HS 1889

SEAL no. 30342

Copy / Photo
Tablet Siglum
HS 1889
5.8 x 5.6. x 0.8
Hilprecht Sammlung, Jena


1 [É]N ri-it-ti an-zi-i zu-qa-qí-pat

2 ⸢ši-i kaš-šap-tum i-na-ak-ka-ma

3 kiš-pi-ša

4 ⸢lu-pu!(TE)⸣-ḫa-aš-šim-ma kīma(GIM) manzât(dTIR.AN.NA) šá-me-e 

5 lu-zi-qa-šim-ma kīma(GIM) šadî(imKUR.RA)

6 ù amurri(imMAR.TU)

7 lu-ḫa-li-iq ur-pa-ta-šá lu-ḫa-li-iq ūm(U4)-šá

8 lu-sa-ap-p[i-i]ḫ kiš-pi-šá ša i-te-né-ep-pu-šá

9 ia-ši
10 ù na-áš-⸢pa⸣-ra-tiša iš-ta-⸢na-pa⸣-ra

11 a-na ia-[ši]
12 ṣa-lilné-bé⸣-ru ṣa-li[l kāru]
13 [mārū(DUMUm]eš) malāḫi(lúMÁ.LA[Ḫ5) kalīšunu]

14 ⸢ṣa-al⸣-[lu]
15 [eli dalti(giš]I[G) u sikkūri nadû ḫargullū]



beginning broken

16 [ina na-pa-ḫ]i šamši(⸢d⸣U[TU) dayyān nišī]

17 [ša] ⸢i+nanāri(ÍD) im-lu-⸢⸣ [lū ṭīdūša]

18 ša i+na dalti(gišIG) iš-lu-p[u lū o o-ša]

19 ša i+na su-qí iš-bu-šu lu-⸢⸣ [eper]

20 še-pi-ša

21 ⸢šai+na ḫur-ri iš-du-du lu-ú mu-ša⸣-[ṭi-ša]

22 ša i+na da-ba-ab-<ti> il-qu-ú

23 lu-ú da-ba-ab-ti pi-ša

24 ù lu-ú ba-al-tu ša qa-qa-di-ša

25 i+na na-pa-ḫi šamši(dUTU) a-pa-šar-šu-nu-ti

26 im-ḫur-lim li-im-ḫa-ṣa le-es-sa

27 [gi]GAN.U5 li-pa-ši-ra kiš-pi-ša

28 maštakal(⸢IN⸣.NU.UŠ) li-ter-ra

29 a-ma-as-sa a-na pi-ša

30 [g]am-lum li-paṭ-ṭi-ra [k]i-ṣir

31 ki-pi-id lìb-⸢bi⸣-šá



1 [Incanta]tion. The claw of Anzû is a scorpion,

2 [Bu]t she, the witch, piles up

3 her witchcraft.

4 Let me emerge against her like the rainbow (in) the sky,

5 Let me blow against her like the east wind

6 and the west wind.

7 Let me destroy her cloud, let me destroy her storm,

8 Let me scatter her witchcraft, which she has been practicing

9 against me.

10 And the messages that she has been sending

11 against me.

12 Asleep is the ford, asle[ep is the quay],

13 The [s]ailors, a[ll of them,

14 [a]re asle[ep],

15 Upon [d]oo[r and bolt, locks are placed].



beginning broken

16 [At the ris]ing of Šama[š, the judge of people],

17 [What she ha]s pinched from the river, [let it be her (own) clay]!

18 What she has picked up from the door, [let it be her (own) ...]!

19 What she has gathered in the street, let it be [dirt] of her (own) 

20 foot!

21 What she has dragged from the pit, let it be [her] (own) hair com[bings]!

22 What she has taken from a conversation,

23 Let it be the conversation of her (own) mouth!

24 And the pride of her (own) head!

25 At the rising of Šamaš I shall undo them!

26 Let the imḫur-līm-plant strike her cheek!

27 Let the gišGAN.U5-wood undo her witchcraft!

28 Let the maštakal-plant return

29 her word to her mouth!

