MIO 12, 52–53

SEAL no. 1617

  • VAT 17347 rev. (Vorderasiatisches Museum)VAT 17347 rev. (Vorderasiatisches Museum)
  • VAT 17347 obv. (Vorderasiatisches Museum)VAT 17347 obv. (Vorderasiatisches Museum)
Copy / Photo
Tablet Siglum
VAT 17347 (Bab. 40294)
Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin
Genre / Classification
Love Literature, Abi-ešuḫ: to Nanaja and Muati

Obv. ?

1          [lu]-u[š-ba la]-la-ki dNa-na-a ša-ap-t[a]-ki du-u[š-šu-pa ...]

2          […] x da-di-ki šu-um-š[u? ...]


3          [… r]i-tu-ma-am dNa-na-a ra x x x i a li? ur? lu-ur-ta-a-ma

4          […] x [t]u a-la na-me-er lu-uš-te-eb-ri


5          […] x […] x x ma-al x x x šu šu-ul-ma a-na da-a-ar li-re um-ma-an-šu

6          […] x x A-bi-e-[š]u-u lu-te-ep-pu-uš


7          [be?-l]i a-ta-ú ra-[i]-mi-iš-ša re-ša-tim li-ib-[ba-š]u tu-ša-am-la el-i-iš


8          [mu-ùʾ-a-t]i [a-t]a-ú ra-i-mi-iš-ša re-ša-tim li-i[b-ba-šu] tu-ša-am-la el-i-iš


9          [be?-li?] du-uš-šu-pu da-du-ú-ka di-iš-pa i-še-e[b-bi ku-zu-u]b ra-mi-ka


10        mu-ùʾ-a-ti du-uš-šu-pu da-du-ú-ka di-iš-pa i-š[e-eb-bi ku-zu]-ub ra-mi-ka


11        a-al-mu ša ta-ab-ra i-ši-nu-ú ka-ia-an ú-ul iš-še-e[b-bi ...]


12        lu-uš-te-eṣ-bu ša-qí-a-am la-an-ka re-ša-ti ma-li […]


13        mu-ùʾ-a-ti ša-qí-a-am la-an-ka re-ša-ti ma-li x [...]


14        šar-rum lu da-ri i-na qá-bé-e-ki A-bi-e-šu-u lu da-r[i i-na qá-be-ki]


15        ša-am-u mu-ùʾ-a-ti-ni UD-ma-am ek-le-e-t[a?-am?] ta-[x x] x [...]

16        (traces only)


Rev. ?

1'         (traces only)

2'         [.....] x re-eš-tam a-a-ba ni x [...]


3'         ta-ap-pa-l[i-is K]Á.DINGIR.RAki i-na i-ni-ša dam-[qá-tim ...]

4'         ta-ak-ru-ub-[šu t]a-aq-ta-bi du-mu-uq-šu [.....]


5'         UD-mi-ša ba-la-[am a-na] šar-ri a-ši-bi šu-p[a-at ne-e-ti ?...]

6'         dNa-na-a ba-la-[am a-n]a šar-ri A-bi-e-š[u-u...] x x [...]

7'         tu-šu-ši-ib-šu i-na šu-pa-at ne-e-ti li-i[š?/ta/da...i]m-m[a ...]


8'         in-bu in-bu si-ma-at pa-ni ni x [x x] x x [(x)] x x ú šu/ma ma-za x

9'         dNa-na!?(Text: IA)-a {AŠ} ša re-[š]a-tim-[ma]


10'       ša-am-a mu-ùʾ-a-ti tu-ka-an-na ši-i tu-še-ši-ib-šu pa-ra-ku-ú ra-b[i??...]

11'       ki-ma na-aš-ši i-ri-mu i-za-an-na-an


12'       [it-ta-na-a]k-ku-ú bu-nu-ša!?(Text: TA) ša-ni-iš i-ta-aš-šu-ús-si ki-ma me-e a-mi mi-im-  mu-ú-š[a]

13'       [x x x] dam-qá ra-ma-a-ta du-uš-šu-um-ma


14'       [... ...] x x x x [fi]t?-ta ku-uz-bi an-nu-ú ti-bi lu-ur-ta-a-ma

15'       [... ...] x la-la-a-ki lu-uš-bi


16'       [… …] x x x x e!?-ma mi-im-ma [li-ib-bu-u]k ub-ba-la-am? iš-ti-ša

17'       [… ...] x ma e-ma x [x x (x)-]u-un-ma


18'       [… …] x ša a ip t[u] x x x x [....] x x ra-a-ma li-ma?-li

19'       [… ... l]i u-ur x x lu-ut-[...]

