CM 8 pl. 1ff. // ZA 110, 63 (Ištar Louvre)

SEAL no. 7498

  • AO 6035 obv. (SEAL)AO 6035 obv. (SEAL)
  • AO 6035 rev. (SEAL)AO 6035 rev. (SEAL)
  • Groneberg 1997 obv.Groneberg 1997 obv.
  • CDLI P424010CDLI P424010
  • Cavigneaux-Clevenstine 2020, 63Cavigneaux-Clevenstine 2020, 63
Copy / Photo
Tablet Siglum
AO 6035 (a), MAH 16069 (b)
Louvre, Paris
Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Geneva
Genre / Classification
Hymns and Prayers, Ištar

a i 1 ⌈be-el-ti lu-uš-ta-aš-ni qú-ru-ud i-lu-ti-ki

a i 2 ⌈na*⌉-ru*-um li-iš-pu mu-um-ma a-ši-bu ú-zu-un-šu li-iš-ku-un

a i 3 Iš8-tár me-re-iš-ki la-’a4*-am ú-na-a-ad

a i 4 ú-zu-un-šu li-iš-ku-un mu-um-ma a-ši-bu qú-ru-ud-ki li-iš-me

a i 5 ri-ig-mu ra-ma-an-šu li-pi5*-a a-di su-ur-ri

a i 6 a-at-la-li Iš8-tár li-wa-at-ru na-ar-bi-ki

a i 7 li-iš-mu-ma qé-er-bi-šu za-ma-ra-am

a i 8 du-un-ni-iš eṭ-lu-ti-ki ki-ma mi-li <li->ir-ta-ab-bi

a i 9 et-tu-um* šu-ú la i-mu-ru i-di-ki

a i 10 aḫ-ri-ti-išú-mi i-ša*-ru še-pí-ki

a -----

a i 11 i-la-am-ma-ad iq-qé-er-bi la ḫa-si-su a-i-lu

a i 12 i-še-i ba-bi-ki la-ma ta-aš-ku-ni qá-ti*-ki el-šu

a i 13 ša-ni-a e-ep-še-tu-ki a-la-ak-ta-ki re-qé-et

a i 14 mé-du ši-ip-ru-ki la ki ku-at i-lu ia-um-ma

a i 15 eš-ru-tum la-a’(AḪ)-šu-tu* ta-at-ta-ás-ḫu-ru tu-ur* pa*⌉-ni*-ki*⌉

a i 16 sà-pa-aḫ šu-ub-ti ù šu-uḫ-bu-ut li-ib-na-ti ku-um-ma Iš8-tár

a i 17 šu-ba-al-ku-ut pa-al-ki<-i> i-ši-id ka-ab-ta-ti ṭú-ub li-ib-bi

a i 18 mu-ši-tu šu-un-nu ṭe4-e-mi ù na-ak-ru-ṭú ku-um-ma Iš8-tár

a i 19 ṣa-al-tu sà-aḫ-ma-aš-tum te-eš-⌈mu⌉(ras.) a-ḫu-tu

a i 20 di-pa-ar a-na-an-tim ù bu-ul-lu tu-uq-ma-tim ku-um-ma Iš8-tár

a -----

a i 21 uz-zum* ta-am-ḫa-ṣú ši-ib-ba-tu ù na-ḫu

a i 22 ta-*zi-ru qí-bi-it ša-ap-ti šu-uṣ-ṣú*-ru ku-um-ma Iš8-tár

a i 23 ba*-⌈la*-al*⌉ ta*-ki-tim šu-ta-bu-ul ṭe4*-ma-tim du<-mu>-*uq si-iq-ri

a i 24 šu-tu*-ur*⌉ du-ul-li ù pa-ša-ar ni-ik-ma-tim ku⌉-um-ma Iš8-tár

a i 25 ba-aš-tu un-ni-nu še-e-du ù la-ma-as-su

a i 26 i-ša-ar-tu ṭú-uḫ-du ù du-un-nu ka-aq-qá-ri ku-um-ma Iš8-tár