30 Let the bent wand release the knots of

31 the machination of her mind!

Word Translation Semantic Line
amurrum GN, west wind 6
ana I to, for 11, 29
Anzû DN 1
awātum, amātu (INIM) word, matter, speech 29
bāštum dignity, pride 24
dababtum talk 22, 23
daltum (GIŠ.IG) door [15], 18
dayyānum judge [16]
eli, elu on, above, over [15]
eperum (SAḪAR.ḪI.A) earth, soil, dust [20]
epēšum (v.) G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G 8
gamlum bent stick, crook 30
gišGAN.U5 (a tree) 27
ḫalāqum (v.) G to be lost; D lose, destroy 7
ḫargallum locking ring [15]
ḫurrum hole 21
imḫur-līm (a plant) 26
ina in, on, by, from [16], 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25
kalûm II (DÙ.A.BI) all, totality, everything [13]
kārum I (KAR) quay, port [12]
kaššaptum sorceress, witch 2
kīma like, as; when; that 4, 5
kipdum plan(s) 31
kišpum sorcery, evil spell 3, 8, 27
kiṣrum knot, concentration, group, lump 30
leqûm (v.) G to take, take over; Š caus. of G 22
lētum cheek; side 26
libbum (ŠÀ) heart, mind; inner body 31
let it be; or; though; indeed [17], [18], 19, 21, 23, 24
maḫāṣum (v.) G to beat, strike; Gt to fight with each other 26
malā'um (v.) to tear out 17
Manziat (dTIR.AN.NA) rainbow 4
mār malāḫim sailor [13]
maštakal (IN.NU.UŠ) plant, alkaline plant (a kind of) 28
mušāṭum (//ḫumuzer) combed-out hair 6
nadûm placed, laid down [15]
nakāmum (v.) to heap, pile up 2
napāḫum (v.) G to blow, light up, rise 4, [16], 25
nārum I (ÍD) river, watercourse, canal 17
našpartum message, instruction 10
nēberum crossing, ford 12
nišū (UN.MEŠ) people, humanity, population [16]
pašārum (v.) G to loosen, dissolve, release, free, solve, dissipate; D dispel, disperse; N become reconciled to, forgive 25, 27
paṭārum (v.) G to loosen, release; G~D; N to be loosened 30
pûm I (KA) mouth, statement, command, opening 23, 29
qaqqadum, kaqqadum (SAG; SAG.KI) head, beginning, capital 24
rittum hand 1
ša who(m), which, of 10, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24
šabāšum (v.) to gather 19
šadādum (v.) to drag, pull, draw 21
šadûm II east wind 5
šalāpum (v.) G to pull out, unsheathe 18
ṣallum sleeping one 12, 14
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) DN, sun 16, 25
šamû I (AN) sky, heaven 4
sapāḫum (v.) G to scatter, disperse; D squander, spend freely, scatter; N pass. of G 8
šapārum (v.) G to send, write, govern, administer 10
šēpum foot, leg 20
šī she 2
sikkūrum, šikkūrum (GIŠ.SAG.KUL) bar, bolt (as locking device) [15]
šiptum (ḖN; KAxUD) incantation, spell 1
sūqum (SILA) street 19
târum (v.) (GUR) G to turn, return, become again; D to bring, send, give, pay back 28
ṭīdum, ṭiṭṭu clay, mud [17]
u and, but, also 2, 6, 10. [15]
ūmum II stormwind, weather-beast, mythical lion 7
urpatum cloud 7
yâšim, ayyâšim to, for me 9, 11
zīaqum (v.) G to blow, waft, gust 5
zuqiqīpum, zuqaqīpum (GÍR.TAB) scorpion 1
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Revision History
Tulaikova, Yulia
Cataloguing, Indexing