VS 10, 214 (Agušaya A)

SEAL no. 7493

  • VAT 5946 obv. (Vorderasiatisches Museum)VAT 5946 obv. (Vorderasiatisches Museum)
  • VAT 5946 obv. (Vorderasiatisches Museum)VAT 5946 obv. (Vorderasiatisches Museum)
  • VAT 5946 rev. (Vorderasiatisches Museum)VAT 5946 rev. (Vorderasiatisches Museum)
  • VAT 5946 rev. (Vorderasiatisches Museum)VAT 5946 rev. (Vorderasiatisches Museum)
  • VAT 5946 rev. (Vorderasiatisches Museum)VAT 5946 rev. (Vorderasiatisches Museum)
  • Zimmern 1913 obv. 1Zimmern 1913 obv. 1
  • Zimmern 1913 obv. 2Zimmern 1913 obv. 2
  • Zimmern 1913 rev. 1Zimmern 1913 rev. 1
  • Zimmern 1913 rev. 2Zimmern 1913 rev. 2
Copy / Photo
345 (photo)
(rev., col. v−viii)
plate 1–2 (photo)
Tablet Siglum
VAT 5946
Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin
Genre / Classification
Hymns and Prayers, Agušaya, Ištar, Ṣāltu

collated 1.4.2009 by Michael P. Streck. Signs corrected by collation are marked by *.     Indentation in the transliteration marks indentation on the tablet. Indentation in the translation marks the poetic structure of the text.


Up. Ed.
ú-ta-ar MUŠ
col. i
1      lu-na-i-id šu-ur-bu-ta
2      i-ni-li qá-ra-at-ta
3      bu-uk-ra-at dNin-gal (ras.)

4      du-un-na-ša lu-ul-li! šu-um-ša

5      8-tár šu-ur-bu-{x}-ú-ta
6      i-ni-li qá-ra-at-ta
7      bu-uk-ra-at dNin-gal (ras.)

8      du-un-na-ša lu-uš-ta-aš-ni

9      šu-pu-ú na-ar-bu-ša
10    a-la-ak-ta-ša re-qé-et
11    it-na-ar-ru! a-na-na-tim

12    [ši-i]p-ru!-uš nu-uk-ku-ur

13    [...] iš-ti[a? ...]
(rest broken)
col. ii
1      i-li ù šar-ri i-ga-a-aš
2      zi-ik-ru-tu-uš-ša

3           ki-ru-gú 1-kam-ma


4      šu-tu-qá-at i-la-tim

5      8-tár ta-ni-da°-ta-ša lu-az-mu-ur

6           giš-gi4-gál-bi
7      ta-am-ḫa-at ri-tu-uš-ša
8      ka-la-šu-nu pa-ar-ṣí
9      ta-at-na-da-an-ši a-šar li-ib-bi-ša
10    8-tár ri-tu-uš-ša ṣé-re-et
11    ni-ši ú-ki-a-al
12    [i-q]ú-ul-la iš-ta-ra-ta-ši-in
13    [si-iq-r]u-uš-ša
14    [...] a-wa-as-sà
15    [...] si-qá-ar-ša
16    [...] bu-⌈uk⌉-ri
17    [... m]a-an-ma-an
18    [...] ⌈x⌉
(rest broken)
col. iii
1      eṭ-lu uk-ta-ap-pa-ru

2      ša ki ar-ka-tim


3           ki-ru-gú 2-kam-ma

4      i-ba-aš-ši iš-ta-ta qú-ra-du
5      8-tár šu-tu-ra-at da-pa-na ti-de
6           giš-gi4-gál-bi
7      i-si-in-ša ta-am-ḫa-ru
8      šu-ut-ra-aq-qú-⌈du⌉ a-an-ti
9      i-ša-tu ú-ul ta-am-ḫa-at a-te-li