a i 27 ši-i-ru e-du a-ḫu-ú iš-ta-pi-ru

a i 28 na-ak-ru at-ḫi-ša ši-it-ku-nu ku-um-ma Iš8-tár

a i 29 ⌈qá⌉*-ab-lu bi-tim il5-šu a-ši-ib-ta-šu bu-a-ra-am

a i 30 aš-ri-UŠ ⌈ša li-ib-bi-ki ka-am-li-iš šu-ut-tu-qú* ku-um-ma Iš8-tár


a i 31 ⌈iš-da*-ḫubi-⌈ni*-tum . . .⌉ a-wa-at ur-ti

a i 32 šu-ta-pui*-du šu-x x⌉-i ut-tu-ur ne-me-li ku-um-ma Iš8-tár

a i 33 ta*-ḫa-zum* pu-uz-rui-ru-tu ù pu-lu-uḫ-tum

a i 34 ⌈e-te-el-lu-tu-umna-pa-al-tu ù ne⌉-me-qú ku-um-ma Iš8-⌈tár

a i 35 la-la-ú ma*-⌈qú?*⌉ sà-ak-tu*-tu-um du-mu-uq a-wi-li

a i 36 šu-ub-tum ṭú-uḫ⌉*-du* iš-da-tim šu-ur-šu-du ku-um-ma Iš8-tár

a i 37 šu-uš-gu-um ri⌉-⌈ig-mi ki-ṣa-aṣ ša-ḫu-ur-ru-tim

a i 38 ša-ka-an qí-im-ma-tim me-lu-ul pé*-re-te ku-um-ma Iš8-tár


a i 39 ze-ru-tu šu-ta-ar-ú-mu il-ta ù ḫa-ri-im-ta

b i 1' [z]e-ru-tu šu-[. . .]


a i 40 sé-ek-ra-at e-mu-tim sek*-ru-tu šu-uš⌉-ku-nu ku-um-ma Iš8-tár

b i 2' sé-ek-ra-at e-m[u-. . .]

ab ----


a i 41 né-ep-tu re-e-mi ik-ka-ar-ši da-di ša-ka-na (ras.)

b i 3' [n]e-ep-tu re-e-mi ik-k[a-…]


a i 42 tu-GÀR!* ⌈še-er-ri šu-ur-šu a-ap-li ù na-ap-lu-su ku-um-ma Iš8-tár

b i 4' [t]u?-ga-ar še-er-ri šu-ur-šu a[p- . . .]


a i 43 ki-it-tum sa-as-su-ru* ša-ap-ta-an ra-ab-ba-ta-an / nu-du-un ṣe-eḫ-ri

b i 5' [k]i-it-tu-um sa-as-su-ru ša-ap-t[a . . .]


a i 44 si-ìs-si-ni ka-al-lu-tim* ù bu-a-ar ma-aš-ta-ki ku-um-ma Iš8-tár

b i 6' si-si-ir ka-al-lu-ti ù bu-a-a[r . . .]


a i 45 zi-ik-ru-um si-in-ni-iš-te-eš ar-da-tu e-ṭe4-el*

b i 7' zi-ik-ru si-in-ni-iš-te-eš ar-da-[. . .]


a i 46 li-it-ta-šu i-na ṣi-ṣi-it!(text: DA)-tim ta-aš-ku-ni ku-um-ma Iš8-tár

b i 8' [li-i]t-ta-šu i-na ṣi-ṣi-ti! ta-aš-k[u-ni . . .]


a i 47 pu-ḫu-ur a-ḫu-ti!⌉ sú-ur-ri qí-ma-ti ša-ar-ta

b i 9' [p]u-ḫu-ur a-ḫu-ti su-ur-ru q[í-. . .]


a i 48 qí-a-lu?-um* ⌈du?-šu⌉- ga-ma-lu ù šu-ta-du-ru ku-um-ma Iš8-tár

b i 10' qí-a-lu-um šu-su-ú ga-ma-lu ù šu-ta-[. . .]


a i 49 me-ne-šu-um q[ar]-du-tumta-ar-bi-tu tu-ú la-ú-tum

b i 11' me-né-e-šu-um qar-du-tum šu-ur-bi-tum da?-a[n?-nu-tum . . .]


