SEAL no. 30342
1 [É]N ri-it-ti an-zi-i zu-qa-qí-⸢pat⸣
2 ⸢ù⸣ ši-i kaš-šap-tum i-na-ak-ka-ma
3 kiš-pi-ša
4 ⸢lu-pu!(TE)⸣-ḫa-aš-šim-ma kīma(GIM) manzât(dTIR.AN.NA) šá-me-e
5 lu-zi-qa-šim-ma kīma(GIM) šadî(imKUR.RA)
6 ù amurri(imMAR.TU)
7 lu-ḫa-li-iq ur-pa-ta-šá lu-ḫa-li-iq ūm(U4)-šá
8 lu-sa-ap-p[i-i]ḫ kiš-pi-šá ša i-te-né-ep-pu-šá
9 ia-ši
10 ù na-áš-⸢pa⸣-ra-⸢ti⸣ ša iš-ta-⸢na-pa⸣-ra
11 a-na ia-[ši]
12 ṣa-lil ⸢né-bé⸣-ru ṣa-li[l kāru]
13 [mārū(DUMUm]eš) malāḫi(lúMÁ.LA[Ḫ5) kalīšunu]
14 ⸢ṣa-al⸣-[lu]
15 [eli dalti(giš]I[G) u sikkūri nadû ḫargullū]
beginning broken
16 [ina na-pa-ḫ]i šamši(⸢d⸣U[TU) dayyān nišī]
17 [ša] ⸢i+na⸣ nāri(ÍD) im-lu-⸢ú⸣ [lū ṭīdūša]
18 ša i+na dalti(gišIG) iš-lu-p[u lū o o-ša]
19 ša i+na su-qí iš-bu-šu lu-⸢ú⸣ [eper]
20 še-pi-ša
21 ⸢ša⸣ i+na ḫur-ri iš-du-du lu-ú mu-⸢ša⸣-[ṭi-ša]
22 ša i+na da-ba-ab-<ti> il-qu-ú
23 lu-ú da-ba-ab-ti pi-ša
24 ù lu-ú ba-al-tu ša qa-qa-di-ša
25 i+na na-pa-ḫi šamši(dUTU) a-pa-šar-šu-nu-ti
26 úim-ḫur-lim li-im-ḫa-ṣa le-es-sa
27 [gi]šGAN.U5 li-pa-ši-ra kiš-pi-ša
28 maštakal(⸢úIN⸣.NU.UŠ) li-ter-ra
29 a-ma-as-sa a-na pi-ša
30 [g]am-lum li-paṭ-ṭi-ra [k]i-ṣir
31 ki-pi-id lìb-⸢bi⸣-šá
1 [Incanta]tion. The claw of Anzû is a scorpion,
2 [Bu]t she, the witch, piles up
3 her witchcraft.
4 Let me emerge against her like the rainbow (in) the sky,
5 Let me blow against her like the east wind
6 and the west wind.
7 Let me destroy her cloud, let me destroy her storm,
8 Let me scatter her witchcraft, which she has been practicing
9 against me.
10 And the messages that she has been sending
11 against me.
12 Asleep is the ford, asle[ep is the quay],
13 The [s]ailors, a[ll of them,
14 [a]re asle[ep],
15 Upon [d]oo[r and bolt, locks are placed].
beginning broken
16 [At the ris]ing of Šama[š, the judge of people],
17 [What she ha]s pinched from the river, [let it be her (own) clay]!
18 What she has picked up from the door, [let it be her (own) ...]!
19 What she has gathered in the street, let it be [dirt] of her (own)
20 foot!
21 What she has dragged from the pit, let it be [her] (own) hair com[bings]!
22 What she has taken from a conversation,
23 Let it be the conversation of her (own) mouth!
24 And the pride of her (own) head!
25 At the rising of Šamaš I shall undo them!
26 Let the imḫur-līm-plant strike her cheek!
27 Let the gišGAN.U5-wood undo her witchcraft!
28 Let the maštakal-plant return
29 her word to her mouth!
30 Let the bent wand release the knots of
31 the machination of her mind!