10    i-ta-ar-ru da-aš-ni

11    8-tár i-si-in-ša ta-am-ḫa-ru

12    šu-ut-ra-qú-du a-an-ti
13    i-ša-tu ú-ul ta-am-ḫa-at a-te-li

14    i-ta-ru da-aš-ni

15    i-te-eš-gu a-na-an-ti
16    ḫi-it-b[u-uṣ] tu-qú-un-ti

17    i-si-[iq-ša] ú-du-ú-ši-im

18    n[a?] ⌈x⌉ [x (x) k]a ši-ip-ra-am

19    [...] ⌈x⌉ iq-ra-ab

20    [...] ⌈x⌉-am
21    [... r]i-am
22    [...] bi-im
23    [...] ⌈⌉?-še?-ru-ú
24    [...] ka-ia-à-ni-iš
25    [... n]u-qá-tim
26    [...]u?-um
27    [... t]im?
28    [...] ⌈x⌉
29    [...] 8-tár
30    [...]
31    [...] ⌈x⌉-AK
32    [...]
33    [...] ⌈x⌉
34    [...]
35    [...] ⌈x⌉-nu
36    [...]-AŠ

37    [...] ⌈x⌉ te-ri-ki [x]

38    [...]-pa-ša [x (x)]

39    [...] ⌈ú-ti [...]

40    [...]-um? ir-bi [...]

41    [...] ⌈x⌉-um ša [...]

42    [... u]m? i-li š[a? ...]
43    [...] ⌈x⌉ te? ⌈x⌉ [...]
44    [t]a?-aṣ-ṣi-⌈x⌉ [...]
col. iv
1      ḫa-aṭ-ṭi šar-ru-ti gišGU.ZA a-gu-ú

2      ša!(Text: TA°)-ar-ku-ši an-ša-aš na?-ṭú gi-im-ru

3      i-di-iš-ši eṭ-lu-ta-am

4      na-ar-bi-a-am da-na-na-am

5      bi-ir-qí bi-ir-bi-ir-ri

6      ú-ṣí-ib šu-a-ti uš-ta-ás-ḫi-ir!-ši


7      iš-ni° uṣ-ba-aš-ši e-ni-ši-i pu-lu-uḫ-ḫi-iš

8      ú-ša-aš-ši-i-ši ma-le!-em-mi 

9      ra-šu-ub-ba-ta-am ù qú-ur-dam

10    ši-i iḫ-su-ús° qú-ur-da-am

11    i-li-bi-i-ša ik°-ta-ṣa!(Text: A°)-ar a-na-an-ta
12    i-šu-ub-ti ni-iš-ši-i-ki dÉ-a

13    pu-lu-uḫ-ta-am uṣ-re-e


14    uš-na-ar-ra-aṭ e-li-im

15    ki uz-za-šu ri-gi-im-ša

16    i-še-er-ṭi la iz-zi-i-zi

17    ú-ṣí i-na du-un-ni-ša

18    na-ṣí-ru-uš-ša ig-da-lu-ut

19    DINGIR-um É-a er-šu-um

20    im-la li-ib-ba-ti-ša

21    É-a ša-ši-im i-gu-ug
22          ki-ru-gú 3-[kam-ma]
23    ši-mi-a te-[...]

24    8-tár e-re-et [...]

25    ša?-qú-ú [...]

26          g[iš-gi4-gál-bi]
27    er-še-[...]
28    er-[...]
29    a-[...]
30    ⌈x⌉ [...]
31    IZ-[...]
32    i-[...]
33    a-[...]
34    ⌈x⌉ [...]
(rest broken)
col. v

(ca. 10 lines are broken)

1'     ša-bi-⌈x⌉ [...]
2'     ši-i lu ša-[...]

3'     lu tu-uk-ku-la-at [...]

4'     li-ir-ši še-er-à-na-a-[tim]

5'     li-ši li-ku°-na-am li-ig-ri [(x)]

6'     [ši?-i?] lu ak-ṣa-at
7'     [lu n]u-ku-la-at ša-ra-as-sà

8'     ⌈de?⌉-še20-et el ṣi-ip-pa-tim

9'     bi-ni°-tu-uš li-id-ni-in

10'   li-id-bu-ub lu da-an-na-at
11'   li-iḫ-zu la i-<na->na-aḫ
12'   a-ia ik-la úr-ri tam-ḫí-i