a i 50 ši-it-tu šu-na-tu ù ṭú-bu ma-ia⌉-li ku-um-ma Iš8-tár

b i 12' ši-it-tu šu-na-tu ù ṭú-ub? ma?-ia?-a?-[. . .]

ab ----


a i 51 di-id ka-ba-at-ti uz-na-an na-an-sú-ka im*-ma!*-tim*

b i 13' di-i-id ka-ba-at-ti uz-nu na-[. . .]


a i 52 ša-ka-an te-ni-im pa-da-nu ta-at*-ta-ás-ḫu-ru ku-um-maIš8-⌈tár

b i 14' ša-ka-an te-ni-e pa-da-nu x [. . .]


a i 53 sa6-ar-ta ne-me-eq-ša dEN.KI ša x [. . .]

b i 15' sa-ar-ta né-e-me-eq-ša [. . .]


a i 54 ar-ka-at et-pé-eš-tim ta-ri-t[im? . . . ku-um-ma Iš8-tár]

b i 16' ar-ka-at e-et-pu-uš-tim [. . .]


a i 55 li-is-mu da-an-nu-tum ma-ra-ḫu x [. . .]

b i 17' li-ás-mu da-an-nu-tum ma?-ra?-ḫu? [. . .]


a i 56 ku-un-nu gišGU.ZA aš-ru ù ša-[qú?-ú? ku-um-ma Iš8-tár]

b i 18' ku-un-nu ku-us-si-i aš-ru ù[. . .]


a i 57 ma-la-ak si-in-ni-iš-tim zi-[ik-ru il?-la?-ak?]

b i 19' ma-la-ak si-in-ni-iš-tim [. . .]

a i 58 ša zi-ik-ri-im si-in-ni-iš-[tum ta?-al?-ak? ku-um-ma Iš8-tár]

b i 20' [ša] zi-ik-ri si-in-ni-[. . .]


a i 59 zi-ik-ra-am tu-al-la-lí na? x ⌈. . .⌉

b i 21' [zi-i]k-ru-um tu?-al?-[. . .]


a i 60 si-ni-iš-ta ki zi-ik-ri ta-aḫ?-[. . .]

b i 22' [si-in-n]i--tu [. . .]