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
amurrum | GN, west wind | 6 | |
ana I | to, for | 11, 29 | |
Anzû | DN | 1 | |
awātum, amātu (INIM) | word, matter, speech | 29 | |
bāštum | dignity, pride | 24 | |
dababtum | talk | 22, 23 | |
daltum (GIŠ.IG) | door | [15], 18 | |
dayyānum | judge | [16] | |
eli, elu | on, above, over | [15] | |
eperum (SAḪAR.ḪI.A) | earth, soil, dust | [20] | |
epēšum (v.) | G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G | 8 | |
gamlum | bent stick, crook | 30 | |
gišGAN.U5 | (a tree) | 27 | |
ḫalāqum (v.) | G to be lost; D lose, destroy | 7 | |
ḫargallum | locking ring | [15] | |
ḫurrum | hole | 21 | |
imḫur-līm | (a plant) | 26 | |
ina | in, on, by, from | [16], 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25 | |
kalûm II (DÙ.A.BI) | all, totality, everything | [13] | |
kārum I (KAR) | quay, port | [12] | |
kaššaptum | sorceress, witch | 2 | |
kīma | like, as; when; that | 4, 5 | |
kipdum | plan(s) | 31 | |
kišpum | sorcery, evil spell | 3, 8, 27 | |
kiṣrum | knot, concentration, group, lump | 30 | |
leqûm (v.) | G to take, take over; Š caus. of G | 22 | |
lētum | cheek; side | 26 | |
libbum (ŠÀ) | heart, mind; inner body | 31 | |
lū | let it be; or; though; indeed | [17], [18], 19, 21, 23, 24 | |
maḫāṣum (v.) | G to beat, strike; Gt to fight with each other | 26 | |
malā'um (v.) | to tear out | 17 | |
Manziat (dTIR.AN.NA) | rainbow | 4 | |
mār malāḫim | sailor | [13] | |
maštakal (IN.NU.UŠ) | plant, alkaline plant (a kind of) | 28 | |
mušāṭum (//ḫumuzer) | combed-out hair | 6 | |
nadûm | placed, laid down | [15] | |
nakāmum (v.) | to heap, pile up | 2 | |
napāḫum (v.) | G to blow, light up, rise | 4, [16], 25 | |
nārum I (ÍD) | river, watercourse, canal | 17 | |
našpartum | message, instruction | 10 | |
nēberum | crossing, ford | 12 | |
nišū (UN.MEŠ) | people, humanity, population | [16] | |
pašārum (v.) | G to loosen, dissolve, release, free, solve, dissipate; D dispel, disperse; N become reconciled to, forgive | 25, 27 | |
paṭārum (v.) | G to loosen, release; G~D; N to be loosened | 30 | |
pûm I (KA) | mouth, statement, command, opening | 23, 29 | |
qaqqadum, kaqqadum (SAG; SAG.KI) | head, beginning, capital | 24 | |
rittum | hand | 1 | |
ša | who(m), which, of | 10, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24 | |
šabāšum (v.) | to gather | 19 | |
šadādum (v.) | to drag, pull, draw | 21 | |
šadûm II | east wind | 5 | |
šalāpum (v.) | G to pull out, unsheathe | 18 | |
ṣallum | sleeping one | 12, 14 | |
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) | DN, sun | 16, 25 | |
šamû I (AN) | sky, heaven | 4 | |
sapāḫum (v.) | G to scatter, disperse; D squander, spend freely, scatter; N pass. of G | 8 | |
šapārum (v.) | G to send, write, govern, administer | 10 | |
šēpum | foot, leg | 20 | |
šī | she | 2 | |
sikkūrum, šikkūrum (GIŠ.SAG.KUL) | bar, bolt (as locking device) | [15] | |
šiptum (ḖN; KAxUD) | incantation, spell | 1 | |
sūqum (SILA) | street | 19 | |
târum (v.) (GUR) | G to turn, return, become again; D to bring, send, give, pay back | 28 | |
ṭīdum, ṭiṭṭu | clay, mud | [17] | |
u | and, but, also | 2, 6, 10. [15] | |
ūmum II | stormwind, weather-beast, mythical lion | 7 | |
urpatum | cloud | 7 | |
yâšim, ayyâšim | to, for me | 9, 11 | |
zīaqum (v.) | G to blow, waft, gust | 5 | |
zuqiqīpum, zuqaqīpum (GÍR.TAB) | scorpion | 1 |