13'   ri-gi-im-ša li-zu-uz


14'   ip-ta-aḫ-ru iš-ta-lu

15'   la na-ṭú-šu-nu-ši
16'  a-na ni-ši-i-ki dÉ-a

17'   ú-te!-er-ru si-iq-ra-am

18'   iš-ti-i-ka lu na-ṭú

19'   an-nu-ú e-pé-šu-um

20'   a-na aš-ri-im ša la ka-la°

21'   i-ša-ka-an ma-an-nu-um


22'   ú-ša-ṣe-er si-iq-ri i-pu-lu-ú-šu

23'   É-a er-šu-um
24'  ru-ša-am ša ṣú-up-ri-i-šu
25'   a-di 7se-bé-šu iq-qú-úr
26'   qá-ti-iš-šu il-qé e-pí-i-šu
27'   ṣa-al-ta-am ib-ta-ni
28'   É-a ni-iš-ši-i-ki
29'         ki-ru-gú 4-kam-ma
30'   i-lu É-a iḫ-ti-i-ši
31'   iš-ta-ka-an pa-ni-i-šu
32'   i-ba-an-ni Ṣa-al-ta-am
33'   aš-šu-te-ṣí-i it-ti 8-tár
34'         giš-gi4-gál-bi
35'   ab-ra-at ši-ik-na-as-sà
36'   šu-un-na-at mi-ni-a-tim

37'   na-ak-la-at ki-ma ma-an-ma-a[n]

38'   la ú-ma-aš-ša-lu še20-ep-ṣé-et

39'   Ṣa-al-tu-um ši-ik-na-as-sà
40'   šu-un-na-at mi-ni-a-tim

41'   na-ak-la-at ki-ma ma-an-ma-an

42'   la ú-ma-aš-ša-lu še20-ep-ṣé-et

43'   ši-ru-ša ṣa-ba-aʾ-ú
44'   ṣé-lu-ú ša-ra-as-sà
col. vi
(ca. 5 lines are broken)
1'     ⌈x⌉ [...]
2'     da-na⌉-n[i° ...]
3'     šu-tu-qá-at⌉ [...]

4'     ak-ṣa-at še-er-[...]

5'     šu-úr-ša-at e-mu-qé-e[m] [í]-⌈ra?⌉-[am]


6'     Ṣa-al-tum ki li-ib-ši

7'     né-zu-ḫa-at tu-qú-um-ta-am

8'     ma-ar mé-e-li ri-ig-mu-uš

9'     nu-uk-ku-ra-at a-ma-ri-iš
10'   pa-al-ḫa-at
11'   e-ek-di-iš i-qer-bu Ap-si-i
12'   na-zu-uz-za-at
13'   a-ma-at i-pí-ša ú-ṣi°-a i-sa-ḫa-ar-ši-im
14'   É-a be-lu pa-šu i-pu-ša-am
15'   šu-a-ši-im a-Ṣa-al-tim
16'   ša ib-nu-ú šu-ú i-sà-qar

17'   qú-li uz-na-am šu-uk-ni

18'   uṣ-ṣi-ri qí-bi-ti

19'   ši-me-e si-iq-ri-ia
20'   ša ú-a-wa-ru-ú-ki ep-ši-i
21'   iš-té-a-at il-[tum] qar-da-at
22'   el ka-la [i]-la-tim
23'   šu-tu-qú na-ar-bu-ša
24'   ša-ni ši-p[í-i]r-ša nu-uk-ku-úr
25'   ⌈šu-um-šadIr-ni-na
26'   [ga-aš]-⌈ra-at ap-lu-ḫa-tim

27'   [b]e-le⌉-et be-le-e-tim

28'   [te?-l]i-tum bu-uk-ra-at dNin-gal


29'   [a-na]-ku a-ru-še-e-ša

30'   [a]b?-ta-ni ka-a-ti

31'   [q]ú-úr-da-am du-un-na-am

32'   i-na ne-me-qí ú-ṣí-ib
33'   la-ni-iš-ki
34'   i-na-an-na al-ki at-ti
35'   at-ka-ši ta-i-iš-ša

36'   pu-lu-uḫ-ta-am lu la-ab-ša-a-ti

37'   ú-ta-e-ri-ši an-na (ras.)