a ii 1 šu-ba-al-ku-ut-ma ši-ip-ru šu-uš-nu-ú pa-nu-šu

a ii 2 na-mu-ti-iš-ki an-nu an-na-šu tu-ur-ki Iš8-tár

a ii 3 na-aḫ-la-pa-ti pu-ur-sa*-si tu-še-eš-mé zi-ik-ri

a ii 4 mu-ša* i-la-ap-ta si-in-ni-⌈ša⌉-tu pé*-re-te ga-ad-ra-ma

a ii 5 na-ši-ma zi-ik-ru ki-iš-ri*-nam-ma qá-ti-iš-šu

a ii 6 si-ni-iš-tum ki zi-ik-ri ša-ak-na-at uš-pa-ta-am tu-ki!(DI)-a-al qá-aš-ta

a ii 7 ki-ri-is-sà-am si-ib-tam ùḫ?-ḫa ti-ib-ba na-ši zi-ik-ru

a ii 8 ti-il-pa-na-ti aṣ-pi as-su-uk-ki si-in-ni-ša-tu na-ši-a

a ii 9 ṣa-bi-it-su-ma zi-ik-ru ti4-il-ši-in šu-⌈uš⌉-nu pa-nu-šu

a ii 10 ša-ak-na-as-súm-ma zí-ib-nu i-na ki-di ba-ú i+na-aš-ši qá-as-su

a -----

a ii 11 ù si-ni-iš-tum ki zi-ik-ri lu-bu-uš-ta-ša ga-ad-ra-at-ma

a ii 12 i-ru-ub úr-ḫu-uš ta-ta-ap*-ra-as iš-ni-ma* ⌈ṭe11*⌉-mi-iš MI RI

a ii 13 na-šu pa-ta-ar-ri zi-ik-ka-ru sà-ki*-ip la-bi-ša-ti-im-ma

a ii 14 pa-al-ḫu-ma ni-iṭ-la-šu-nu ra-i-mu a-bu-bi ri-ig-ma-aš-nu

a ii 15 ⌈šu⌉*-i-⌈ta-am er!-bi sa-as-su-rišu-ḫi-ma šu-zi-bi šu-um-šu

a ii 16 ⌈iš*⌉-si as-si-in-nu-um-mi ib*-bi ni-ši* ša-ki-in i-ga*-ap*-pí*-ir

a ii 17 ša-ni-a-at ar-ka-as-su-nu ši-pí-ir-šu-nu nu-uk-ku-ur

a ii 18 ú-ki-al-lu pí-la-ak-ki i-na uṣ*-ṣí* li-li i-du-ú qú*-a-ti

a ii 19 en-du za-ap-pí zi-ik-ru si-ni-iš-te-eš li-bi-is-su-nu bu-ur-ru-um

a ii 20 ap-ru ba-ar-mu-ti-im-ma ki ú-du-ši-iš ar-ḫi pa*-ḫu*-ru él*-ki

a -----

a ii 21 na-zu-us-su* i-ri-im-ki i+na ta-ba-ar-ri-im⌉* la*-mi

a ii 22 i-ba-bi*⌉ iṭ-ṭú-ub-bu gi-im-ra-šu ma-aḫ-ra-ki i-na-qí kur-ra*

a ii 23 ⌈ṭa-bi-išiš-ša-ak-ka-an ku-na-mu-um mu-ša a-di še-ri-im

a ii 24 x x UZ i-te*-eḫ*-mi di*-im?-ma ru-ṣu*-ṣa* ni-šu ba-bi-iš-ki

a ii 25 i*-in-ša* ⌈x⌉ BI ša*-am-ši šu-up-šu-ḫi-iš ka-ba-at-ti-ki

a ii 26 x ki x ba/ma la AD* x x ka-am-mi ta-ḫa-za-ma te-le*-qé

a ii 27 ku-ul-la-at ka-ak-ki x x x ⌈iṭ4⌉-ṭe4-e-ru ra-šu-ba-ta-am

a ii 28 ki* ši-ig-ma-at ad-⌈di⌉ i-nu za!*-me-ru ar*-da-tim* ku-⌈x x⌉

a ii 29 ma-aš-lu-ut la-bi-im ku-ur-ba ku*-ur*-ba* -šu-ru-ut pé*-er!*(text : NI)-⌈tim

a ii 30 ba-⌈bi-iš⌉-mi ⌈ša*-ka*⌉-an* pu-úḫ-ri-im i-la-ku bi-ki-ta-am

a -----

a ii 31 i+na-aḫ i-na-an-ḫu ri-ig-mu ri-ig-ma-šu i-ša-ap⌈-pu

a ii 32 pa-ri⌉-is-ma zi-bu-um ši-ip-ru i-pé-UŠ né-ú mi?* x x ⌈x⌉

a ii 33 ⌈eb-busí-ir-qú ⌈x*⌉ ú-te-te*-qú ma-ḫa-ar-ki

a ii 34 ⌈na-šuta-ka-la-tim⌉*-ma* bi-it-ki ú-ma*-lu ba*-la-x-tim*?⌉

a ii 35 ⌈x⌉-ri-⌈ki⌉ ⌈x⌉-ḫi-ki šu*-ut-ta-ar-ki a-ru-ú

a ii 36 ⌈ša⌉-aḫ-tu-⌈um* ka?-ab?-tula le-ú a-wi*-lu* at-mi-⌈i*⌉

a ii 37 na-nu-uk-ki nu-ḫu-uš áš-na-an i-te-ep-pí-ru-ú-iš-nu-ti?*⌉

a ii 38 i+na im-du-ukša-pí-ik!* bu-du-šu-nu bi-bi ia-ú-te ep-ši-i

a ii 39 ⌈ru-i-ma-aṣ-ṣa-ra-at mu-ši-im a-ap-pu-na i-de-ek-ki-ma

a ii 40 a-ṣa-lu-tim šu-ut ik-ri-ib-šu-un te-eš-me / ta-na-ad-da-an a-ak-la-tim

a -----

a ii 41 tu-uṣ-bi bi-ki-tu-um-mi ra-bi-tu

a ii 42 qer-bu KÁ-ki li-ša-ar-bi šu-um-ša

a ii 43 pa-al-ḫa-at a-a-as-sà ma-li-a-at pí-ia-tim? . . .⌉

a ii 44 a-na la e-en-NU-iš d*EN*.KI* ma-li-ku . . .⌉

a ii 45 ma-la-ki-iš-šu Iš8-tár ša te-te-⌈er-ba . . .⌉

a ii 46 it-na-al-la-ak bi-ti-iš-ša . . .

