SEAL no. 1635
Post-OB (MB? later?) text. Note: with colophon.
1 ri-ša-tu-m[a] iš-dum a-na URU.KI
2 dTēlitum(ZÍB) [be-le-e]t [d]a?-a-nim ri-ša-tu-ma iš-dum a-na URU.KI
3 i-ša?-[al? ri-ša-t]u-ma iš-dum a-na URU.KI
4 ku-u[l-ma-ši-tum ri-ša-tu-m]a iš-dum a-na URU.KI
5 eṭ-[lu-tum ri-ša-tu-m]a iš-dum a-na URU.KI
6 ar-[d]a-tum ri-ša-tu-m]a iš-dum a-na URU.KI
7 i-ša-a[l ri-ša-tu-m]a iš-dum a-na URU.KI
8 iš-te-en i[l-li-ka-aš-ši-im-ma ri-ša-t]u-ma iš-dum a-na URU.KI
9 al-ki mu-ug-ri-i[n]-n[i ri-ša-t]u-ma iš-dum a-na URU.KI
10 ù ša-nu-ú il-li-ka-aš-ši-im-ma ri-ša-tu-ma iš-dum a-na URU.KI
11 al-ki lu-la-ap-pi-it ḫur-da-at-ki ri-ša-tu-ma iš-dum a-na URU.KI
12 iš-tu-ma a-ma-an-gu-ru-ku-nu-ši ri-ša-tu-ma iš-dum ana URU.KI
13 eṭ-lu-ut a-li-ku-nu pu-uḫ-ḫi-ra-nim-ma ri-ša-tu-ma iš-dum a-na URU.KI
14 a-na ṣi-il-li du-ri-im i ni-i-lik ri-ša-tu-ma iš-dum a-na URU.KI
15 7 pa-an-ti-ša 7 qá-ab-li-ša ri-ša-tu-ma iš-dum a-na URU.KI
16 1 šu-ši ù 1 šu-ši ip-ta-na-aš-ša-ḫu a-na ú-ri-ša ri-ša-tu-ma iš-dum a-na URU.KI
17 i-ta-an-ḫu eṭ-lu-tum ul in-na-aḫ Iš-tar ri-ša-tu-ma iš-dum a-na URU.KI
18 šu-uk-na eṭ-lu-tum a-na ḫur-da-ti da-mi-iq-ti-im-ma ri-ša-tu-ma iš-dum a-na URU.KI
19 ar-da-tum i-na qá-bé-e-ša ri-ša-tu-ma iš-dum a-na URU.KI
20 eṭ-lu-tum iš-mu-ú im-gu-ru a-ma-as-sa ri-ša-tu-ma iš-duma-na URU.KI
21 napḫar (PAP) 20 pa-rum ša Iš-tar MU LUGAL Ḫa-am-mu-ra-pí-im
22 mdŠEG5.ŠEG5-bēlu(EN)-rēṣū(Á.DAḪ)-šu(A.NI) LUGAL-E
23 mār(DUMU) mŠumu(MU)-libši(ḪÉ.GÁL)
24 išṭur(IN-SAR)
1 Celebration is a foundation for the city!
2 Telītum, [lad]y of... ...
Celebration is a foundation for the city!
3 ... ... [
Celebratio]n is a foundation for the city!
4 Ku[lmašitum …
Celebratio]n is a foundation for the city!
5 The young m[en …
Celebratio]n is a foundation for the city!
6 The young [women …
Celebratio]n is a foundation for the city!
7 ... ...[
Celebratio]n is a foundation for the city!
8 One c[ame to her (saying):
Celebrati]on is a foundation for the city!
9 “Come, yield to m[e!]”
Celebrati]on is a foundation for the city!
10 Also a second came to her (saying):
Celebration is a foundation for the city!
11 “Come; let me fondle your vulva”
Celebration is a foundation for the city!
12 “After I yield to you,
Celebration is a foundation for the city!
13 Gather around me the men of your city
Celebration is a foundation for the city!
14 Let us go to the shadow of the city-wall!”
Celebration is a foundation for the city!
15 Seven to her front, seven to her loins:
Celebration is a foundation for the city!
Celebration is a foundation for the city!
17 The men got tired, Ištar did not tire
Celebration is a foundation for the city!
Celebration is a foundation for the city!
19 As the young woman was speaking,
Celebration is a foundation for the city!
20 The young men heard and yielded to her order.
Celebration is a foundation for the city!
21 Total 20 (lines). Pārum of Ištar. Year: Hammurāpi became king.
22–24 mdŠEG5.ŠEG5–bēlu–rēṣūšu son of Šumu-libši wrote.
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
alākum (v.) (DU) | G to go, walk; Gt go off, away; Gtn wander, go repeatedly, roam about, walk; Š caus. of G | Written texts/Literary terms | [8], 9, 10, 11, 14 |
ālum (URU.KI) | village, town, city | Locations/Buildings | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 |
anāḫum (v.) | G to become tired; Š trouble, exert, strain; Št be depressed | 17 | |
awātum, amātu (INIM) | word, matter, speech | Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions | 20 |
bāmtum II | ribcage, chest, thorax | Body/Body parts | 15 |
bēltum (NIN) | lady, mistress, proprietress | Social status/Groups/Professions | [2] |
dūrum | (city) wall, rampart | Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings | 14 |
eṭlum (GURUŠ; ŠUL) | manly; young man | Human activities/actions,Social status/Groups/Professions | [5], 13, 17, 18, 20 |
Ḫammurāpi | PN; RN | PN | 21 |
ḫurdatum | female pudenda | Body/Body parts | 11, 18 |
i-ša-al (v.) | ? | [3], [7] | |
išdum (SUḪUŠ) | foundation, base; root | Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings | 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 |
Ištar | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 17, 21 |
kulmašītum | cultic prostitute | Social status/Groups/Professions | [4] |
lapātum (v.) | G to touch; D ~ G; Š ruin, destroy, plunder | 11 | |
magārum (v.) | G to consent, agree; Gt to agree with one another, settle on | 12, 20 | |
paḫārum (v.) | G to gather, assemble; D bring together, assemble; Š to gather, assemble | 13 | |
pārum I | hymn | Body/Body parts,Written texts/Literary terms | 21 |
pašāḫum (v.) | G to cool down, rest; Gtn OB "repeatedly gain relief" sexually; Š cause/allow to rest, calm, pacify; Št be assuaged; ŠD calm, pacify | 16 | |
qablum I | hips, middle | Body/Body parts | 15 |
qabûm (v.) (DUG4) | G to say, speak, command | 19 | |
rīštum | rejoicing, celebration | Human activities/actions | 1, 2, [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 |
šakānum (v.) (GAR) | G to put, place, lay down, Š make smb. place, establish, N be put, established | 18 | |
šaṭārum (IN.SAR) (v.) | to write (down) | 24 | |
šemûm (v.) | G to listen, to hear; Gtn to hear, to listen again and again | 20 | |
ṣillum (GISSU) | protection; shade, shadow | Abstract concepts,Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 14 |
Telītum | DN, “(the) very competent (one)” epith. of goddesses esp. Ištar | 2 | |
ūrum II | pudenda, nakedness | Body/Body parts | 16 |
wardatum (KI.SIKIL) | girl, young woman | Social status/Groups/Professions | 6, 19 |