38'   ši-i uš-pé-et-te-e-ki
39'   a-wa-ta (ras.) i-qá-bi-i-ki

40'   i-ša-al-ki ar-da-at-ma ga!-na

41'   a-la-ak-ta-ak pu-uš-ri
42'   at-ti lu ša-ab-sa-at (ras.)
43'   la ta-ka-nu-ši-i-ši
44'   ša nu-pu-uš li-ib-bi
45'   la ta-at-pa-li-i-ši a-wa-tim

46'   ma-ti li-il-qé (ras.) mi-im-ma-ki

47'   bi-ni-it qá-ti-ia at-ti

48'   ša-al-ṭi-iš ma-al pí-i-ki

49'   ù ma-la-am ma-ḫa-ar-ša du-ub-bi

50' (ras.)
col. vii

(ca. 3 lines are broken and 6 lines consisting of erasures)

1'           ki-ru-gú 5-kam-ma

2'     su-pí-iš it-ta-zi-uz Ṣa-al-tum

3'     É-a qer-bu ap-su-ú

4'     i-ši-ja-an-ši-im du-un-na-am

5'           giš-gi4-gál-bi
6'     i-bu-uk-ma Ṣa-al-ta-am

7'     šu-tu-ru bi-ni-an-nim

8'     ú-ša-ar-ri-ir-ši am-ma-ag-ra-tim

9'     qú-ul-lu-li-im ta-ar-ši-a-tim

10'   É-a er-šu-ú ša šu-tu-ru ma-la-ak-šu

11'   ú-ṣa-ab ú-re-ed-de (ras.) a-wa-ta-am
12'   a-na ka-ar-ši-ša

13'   it-ti Iš8-tár šar-ra-tim i-na-da-an-ši

14'   8-tár ga-aš-ra-at el ka-la
15'   i-la-tim ši-i-ma

16'   ú-e-di-ši na-ar-bi-ša

17'   ša ba-aš-ti ú-ṭa-a-ab-ši

18'   an-nu-um-ma aš-šu ša la i-pa-ṭa-ru

19'         ar-ka-nu-um
20'   i-ga°-at il-tum te-re-ta-ša ra-bi-a

21'   be-le-et-mi la ip-ru-ku-[ši]

22'   pa-ni-iš-ša ma-am-ma-[an]


23'   i-ša-am-mu-úrda°-[an-ni-iš]

24'   ki-i ma-ru [...]
25'   i-ra-aḫ-ḫa-[aṣ ...]
26'   ip-ta-[...]
27'   ki-ma [...]
28'   at-t[i ...] ⌈x⌉
29'   lu [... I]K?    
30'   ⌈x⌉ [...]
31'   [...]
32'  [...]
33'  ⌈x⌉ [...] ⌈x x⌉ [...]

34'   [...] BI iš-ti [...] ma-ta-am

35'   [....] ri ⌈x⌉ [...] ⌈x⌉

36'   [...] ŠE/BU?-UD lu-UD [...] e-li-ša

37'   pí-ki lu šu°-⌈tam°⌉-li te-ek?-[x šu]-⌈tu⌉-ra-at

38'   ⌈x x lu?⌉ ka-ad-ra-a-t[i?]
39'   it-⌈ti⌉-it a-pa-ni-ša
(2 lines consisting of erasures)
40'   uš-ta-ar-ra-aḫ el-ki-i
41'   la ta-pa-aṭ-ṭa-ri bi-it ni-ši
col. viii
(2 lines consisting of erasures)
1'     [...] du-nu-uš-ša

2'     [... l]u-uš da-ap-ni-iš

3'     [...] ⌈x⌉ šu-lu-UG

4'     [...] ⌈x⌉-wa-al ni-ši

5'     [...] ⌈x⌉ dIr-ni-na
6'     [na-aš-pa-a]r-ta-ša qí-bi!-a-nim
7'     [...] ⌈x⌉ du-ub-ba-nim
8'     [...] du-un-ni-ša
9'     [...] ⌈x⌉-ra i-de-a
10'   [...] ⌈x⌉ 8-tár
11'   [...] ⌈x⌉-na šu-tu-ra-at
12'   [...] ⌈x⌉ li-za-ak-ra
13'   [...] úr-ri be-le-et
14'   [...b]i?-i te-li-ta
15'   [...]-ki uṣ-ṣú-ra-at
16'   [...t]a?-ša? qú-úr-dam
17'   [... i]m°-tu-uš le-em-né-et