a ii 47 it-na-aq-⌈qá-am. . .⌉

a ii 48–50 (missing)

a (-----)

a ii (About 4–6 lines are missing to the end of the tablet)


a iii 1 ù šu-ke-⌈nu-um . . .⌉

a iii 2 i-ša-as-si ⌈x* . . .⌉

a iii 3 aš-ru-⌈šu ki-du*-x ⌈. . .⌉

a iii 4 a-aḫ-šu i-na i-ra-tim? . . .⌉

a iii 5 ú-ša-aq-ta-ma qé-er-bu- . . .⌉

a iii 6 aq-qí ì-lí qá-al-la? . . .⌉

a iii 7 ip-pa-aš-ša-ar ni-ik-ma-at* . . .⌉

a iii 8 ši-bu-um-mi eṭ-lu iš-su*-ú . . .⌉

a iii 9 ma-la-ak qú-ur-di-ki Iš8-tár ⌈x* . . .⌉

a iii 10 ki ma*-ma*-na pu-us-sà ⌈. . .⌉

a -----

a iii 11 lu-ṣi-ib lu-um-nu ep-ša-at* Iš8-tár

a iii 12 e-li ra-bu-ti I-gi-gi a*-at?-ra?-at?⌉

a iii 13 ù ni-ši du-ul-li šu-ud-du-um* . . .⌉

a iii 14 ma ši na ur*AD ḪI?-ki-im-ma ⌈. . .⌉

a iii 15 a-ṣe-er ta*-aṣ*-ṣa*-ru-ru* ša x ⌈. . .⌉

a iii 16 aš-ri-iš mi-im-ma te*-te- x* . . .⌉

a iii 17 ša-ni-iš ú-te-em-⌈mi?-id?⌉

a iii 18 li-wi-ir šu-x ⌈. . .⌉

a iii 19 me-le-em-mu-uk* x ⌈. . .⌉

a iii 20 Iš8-tár ki-ma la-ba-ti . . .⌉

a -----*

a iii 21 iš-šu-x ⌈. . .⌉

a iii (About 29 lines missing)


a iv (About 32 lines missing)

a iv 1' ku-x ⌈. . .⌉

a -----*

a iv 2' e-em-qá-at . . .⌉

a iv 3' qá-di-iš-tum* . . .⌉

a iv 4' qí-ši ul-lu-tum?* . . .⌉

a iv 5' i-ni-ši-i ni-qí-i? . . .⌉

a iv 6' ub-lam*-ma li-ib-ba-ki ⌈. . .⌉

a iv 7' te-te-er-ši-i-šu i+na me*-⌈. . .⌉

a iv 8' šu-ú la iš-me pi-a-at-ki ⌈. . .⌉

a iv 9' da-ab-ri-iš ta-az-za-az-zi . . .⌉

a iv 10' te-eš-te-ri šu-ú-ma mi* . . .⌉

a iv 11' mu-um-ma aš-ri-šu ad-na-tim?* . . .⌉

a -----

a iv 12' DINGIR* qá*-sa-ma ra-bi-⌈tum* . . .⌉

a iv 13' ta-na-aṣ-ṣa-ar še*-ra ⌈. . .⌉

a iv 14' i-nu pí*-ri-tam na-qí-tam . . .⌉

a iv 15′ i-re-di bu-ú-li ⌈. . .⌉

a iv 16' i-re-di* ?*⌉-ma-mi* . . .⌉

a iv 17' Dumu*-zi!* . . .⌉

a iv 18' Dumu*-⌈zi!* . . .⌉

a iv 19' i? i? ⌈ti?* . . .⌉ . . .


a v (1 line missing)

a v 1' x [. . .] /. . .

a v 2' i-lu*-ut* dIš8?-tár? . . .⌉

a v 3' ⌈qá⌉-ti-ša ni-id*-[. . .]