20'       [… …] ú ga ḫu x x [...]


21'       [… …] x ni x [... ...]

22'       [… …] a ra-am-ki ki-ma ši-it-ti [....]

23'       [… …] ki-ma e-e-ri pa-a-na ú-x [...]



1          Let me be sated with your charms, Nanāya – your lips are very sw[eet…]

2          [… your] passion is .. […]


3          […] lovemaking, Nanāya, ... let us make love,

4          […] May I always be lustrous.


5          […] ... well-being, let him shepherd his men forever.

6          [The…] ... (for?) Abī-Ešūh, may I perform again and again.


7          [My lord], I will speak to her lover, so that she will gladly fill his heart with joy,


8          [Muʾati], I will speak to her lover, so that she will gladly fill his heart with joy.


9          [My lord], so sweet is your passion, the appeal of your love is sated with honey,


10        Muʾati, so sweet is your passion, the appeal of your love is sated with honey.


11        The image(s), the one(s) which you have looked (at), is/are constant festival(s). It/they will not be sat[ed …].


12        Let me gaze at your body, so tall, filled with joy […]


13        Muʾati, (let me gaze at) your body, so tall, filled with joy […]


14        At your command may the king live forever! [At your command] may Abī-Ešūh live forever!


15        The exuberant, our Muʾati, in daylight and darkness […]

16        …



1'         …

2'         […] prime, good [….]


3'         She looked on Babylon with her kind eyes […]

4'         She blessed it, she decreed its well-being […]


5'         Daily lif[e for] the king who dwells in s[ecurity …]

6'         Nanāya, life for the king Abī-E[šūh (will provide)...]

7'         She let him dwell in security [… …].


8'         Passion, passion, (as) befits the face of [… …]

9'         Nanāya of j[o]y.


10'       She treats kindly elated Muʾati; she seated him on a large dais […]

11'       Like dew charms (of love) rain down (on him).


12'       [They make lov]e repeatedly. In her appearance he repeatedly rejoiced on her; whatever is hers is like water (for the) thirsty.

13'       [Your ...] are beautiful. You are loveable.]. He is so sweet!


14'       […] this appeal of mine, rise, I want to make love (to you).

15'       […] let me be sated with your attractiveness.


16'       […] wherever, I will bring you whatever your [heart] desires from her.

17'       […] … […]


18'       [… …] let him be filled with love.

19'       …

20'       …

21'       …

22'       […] … your(f.) love like a sleep […]

23'       […] quickly […] to veil […]