18'   [...] ⌈li°⌉-ta-ša ka-aš-da-at

19'   [ki? a?-ša?-a]m-ša-ti et-pu-ša-at

20'   [...]-iš a-na-an-tu

21'  [li?]-bu-ša uz-zux a-gu ti-am-ti

22'   [li]-ik-ta-aš-da-ak-ki

23'   ⌈x⌉-li-KU di-ib-bu-ki

24'   [i?-na?] al-ka-ka-(ras.)-ti

25'   [ša be]-le-et ni-ši te-li-i-ti

26'   [be?-e]l-tum uz-zi-iz iš-nu-ú

27'   [pa]-nu-ša pa-al-ḫi-iš

28'   [i?]-ta-a-ar ug°-da-aš-ša-ar
29'   [nu-uk]-ku-la-at ḫa-la-qí-iš

30'   [x x]-ša-ma ki-na-tu

31'   [pu?]r-ru-ra-at
32'   [x] ⌈x⌉-i la i-de

33'         ki-ru-gú 6-kam-ma

(Up. Ed.)
        It turns the snake.
col. i
1      Let me praise the greatest one,
2                 the most heroic among the gods!
3           The first-born of Ningal,

4                 her strength let me extol, her name!

5      Ištar, the greatest one,

6                 the most heroic one among the gods,

7           the first-born of Ningal,
8                 let me repeat her strength!
9      Famous is her greatness,
10               her behaviour unfathomable. 
11         She always leads battles,
12               her [wo]rk is strange.
13    [...] with h[er(?)...]
col. ii
1      She dances around gods and kings
2                 in her manliness.
3      The first song.
4      The most outstanding of the goddesses,
5                 Ištar, let me sing of her praise.
6      Its antiphon.
7      She holds in her hands
8                 all the divine powers.
9           She gives it (= the hand) wherever she likes.
10    Ištar holds in her hand the lead-rope
11               of mankind.
12         Their (= mankind's) goddesses [h]eed
13               her [wor]d.
14    [...] her matter,
15    [...] her word.
16    [...] of first-born,
17    [... s]omebody.

col. iii

1      Young men are cut off
2                 as if for spear poles.
3      The second song.

4      There is a unique one, a hero.

5           Ištar is surpassing, she knows how to smite down.
6      Its antiphon.
7      Her festival is battle,

8                 dance-making the...

9            She weaves (? battle), doesn't hold the lords.
10                It leads away the mighty.
11    Ištar − her festival is battle,
12               dance-making the...
13          She weaves(? battle), doesn't hold the lords.
14                It leads away the mighty.
15    To become (constantly) enraged in the battle,

16               to be exuberant in the fight

17          are assigned to her as her lot.

(The lines 18−44 are too damaged for a translation)


col. iv

1      The scepter of kingship, the throne, the tiara

2                  are bestowed on her (Ištar). Everything is appropriate(?) to her.

3      He (Ea) gave her manliness,

4                 great deeds and might.

5            Moreover, with lightning, luminosity

6                 he surrounded her.


7      He added to her again her frightful appearance(?) among mankind.

8            He had her wear awe-inspiring sheen,

9                 awesome radiance and heroism.

10    She thought of heroism.
11                She set up battle in her mind:

12          “In the dwelling place of Ea, the prince,

13               keep fearsomeness safe!”


14    She causes to tremble more than a bull.

15               Like his rage is her clamor.
16          In tatters she was not standing.
17               She went out in her might.

18    At her clamor he was afraid,

19               the wise god, Ea.
20          He was filled with anger against her.
21               Ea was angry with her.

22    The third song.

23    Hear [...]

24    Ištar is awake [...]

25    [...] are high (?).


26    Its antiphon.


(Lines 27−34 are too damaged for a translation)

col. v
1'     [...]
2'     May she [...]!
3'                 May she be reliable [...]!
4'           Let her have muscles!

5'                 Let her confuse! Let her be always ready to fight!


6'     Let [her] be insubordinate,
7'                 her hair artfully arranged,

8'           more [flou]rishing than an orchard.

9'                 Let her physique be powerful!
10'   Let her speak! May she be powerful!
11'               Let her gasp! May she not rest!

12'         May she not hold back by day (and) night

13'              her cry! Let her be furious!
14'   They assembled (and) deliberated,

15'              (but) it was impossible for them (to do it).