a -----

a v (6 lines missing)

a v 10' ⌈. . .⌉ x* ⌈. . .⌉

a v 11' ⌈. . .⌉ an-ni-ma* ⌈ia*-a-ti?⌉

a v 12' ⌈. . .⌉ la-ni a-di su-ur-ri

a v 13' ⌈. . . ir?⌉*-ta-pí*-iš dBIL.GI ⌈x⌉

a -----

a v 14' ⌈. . .⌉ ù ši-i i-qí*-is-su a-ri*-. . .⌉

a v 15' ⌈. . .⌉ a te-er-ta ù ne-me-la id?-di?-in?⌉ / i+na ša-ma-an pí*-ia a?-x⌉

a v 16' ⌈. . .⌉-ra ù ša ta-ra-a-mi-⌈ma*⌉

a v 17' ⌈. . . x⌉-ud-de-e ir-ta-ki tu-ša-al⌉-bi-ši?⌉

a v 18' ⌈. . . qé-er-bi-šu re-um pa-qí?*-du?-um?⌉

a v 19' ⌈. . . ⌉-ti be-li iṣ-ba?-at

a v 20' ⌈. . .⌉ x-as-sà tu-šu-bi*-⌈li/il . . .⌉

a v 21' ⌈. . . x*⌉-ú-ti ma AZ-ZA-⌈. . .⌉

a v 22' ⌈. . .⌉ iš bi-ni-ta-aš ⌈. . .⌉

a v 23' . . . maḫ!?*-ṣa-tum!? ta-⌈x-. . .⌉

a ----

a v 24' ⌈. . .⌉ x x ⌈ḫa*⌉ al a-⌈. . .⌉

a v 25' ⌈. . . i*-na* ki-diir-ta-na-pu-ud bu-bu-ti-⌈šu? . . .⌉

a v 26' ⌈ug*-gu*-ga-at-ma ú-gu-um li-bi-ša li-ib!(text : IA)-ba-ta-ša ⌈x-x⌉

a v 27' ki-ma i-li ta-dam-qí at-ti te-še-ri e-li-ta Iš8-⌈tár

a v 28' ta-ab-ki-ma iš-ti-šu tu-ša-ni-ḫi pa-a-ki

a v 29' te-eš-me-e-ma ik-ri-ib-šu un-né*-en-šu ú-ri da-li-li-ki

a v 30' bi-ta-am ṭa-aḫ-da-am ta-aš-ru-ki a-ša*-bi-iš-ša

a v 31' ⌈i⌉-nu a-ba-bi ta-ta-ku-ši e-li-ki iš-bu-ús

a v 32' ⌈šu-pa⌉-as-sà šu-ur-šu-ut-ta tu-šu-bi-li ša-ri-i

a v 33' ⌈at*⌉-ti a-{x}-nu-ta pu-ti4-iš na-ri ta-aš-ku-ni ar-du-ta-aš*

a -----

a v 34' ⌈ša-si šu-um-ša se-tu-um i-na ma-aš-ri-im ger-ri IK-KU-ru-ki

a v 35' ⌈ka-aš-da-at du-um-qá la* ti-šu zi-in-na-ta-ia na-an-za-za

a v 36' x-DA* da*-ad-ni im-ma-ta-tu ud-du-ú!* bi-ni-ta-aš

a v 37' ⌈q*-ru*-na-at-ma i-ka-ri ki-tim ni-ši i-ba-aš-ši ul-lu

a v 38' ⌈te-eš-me-ma šu-um-ša i+na-ad-mi se-e-tu

a v 39' ⌈ku*-ul*-la*-at* da-ad-mi it-tu-uš-ša-ma ta-aš-ku-ni ma-ra at-ti

a v 40' ⌈na?*-ak?*-ra* ra-ad-da-ti am-ra-ti ni-ši ger-ri ṣú-um-bi

a v 41' ⌈ḫi?-it?⌉-ti4 ba-bi-ki ki-na-at šu-ub-ta-ša se-e-tu a-pí-a-at*

a v 42' ⌈x-x⌉*-i*?-aš-ši ša-aš-ša-nu bu-nu-ki

a v 43' ⌈tu*⌉-ri-iš-ši ú-su-uk-šu ar-ḫi-iš ta-aš-ku-ni-i-ši / se-ti-iš du-ú-ri

a -----

a v 44' ⌈e?⌉-ma ur-ḫa-am še-na e-eṭ⌉-la i-la-ka ša-di-a

a v 45' ⌈e!?⌉-li-iš mu-ut-ti-ki uz-na-aš-nu iš-ku-nu e-li*-ik i-{si}-su!