Word Translation Semantic Line
Abī-Ešūḫ RN PN obv. 6,obv. 14,rev. 6
awûm, amû (v.) G to speak; Gt speak, discuss, negotiate obv. 7, 8
Bābilum (KÁ.DINGIR.RAki) GN GN rev. 3
balāṭum (TI) life, vigour, good health Abstract concepts rev. 5, rev. 6
bitrûm (v.) G to be continuous; Št to persevere, continue obv. 4
dādum I darling, favorite, sexual attractiveness Social status/Groups/Professions obv. 1, obv. 9, obv. 10
dašāpum (v.) G be sweet; D make sweet obv. 1, 9
dišpum honey Food/Drink obv. 9, obv. 10
dumqum goodness, good (thing), welfare Abstract concepts rev. 4
ekletum darkness Abstract concepts,Nature/Cosmological phenomena [obv. 15]
epēšum (v.) G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G obv. 6
ḫašāšum (v.) G to swell, be(come) happy Gtn iter. of G rev. 12
inbum fruit, flower, sexual appeal Flora rev. 8
īnum (IGI) eye Body/Body parts rev. 3
irimmum charm, love charm Abstract concepts rev. 11
isinnum festival Rituals/Religious practices obv. 11
kanûm (v.) D treat kindly, to care, praise, honor rev. 10
karābum (v.) G to pray, bless, greet ; Gtn iter. Gt constantly pray to, call blessings on; Š caus. of G rev. 4
kuzbum attractiveness, sex appeal Human activities/actions obv. 9, rev. 14
lalûm plenty, exuberance, wish, desire, emotion Abstract concepts obv. 1, rev. 15
lānum body, figure; stature, form Body/Body parts obv. 13
malûm IV (v.) G to become full, fill up; D fill (up); Št to provide obv. 7, 8, rev. 18
mašûm III (v.) G to spend the night; Š=G obv. 2
mû I (A(.MEŠ)) water Food/Drink,Nature/Cosmological phenomena rev. 12
Mu'ati DN Deities/Divine sphere obv. 9, obv. 10, obv. 15, rev. 10
Nanāya DN Deities/Divine sphere obv. 1, obv. 3, rev. 6, rev. 9
naššum, nalšum dew, nocturnal dew Nature/Cosmological phenomena rev. 11
nēḫtum calm, peace Locations/Buildings rev. 5, rev. 7
niākum (v.) G to have sexual intercourse [rev. 12]
palāsum (v.) to look, glance, G to look at, towards; N look, gaze, consider; Ntn iter. constantly gaze at rev. 3
pānum I (IGI) front, face, earlier times Abstract concepts,Body/Body parts rev. 8
parakkum (BÁRA) cult dais, sanctuary, chapel Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings rev. 10
paṣānum (v.) D veil; Dt pass of D rev. 23
qabûm speech, command Verbal expressions obv. 14
qabûm (v.) (DUG4) G to say, speak, command rev. 4
râmum love, love-making Abstract concepts,Emotions/Feelings,Human activities/actions obv. 9, obv. 10, rev. 18, rev. 22
ra'īmum loved, beloved Social status/Groups/Professions obv. 7, obv. 8
rīštum rejoicing, celebration Human activities/actions
ritūmum love-making Abstract concepts,Human activities/actions [obv. 3]
ṣalmum II (ALAN) figure, image, statue Body/Body parts,Fabricated objects obv. 11
ṣāmûm thirsty Abstract concepts rev. 12
šaptum lip, rim Body/Body parts obv. 1
šaqûm I high, elevated Qualities/Attributes obv. 12, obv. 13
šarrum (LUGAL; EN) king, lord Social status/Groups/Professions obv. 14, rev. 5, rev. 6
šebûm I (v.) to be satiated, satisfied; to be full obv. 1, 9, 11, rev. 15
simtum appropriate symbol, characteristic Abstract concepts rev. 8
šittum sleep Abstract concepts,Human activities/actions rev. 22
ṣubbûm (v.) G observe; Št execute thoroughly obv. 12
šubtum, šuptum seat, dwelling, abode, place Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings rev. 5, rev. 7
šumum (MU) name, son, line of text Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions obv. 2
šubat nēḫtim peaceful dwelling Locations/Buildings [rev. 5], rev. 7
ṭēmum thought, plan, instruction, information Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions rev. 17
ummānum army, troops Social status/Groups/Professions obv. 5
ūmum I (UD) day, daily Abstract concepts,Nature/Cosmological phenomena,Time concepts obv. 15, rev. 5
wabālum (v.) G to carry, bring; Š send, deliver, make bear; Št pass. of Š rev. 16
warûm (v.) G to lead, conduct; Gtn iter. guide, steer, administer obv. 5
wašābum (v.) to sit, dwell rev. 7, 10
zanānum (v.) I G to rain rev. 11
Signs in text
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Revision History
Ron-Gilboa, Guy
Transliteration, indices
Ron-Gilboa, Guy
Wasserman, Nathan
Corrections to translation, commentary
Wasserman, Nathan
Wasserman, Nathan
Wasserman, Nathan
Hess, Christian W.
Wasserman, Nathan
Corrections (transliteration, translation, commentary, indexing)
Wasserman, Nathan
Corrections (transliteration, translation, commentary)
Zilberg, Peter
Wasserman, Nathan
Corrections: transliteration, translation, commentary
Bloch, Yigal
Online formatting and revision
Streck, Michael P.