, fault, penalty 38
bēltum (NIN) lady, mistress, proprietress 12
bēlum (EN) lord, master, proprietor, owner Social status/Groups/Professions 11
bibinātum slavemark 52
dannum (KAL.GA) powerful, mighty, great, strong Qualities/Attributes 3
dannūtum strength, power Abstract concepts 4
elītum that which is above; upper part 65
emūqum ((LÚ.)USU) strength, force Human activities/actions 11
erbum II (in: ereb dŠamšim (dUTU.ŠÚ.BA)) sunset 6
gurnum average quality 37
Ḫaḫḫum GN 62
Ḫattum GN 61
Ḫudura GN 52
Ḫumānum GN 47
ḫusārum (na4ZA.GÌN) lapis lazuli 45
ikiltum darkness 42
ilum (DINGIR) god, deity Deities/Divine sphere 4
immerum (UDU) sheep Fauna (domestic) 20, 39
irtum I (GABA) breast, chest Body/Body parts,Written texts/Literary terms 21, 31, 32, 36
išarum II (GÌŠ) penis 52
Ištar DN Deities/Divine sphere 12, 18, 41
ištēn (DIŠ) one, single, the first one, first 8
kakkum (GIŠ.TUKUL) stick, weapon, battle Fabricated objects 9
Kaniš GN 59
Kilar GN 57
kursinnum ankle 27
Kušammān GN 34
kussûm (gišGU.ZA) chair, stool, throne 34
lāsimum runner 23
libittum (SIG4) brick, mudbrick Fabricated objects 13, 17
līm thousand 19, 21, 23, 25, 30
Luḫme GN 61
Lullu(b)um GN 62
maḫrum II front, presence Abstract concepts 22
maršum leather strap 58
maškum skin, hide, leather Materials 51
mātum (KUR; KALAM) land, country Locations/Buildings,Nature/Cosmological phenomena 7, 46, 65
me'atum, mētum hundred 38, 39
misarrum, musarrum belt 15
mû I (A(.MEŠ)) water 18
muḫḫum skull, top, head Body/Body parts 26
nārum I (ÍD) river, watercourse, canal Nature/Cosmological phenomena 14
nuḫatimmum cook 36
qabaltum middle 61
qanûm (GI) reed, cane Flora 45
qaqqadum, kaqqadum (SAG; SAG.KI) head, beginning, capital Body/Body parts 52, 53, 58, 61
qarrādum (UR.SAG) warlike; hero, warrior Human activities/actions,Social status/Groups/Professions 21, 30
qātum (ŠU) hand Body/Body parts 63
Qutium GN 62
rebītum square, open place; abdomen Body/Body parts 2
rubûm (NUN) prince, ruler, nobleman 10, 50
ṣabītum gazelle Fauna (wild) 12
ṣalmum II (ALAN) figure, image, statue 49
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) DN, sun Nature/Cosmological phenomena 6,7
sāmtum (NA4.GUG) redness, carnelian 44
šamû I (AN) sky, heaven Nature/Cosmological phenomena 63
šanûm I second, next 59
šapattum (U4.15.KAM) 15th day of the month, period of 15 days 42
šaplītum lower part, inside 65
šāqûm, šāqium cup-bearer 25
Šarrum-Kīn PN, RN 1
šarrum (LUGAL; EN) king, lord Social status/Groups/Professions 1, 2, 64, 65
sattukkum, šattukkum regular offering 66
šattum (MU) year 41
ṣerrum I (MUŠ) snake 16
sikkatum I (šikkatum) peg, nail (of wood or metal), part of a lock 49
šina II two Abstract concepts 48
sinništum (MUNUS) woman Social status/Groups/Professions 53
ṣītum exit, (new) growth of plant, rise 6
ṣubātum textile, garment Fabricated objects 62
Sutuḫḫu GN 60
tāḫāzum (ME; ME6) battle, combat 12
tudittum, dudittum a dress-pin on woman's breast 62
Tukriš GN 51
ṭuppum, tuppum (DUB) clay tablet, document, letter Fabricated objects,Written texts/Literary terms 63
ūmišam daily 22, 26
ummānum army, troops Social status/Groups/Professions 43
ūmum I (UD) day, daily Abstract concepts,Nature/Cosmological phenomena,Time concepts 8
wardum (SAG.ÌR; ÌR) slave, servant 40
warḫum (ITI) the moon, (day of) new moon, first day of month Time concepts 41
warkatum rear, estate, legacy, background, affair, backside; after 24
warkûm rear, later 32, 35
ziqqum (a pillar) 63
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Revision History
de Ridder, Jascha
Transliteration, bibliography, indices
Hess, Christian W.
Streck, Michael P.
Corrections, translation, commentary.
Streck, Michael P.