16'         To the prince Ea

17'             they adressed the (following) word:

18'   “For you it is indeed possible

19'              to do this.

20'         At a place without anything,
21'              who could bring (this) forth?”

22'   He attended to the words which they replied to him,

23'              wise Ea.

24'        The dirt of his fingernails

25'              he scraped out seven times.

26'   He took it in his hand, baked it.

27'         He created Ṣāltum,

28'              Ea, the prince.

29'   The fourth song.
30'   The god Ea hurried.

31'              He decided

32'         to create the Ṣāltum

33'              to quarrel with Ištar.

34'   Its antiphon.
35'   Strong is her figure,

36'              doubled in shape,

37'         artful, that nobody

38'              can make equal (to her), resistant.

39'   Ṣāltum − her figure

40'              is doubled in shape,

41'         artful, that nobody

42'              is equal (to her), resistant.

43'   Her flesh is battle,

44'              combat her hair.

col. vi
1'     [...]
2'     Strength [ ...].
3'     She is surpassing [...].
4'     She is fierce [...].
5'     She is endowed with surp[reme(?)] power.

6'−7'      Ṣāltum is girded with battle as with a garment.

8'                 A son of floodwater is her clamor.

9'           She is strange to behold,

10'   She is terrible.
11'              Aggressively, in the midst of Apsû
12'         she stands.

13'               The word that comes from her mouth turns to her.

14'  Ea, the lord, began to speak,

15'        to her, to Ṣāltum,

16'             whom he himself had created, he said:

17'  “Keep silent! Pay attention!

18'         Keep my order in mind!

19'   Listen to my words!

20'         What I direct(!) you, do!

21'   A single goddess is more heroic

22'              than all (other) goddesses.

23'         Her greatness is surpassing.

24'               Her work is different (and) strange.

25'   Her name is Irnina.

26'              She is [powerful] in armor,     

27'         the mistress of the mistresses,

28'               the capable one, the firstborn of Ningal.
29'   To humiliate(?) her,
30'              [I my]self have crea]ted you.

31'         Heroism (and) power

32'              I added in wisdom

33'              to your stature.

34'   Now go,
35'               go off to her room!

36'         May you clothe yourself in fearsomeness!

37'               Issue repeatedly(?) this (instruction) to her!

38'   She will have opened for you.
39'               She will speak to you the (following) word

40'         (and) ask you: ‘Girl, now then,

41'               reveal your intention!`’
42'   May you be angry!
43'               You must not bow to her!

44'        To ease her heart,

45'             do not answer her!        

46'   When could she take something from you?
47'               You are a creation of my hands.

48'         Speak to her imperiously, whatever you like,

49'              and as an equal.”
col vii
1'     The fifth song.
2'     Ṣāltum stood there to pray,
3'           while Ea, in the midst of(!) the Apsû,
4'                was decreeing strength for her.
5'     Its antiphon.
6'     He led Ṣāltum away,

7'                pre-eminent in form.

8'           He had her rail insults,

9'                contempt (and) inconsiderate behavior.

10'   The wise Ea whose advice is exalted

11'         added word after word

12'         to her mind
13'   He gave her the sign of the queen Ištar:
14'   “Ištar, she is more powerful than all other

15'             goddesses.

16'         I assigned her her greatness,

17'             improving her with dignity.

18'   This lest she (Ištar) not withdraw (or: it (her dignity) not be removed)

19'              later.

20'              The goddess is the princess. Her instructions are great.

21'         She is the lady. 

22'              Nobody has (ever) opposed before her.”
23'   She rages f[iercely.]
24'   When ..[.]
25'  She devastates [...]

26'−31' (Lines are too damaged for a translation.)


32'−36' (too damaged for translation)

37'   Keep(?) your promise in full! [Your] ... is surpassing.

38'   [...] may you(?) be fierce.
39'   ... as to her face.
(2 lines consisting of erasures)
40'   She will boast against you.

