RB 59 Pl. 7f. (Man and his god)

SEAL no. 1808

  • AO 4462 obv. (Louvre)AO 4462 obv. (Louvre)
  • AO 4462 rev. (Louvre)AO 4462 rev. (Louvre)
Copy / Photo
Tablet Siglum
AO 4462
Louvre, Paris

Photos A. Shaffer.




1 eṭ-lu-um ru-i-iš a-na i-li-šu i-ba-ak-ki ú-te-ne!-en-ne-en ik-t[a-na-r]a?-ab?- šu

2 ḫa-mi-iṭ li-ib-bu-uš du-ul-la-šu ma-ru-iṣ-ma

3 i-ta-aʾ-da-ar ka-ba-at-ta-šu i-ni-in-ḫi

4 i-ni-iš-ma ik-ta-mi-us i-pa-al-si20-iḫ

5 ik-bi-us-sú-um-ma du-ul-la-šu ba-ka-i-iš iq-ra-a[b]

6 ki-ma bu-ri-im pa-ar-si-im <ša> i-me-ri i-na-ag-ga-ag

7 iš-ta-pu ma-ḫa-ar i-li-[(im)] re-ši-<<im>>-šu   

8 ri-mu-um pu-šu-ú la-al-la-ra-ma ri-gi-[im-šu

9 be-li-iš-šu qú-ba-am ub-ba-la ša-ap-ta-aš-[šu]


10 be-li-iš-šu du-ul-li íḫ-bu-tu i-ma-an-nu

11 in-ḫi i-na-ḫu-ú i-pa-aš-ša-[a]r eṭ-lu-u[m]

12 be-li am-ta-al-ka-am-ma i-na ka-ba-at-ti-ia

13 x x [(x)] i-li-ib-bi-im še-eṭ i-pu-šu la i-d[i]

14 i!-[ x x] x an-zi-il-la-ka a-na-k[u i]k-ki-ba-am le-em-na-ma am-ma-[x x] x-ar

15 ú-u[l] d[a?-a-g]i?-il a?-ḫu [a]-ḫi-iš-šu ka-ar-ṣí ib-ri-im ib-ra-šu la a-[ki-il]

16 ú-ul [ x x] an-ni PI [x x] na-šu x li ša-ap-li-ka! be-lu bi-it ri-a-ši-i[m!]


17 ši-m[i? x x (x)] x x x  PI? [x (x)]-a?-ra? na-zu?-iz-za be-lu mi-ša-ri mu-š [i-im?   ]

18 x [x x x x] i?- šu? x [ x x (x) -a]m?-ma? li-ib-ba-šu na-as-qù-um  li-[       ]

19 x [x x x] x [ x x x] x [r]a-ma!-an-šu us-sú-ra a?-na [    ]

20 [x x x x x x] ṭú-bi? [x x x] a?-ni-tu a-ṭì-ib ša-x [      ]

21 [x x x x x] x-še-ša-ku/ma x [x (x)] [bu-u]l-li-ṭa-an-ni ù be-[      ]


22 [x x x x] x-ar a-ta-šu-u[š x x x x (x)] x x x [             ]

23 [ x x x] ki-ma ša x x [x x x x a]r-bu?-bi? a-ša-a[s?-si?   ]

24 [x x] UR x iq-ta-ti ka-ba-at-ti š-[me?]-ma x x [x d]a-ar u4-mi-ia

25 [iš-tu ṣ]e-eḫ-re-ku a-d[i r]a-bi-ja-ku ur-ri-ku? im-ma-ti mu-x-[(x)]-ḫ i?                      