a v 46' ⌈ta⌉-ma-ag-ri a!-pu-uz-ri-im ta-ḫu-zi / e-mu-uq li!*-le!*-en

a v 47' ⌈te⌉-ṭe-ri šu-a-tu iš!-šu⌉-li-iš qú-ru-ud-ki / tu-ba-li-ṭi ta-ap-pa-šu


a vi 1 ⌈. . .⌉ x

a vi 2 ⌈. . .⌉-tim*

a vi 3 ⌈. . .⌉-ši


a up. ed. ⌈2? šèr?⌉ ta-na-ti Iš8-tár


b vi' 1 ri-ši-iš ta-aš-bi-m[a . . .]

b vi' 2 am-ri šar-ra i-na i-[ni? . . .] / ma-as-su […]

b ----

b vi' 3 GIŠ.GI.GÁL.BI[(.IM)]

b vi' 4 ta-ni-it qú-ur-di-ki? [. . .]

b vi' 5 pa-ra-ak-ka r[i-mi? . . .]

b ====

b vi' 6 GIŠ.G[I.GÁL.BI . . .]


a i 1 My [La]dy, let me recount the valor of your divinity!

a i 2 May the [sin]ger become loud! May the orchestra present be attentive!

a i 3 Ištar, I will praise your skillful wisdom!

a i 4 May it be attentive, may the orchestra present hear your valor!

a i 5 May the voice make itself appear at once,

a i 6 Rejoice, Ištar! May they make your powers exceedingly great.

a i 7 Let them hear the singing in it (the mummu)!

a i 8 Like the strength of your manhood, may it constantly grow like a flood!

a i 9 O unique one, the princes who have not yet perceived your power (lit. arms),

a i 10 will take care of your feet forever.

a ----

a i 11 The unwise man will learn in it (the temple).

a i 12 He will look for your gates, before you will have placed your hands on him.

a i 13 Strange are your deeds. Your behavior is far (from understanding).

a i 14 Unique are your works. No god is like you.

a i 15 Justice, oppression, giving constant favor, changing your face,

a i 16 scattering of a dwelling place and stomping bricks – are yours, Ištar.

a i 17 To overthrow the broad foundation of the mind, well-being of the heart,

a i 18 confusion(?), changing the mind and showing mercy – are yours, Ištar.

a i 19 Quarrel, turmoil, compliance, brotherhood,

a i 20 the torch of battle and extinguishing wars – are yours, Ištar.

a ----

a i 21 Anger, battle, glow and calming down,

a i 22 Cursing, guarding the uttering of the lip – are yours, Ištar.

a i 23 Mixing the confirmation, confusing the reports, making good pronouncements,

a i 24 making the toil excessive and dissolving the possessions – are yours, Ištar.

a i 25 Dignity, prayer, genius and protective spirit,

a i 26 prosperity, abundance and hard soil – are yours, Ištar.

a i 27 The flesh (= kin), the lone one, the stranger, the servant,

a i 28 the enemy, making (them) into brothers forever – are yours, Ištar.

a i 29 (That) the inner part of a house, its god, (and) the (family) who dwells there are in good condition,

a i 30 wherever you want, to furiously split (the house)

a ----

a i 31 Profitable business, building, . . . words of order,

a i 32 partners, wages, . . ., maximizing the profit – are yours, Ištar.

a i 33 Battle, shelter, wakefulness(?) and fear,

a i 34 supremacy, answer and wisdom – are yours, Ištar.

a i 35 Charms, being beautiful(?), silence, making the people (feel) good,

a i 36 a dwelling place, abundance, making firm foundations – are yours, Ištar.

a i 37 Causing one to utter shouts, the gnashing of the stupefied ones,

a i 38 making a hairdo, whirling of locks – are yours, Ištar.