41'         You must not abandon the house of people.

col. viii
1'     [...] by her strength.
2'     [...] aggressively.
3'     [...] ...
4'     [...] of the people.
5'     [...] Irnina.
6'     Tell me a [messa]ge concerning her!
7'     [...] speak to me!
8'     [...] of her strength. 
9'     [...] they know.
10'   [...] Ištar
11'   [...]... is surpassing.
12'   [...] let them be pronounced!
13'   [...] she is the lady.
14'   [...] the very competent one.
15'   Your [...] is retaining.
16'   [...] heroism.
17'   [...] her venom is malicious.

18'   [...] her might is overwhelming.

19'   She is made [like(?) a sand]storm(?).
20'   [...] battle.
21'   In her [hear]t(?) is rage, a wave in the sea;

22'              [let] it reach you.

23'         [Let?] your reputation [...]...

24'              [on(?)] the ways

25'              [of the capable [mis]tress of the people.

26'   [The mistre]ss(?) became angry,
27'              her face changed terrifyingly.

28'         [Ag]ain she shows strength,

29'              (but) is [well] prepared to escape.

30'   [...] truth.
31'   [...] ...
32'   [...] doesn't know.
33'  The sixth song.
Word Translation Semantic Line
agûm I tiara, crown iv 1
agûm II wave, flood viii 21'
alaktum way, course Abstract concepts i 10, vi 41', viii 24'
anantum battle, strife i 11, iii 15, iv 10, viii 20'
Antum DN Deities/Divine sphere iii 8, iii 12
apluḫtum armour vi 26'
Apsûm (ZU.AB) underground water (cosmic) Deities/Divine sphere,Nature/Cosmological phenomena vi 11', vii 3'
ariktum kind of spear, lance; length iii 2
ašrum (KI) place, site Locations/Buildings ii 9, v 20'
awātum, amātu (INIM) word, matter, speech Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions ii 14, vi 13', vi 39', vi 45', vii 11'
bāštum dignity, pride Abstract concepts vii 17'
bēltum (NIN) lady, mistress, proprietress Social status/Groups/Professions vi 27', vii 21', viii [2]5'
berqum, birqum lightning (flash) iv 5
biniannum form, shape vii 7'
binītum creature, form, shape; limbs v 9', vi 47
birbirrū radiance, sparkle, flash Nature/Cosmological phenomena iv 5
bukratum daughter, first-born Kinship terms i 3, i 7, vi 28'
bukrum son, child, first born Kinship terms ii 16
danānum power, strength iv 4
dašnum mighty iii 10, iii 14
dibbum word, utterance viii 23'
dunnum strength, force i 4, i 8, iv 17, vi 31', vii 4', viii 1', viii 8'
Ea DN Deities/Divine sphere iv 12, v 16'
Ea DN Deities/Divine sphere iv 19, v 23', v 28', v 30', vi 14', vii 3', vii 10'
emūqum ((LÚ.)USU) strength, force Human activities/actions vi 5'
etellum (NIR) lord, prince, pre-eminent Social status/Groups/Professions iii 9, iii 13
eṭlum (GURUŠ; ŠUL) manly; young man Human activities/actions,Social status/Groups/Professions iii 1
eṭlūtum manliness Human activities/actions iv 3
ḫaṭṭum (gišGIDRU) stick, sceptre Fabricated objects iv 1
igûm prince vii 20'
iltum (DINGIR) goddess Deities/Divine sphere ii 4, vi 21', vi 22', vii 15', vii 20'
ilum (DINGIR) god, deity Deities/Divine sphere i 2, i 6, ii 1, iv 19, v 30'
Irnina (dIR.NI.NA) DN vi 25', viii 5'
isinnum festival iii 7, iii 11
isqum lot, share iii 17
Ištar DN Deities/Divine sphere i 5, ii 5, ii 10, iii 5, iii 11, iii 29, v 33', vii 13', vii 14'
ištarum goddess Deities/Divine sphere ii 12
ittum sign, mark Abstract concepts vii 13'
karšum stomach, interior, womb; mind, understanding Body/Body parts vii 12'
kittum I steadiness, reliability, truth, justice, loyality Abstract concepts viii 30'
kussûm (gišGU.ZA) chair, stool, throne Fabricated objects iv 1
lānum body, figure; stature, form Body/Body parts vi 33'
libšum clothing; garment Fabricated objects vi 6'
lī'um bull iv 14