26 x [x x (x)-t]i ma-la tu-da-mi-qá-an-ni-ma ma-la al-x-[x (x)]-x la am-ši


27 i-napa?-an du-um-qí tu-ka-al-li-ma lu-um-na be-li ma-[ti t]u-ša-an-me-er ik-[ki-i]b-bi

28 ru-ub-bu mu-ús-ki še-pí-iš wa-ta-ti-ma me-eḫ-ṣe-tim i[š-ku?-un?-x] ma-ḫi-ia

29 pí-à-am ma-la?-am tu-ma-ar-ri-ra-am da-an-ni-iš x [ x x] x-tu-šu i-wi da-da-ar-šu

30 [(x)] x-tim? tu-úr-ri-x ta-ad-lu-uḫ ma-mi pí-iš-ri x [x] x ir? iš-tu ṣe-eḫ-ri-ku

31 [ x] x x x (x) [x x (x)] x x le-et ša-di-i aš-r[u] mu-lu-ú mu-ri-da la i-šu-ni


32 [x x x x x x x x x x x] x ni-iš x x ka-qá-ar-šu tu-šu-mi-da še-pí-ia

33 [x x x x x x x x x x x x tu-š]a-aš-ši(?) ša(-)e-li tu-ša-az-ni-in a-ta

34 [ x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ] tu-ša-am-li

35 [ x x x x x x x x x x  a-na tap]-pí-ša-tim ta-aq-ru-un             

36 [ x x x x x x x x x x x x ] bi-ti-ia a-bi mu-ti ki-im-ti-ia

37 [ x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] x  ar-di-šu

38 [ x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] x šu




39 [ x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] x

40 [ x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ] -šu? ar-di-iš

41 [ x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ] x ra aḫ ku

42 [ x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] x ar-šu tu-ma-i-šu

43 [ x x x x x x x x x x x ] ⌈ú-šu-li-ja-šu ka-qá-ar-šu

44 [x x x x il-t]a-pa-a[s-su] ša-ma-an a-si-im

45 [x x x] x a-ak-la  ù li-pí-us-sú ik-tu-um

46 [i-za]-a[s]-sú-um-ma li-ib-ba-šu ú-ša-an-me-er

47 i-ta-ú-šu ta-ap-še-ḫa-at ṭú-ub ši-ri-šu


48 ši-ib-bu-uk e-ṭi-il li-ib-bu-uk la i-li-im-mi-in

49 ga-am-ra ša-na-tu u4-mu t[a]-am-la-ú-ni du-ul-la 

50 šu-um-ma-ma-an la qá-bi-à-at a-na ba-la-ṭi-im

51 ki-ma-ma-an te-le-'i di-à-am ka-ab-ta ku-ul-la-ti-iš-šu ta-aš-du-ud  

52 ta-mu-ur pu-uš-qá-am i-ṣa-am! k[a]-li-ma

53 tu-uš-ta-ag-me-er-ma bi-il-ta-šu ka-bi-it-ta ta-aš-ši

54 iš-ṭì i-ku-uk pa-da-nu-um pé-ti-i-[k]u

55 iš-ra-at-ku ṭú-du-um ù ša-ki-in-ku re-mu-[um]

56 aḫ-ri-ti-iš u4-mi la ta-ma-aš-šu-ú il-[ka]

57 ba-ni-ka ki ta-da-am-mi-qú-nim a-at-ta


58 a-na il-ka ba-nu-uk tu-ku-ul-tu-uk

59 e-ru-kum ma-aṣ-ṣa-ru-ia ù da-an-nu-ku(-)[(x)]

60 eqlum(A.ŠÀ) ma-ar-qí-us-su i-pé-et-ti-[ku-um]

61 a-pa-al-la-ás-ku-um-ma da-ri-iš ba-la-ṭ[a-am tu-ta(?)]

62 ù a-at-ta e te-ep-ṣi ub-bu-la-am pu-šu-u[š    ]

63 im-ša šu-ki-il ši-qí ṣa-mi-à ma-mi

64 ù ša uš-bu-ma iš-ta-ab-bu-ba i-x(-)[   ]

65 li-iṭ-ṭú-ul ak-li-iß-ka li-ṣú-ub li-<im>-ḫu-ur li-iḫ-[du]

66 pa-ti-je-et-ku! a-bu-ul šu-ul-mi-im ù ba-la-ṭi-im

67 mu-um-ma qé-er-bu-uš e-ru-ub ṣi-i lu ša-al-ma-a-at


68 šu-še-er pa-da-nu-uš pé-te ṭú-du-uš  un-ne-en a-ar-di-ka li-ri-id a-na li-bi-k[a]


subscript      K[A?]-x-x-nu-[u]m?