magrītum spite(ful act), malice, abuse vii 8'
malkum II advice Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions vii 10'
mārum (DUMU) boy, son, descendant Kinship terms,Social status/Groups/Professions vi 8'
mātum (KUR; KALAM) land, country Locations/Buildings,Nature/Cosmological phenomena vii 34'
melemmum (ME.LÁM) fearsome radiance iv 8
mīlum high water, flood(ing) Nature/Cosmological phenomena vi 8'
minītum measure, size v 36', v 40'
narbûm greatness, pl. deeds Abstract concepts i 9, iv 4, vi 23', vii 16'
naṣīrum clamor iv 18
našpartum message, instruction viii ⌈6'⌉
nēmequm wisdom, sagacity Abstract concepts vi 32'
Ningal DN Deities/Divine sphere i 3, i 7, vi 28'
niššīkum, naššīkum a title of Ea, prince iv 12, v 16', v 28'
nišū (UN.MEŠ) people, humanity, population Social status/Groups/Professions ii 11, vii 41', viii 4', viii 25'
pānum I (IGI) front, face, earlier times Abstract concepts,Body/Body parts v 31', vii 39', viii [2]7'
parṣum office, (cultic) ordinance, divine powers, rites Deities/Divine sphere,Locations/Buildings,Rituals/Religious practices ii 8
puluḫḫûm frigthful appearance iv 7
puluḫtum fear(someness) Abstract concepts iv 13, vi 36'
qerbum centre, interior Abstract concepts,Locations/Buildings vi 11'
qibītum speech, command, utterance, word Verbal expressions vi 18'
qullulum despised, little valued vii 9'
qurādum hero, warrior Human activities/actions,Social status/Groups/Professions iii 4
qurdum warriorhood, heroism Abstract concepts,Qualities/Attributes iv 9, vi 31', viii 16'
rašubbatum terrifying appearance Abstract concepts iv 9
rigmum voice, cry, noise Emotions/Feelings,Human activities/actions,Verbal expressions iv 15, v 13', vi 8'
rittum hand Body/Body parts ii 7, ii 10
rūšum dirt v 24'
ṣāltum combat, strife, discord, quarrel; DN v 27', v 32', v 39', vi 6', vi 15', vii 2', vii 6'
šarratum queen Social status/Groups/Professions vii 13'
šarrūtum kingship, reign Kinship terms iv 1
šārtum hair, (animal’s) pelt Body/Body parts v 7', v 44'
ṣerretum I nose rope, leading rope ii 10
šerṭum tatter iv 16
šer'ānum, šir'ānum (SA) vein, artery, ligament, tendon, nerve, sinew Body/Body parts v 4'
šikittum appearance, figure v 35', v 39'
ṣippatum I fruit orchard v 8'
šiprum sending, mission, work, messenger Abstract concepts,Human activities/actions,Verbal expressions i [1]2, iii 18, vi 24'
šīrum (UZU) flesh, body; entrails; kinsman, blood relative, meat; ominous sign Body/Body parts,Kinship terms v 43'
šubtum, šuptum seat, dwelling, abode, place Abstract concepts,Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings iv 12
šumum (MU) name, son, line of text Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions i 4, vi 25'
ṣuprum finger, toe-nail, claw, hoof Body/Body parts v 24'
tamḫārum battle, combat iii 7, iii 11
taršītum harassment, inconsiderate behaviour Human activities/actions vii 9'
tā'um inner room Locations/Buildings vi 35'
têrtum instruction vii 20'
tiāmtum, tâmtum (A.AB.BA) sea, lake Nature/Cosmological phenomena viii 21'
tuqumtum, tuqmatum battle, fight iii 16, vi 7'
uznum ear, wisdom, understanding Body/Body parts vi 17'
uzzum anger, rage Emotions/Feelings iv 15, viii 21'
wardatum (KI.SIKIL) girl, young woman Social status/Groups/Professions vi 40'
zikrum, siqrum utterance, name; mention of the name; reputation Verbal expressions ii 15, ii 13, v 17', v 22', vi 19'
zikrūtum manliness, virility ii 2
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Revision History
Hess, Christian W.
English corrections
Kärger, Brit
Basic transliteration and translation
Streck, Michael P.
Final transliteration, translation and commentary
Streck, Michael P.
Upload copy
Streck, Michael P.
Pohl, Antonia