1 A man cries to his god ..., he constantly supplicates and pr[ay]s? to him.

2 His heart is aflame, his toil is bitter.

3 His mood has become gloomy from trouble.

4 He has become weak and he bent down, he squatted.

5 His toil has become heavy for him, he has come close to crying.

6 He brays like a foal parted from (his parent) donkey.

7 He has become loud before the god ...

8 A bull is his speech, [his] voice two lamenters.

9 His lips bear a lament to his lord.


10 He recounts to his lord the toil he has gone through,

11 The lad reveals the suffering he is enduring:

12 “My lord, I have reflected in my mind,

13 I ... in my heart, but I do not know what sin I have committed.

14 Have I myself ... an abomination against you, that I ... (such a) bad misfortune?

15 A brother should not l[oo]k? (down)? at his brother, a friend should not slan[der] his friend,

16 … has not … me … beneath? you, lord […] a house of rejoicing!


17 Hea[r? … ] … [...] … the lord of justice, who dec[rees? …], is present for me.

18 […] … […] … may his choice heart […].

19 […….] to enclose? himself for […].

20 [                ] … [                ]

21 […] … [make me he]althy? and … […].


22 [     ] … I got distressed [            ] x x x [    ]

23 [         ] like … [          ] … I cr[y out(?)  ]

24 [    ] … my spirit came to an end. H[e]ar(?) … of my days.

25 [From] my childhood to my maturity my […] have lengthened in the land.

26 [         ] all the favours you have done to me; All that I have […] I cannot forget.


27 Be[fo]re(?) grace you have shown evil. My lord, wh[en](?) have you ever made … bright?

28 My misfortune has increased; it attaches(?) itself to (my) feet. [It has placed](?) blows on my skull(?).

29 You have made a full(?) mouth very bitter for me; …. has become a stinkwort.

30 ….. you made the water dirty; my release …. since my childhood.

31 … [   ] … the side of the mountain. The heights are humble(?), there is no one to descend(?).


32 [    ] … ; you have set my feet on the ground.

33 [                   ] …… you have made rain.

34 [                    ] … you have filled.

35 [                   ] … you have heaped up.

36 [                    ] of my house, my father, the man of my clan.

37 [                            ] of(?) his slave(?).

38 [                            ] his(?) …


39 [                                                 ] …

40 [                                                 ] to the slave(?).

42 [                                                  ] ….

43 [                                      ] he raised him to the ground.

44 [                                       he an]ointed [him] with myrtle oil.

45 [                           ] food; he has covered his mole(?).

46 Standing by him, he cheered his heart,

47 He speaks to him of the relief(?) of his good health.


48 Your šibbum-disease is locked(?), your heart should not be disturbed!

49 The years have passed, the days in which you were filled with toil.

50 Had you not been ordained to life,

51 How would you have been able to bear the entire severe di’um-illness?

52 You experienced distress, only a little was prevented (from you)!

53 You have carried its heavy load in full,

54 I have opened your door wide, the way is open for you,

55 The path is straight for you, and compassion is bestowed on you.

56 In future days do not forget [your] god,

57 Your creator, if you want to be well!


58 I am your god, your creator, your help.

59 My guards are watching over you and are strong for you.

60 The field will open its refuge [for you].

61 I am watching you so you will always [find(?)] life.

62 And you, do not turn pale: anoint the parched,

63 Feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty to drink,

64 And he who sat, and …. […],

65 May he look at your bread, may he suck, may he receive it and may he rejoi[ce]!

66 The gate of peace and health is open for you!

67 … into it, come in, go out! May you be well!


68 Make his way straight, open his path! May the prayer of your slave go down to your heart!

subscript:   …-num

Word Translation Semantic Line
abullum gate 66
abum father 36
aḫum I brother 15
akalum bread 65
Signs in text
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% of Sum. in text
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Average signs per line in text
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Revision History
Gabbay, Uri
Transliteration, translation, commentary
Wasserman, Nathan
Transliteration, translation, commentary
Streck, Michael P.
Images, catalogue