a i 39 Hate, to constantly let the goddess and the prostitute make love (with their lovers),

b i 1' Hate, [. . .]


a i 40 making the women forbidden from marriage enter the status of sekretum – are yours, Ištar.

b i 2' the women forbidden from marriage [. . .]


ab -----


a i 41 The opening of the womb, placing the beloved ones in the belly,

b i 3' The opening of the womb, in the belly [. . .]


a i 42 twin babies, bringing about the first-born son and glancing (at him) – are yours, Ištar.

b i 4' the cave of the babies, bringing about the fir[st-born son . . .].


a i 43 Reliable womb, soft lips, the gift of the baby,

b i 5' Reliable womb, lips [. . .]


a i 44 the date spadix of matrimony, the happiness of the chamber – are yours, Ištar.

b i 6' the date spadix of matrimony, the happiness [. . .]


a i 45 (That) a man is like a woman, a maiden is a young man,

b i 7' (That) a man is like a woman, a mai[den is a young man],


a i 46 you put his (the man’s) stool at the ‘loom’ – are yours, Ištar.

b i 8' you pu[t' his (the man’s) stool at the ‘loom’ [. . .]


a i 47 Assembling the strange ones, letting the locks dance, the hair,

b i 9' Assembling the strange ones, letting the l[ocks] dance, [. . .]


a i 48 to wither, to make flourish, to show mercy and to become worried – are yours, Ištar.

b i 10' to wither, to remove, to show mercy and to be[come worried . . .]


a i 49 Weakness, heroism, greatness, incantations, strength(?) (or: strong incantations),

b i 11' Weakness, heroism, eminence, str[ength(?) . . .]


a i 50 sleep, dreams and the well-being of the bed – are yours, Ištar.

b i 12' sleep, dreams and the well-being of the bed [. . .]

ab -----


a i 51 The underwear of the mid-body, (that) the ears are torn out(?) (as customary) in the land,

b i 13' The underwear of the mid-body, (that) the ear is t[orn out(?) . . .]


a i 52 providing a change (of clothes), the path, going back and forth – are yours, Ištar.

b i 14' providing a change (of clothes), the path [. . .]


a i 53 (That) Ea of . . . gave(?)] lying (as) her wisdom,

b i 15' [(That) Ea of . . . gave(?)] lying (as) her wisdom,


a i 54 the behavior of a capable nursemaid [. . . – are yours, Ištar.]

b i 16' the behavior of a capable [. . .]


a i 55 Difficult running courses, speed [. . .],

b i 17' Difficult running courses, speed [. . .],


a i 56 establishing firmly the throne, the humble one and the pro[minent one(?) – are yours, Ištar.]

b i 18' establishing firmly the throne, the humble one and [. . .]


a i 57 (That) a m[an goes] the way of a woman,

b i 19' [(That) a man goes] the way of a woman,


a i 58 a woman [goes] (the way) of a man, [– are yours, Ištar.]

b i 20' a wom[an goes the way of] a man [. . .]


a i 59 As for the man, you hang [on him . . .]

b i 21' [As for the m]an, you ha[ng on him . . .]


a i 60 As for the woman, like on a man, you h[ang(?) . . . on her].

b i 22' As for the woman [. . .]


a ii 1 The (usual) behavior is turned up-side-down, his (the performer’s) face is changed.

a ii 2 For your fun – (you say :) “Yes!”. His (the performer’s) “Yes” is brought back to you, O Ištar!

a ii 3 You make men obey (the rules of) garments (and) wigs.

a ii 4 At night, the women are touched. They are untidy regarding the hairlocks.

a ii 5 The man is carrying a balance in his hand.

a ii 6 The woman, like a man, is equipped with a quiver, she holds a bow.

a ii 7 The man carries a hairpin, a siBtum, an uḫḫu, a harp.

a ii 8 The women are carrying bows, slings, sling-stones.

a ii 9 The man is holding it, their (women’s) t. ornament. His face is changed.

a ii 10 The mat is prepared for him outside. The passer-by raises his hand.

a ----

a ii 11 Verily the woman, like a man, her dress is untidy.

a ii 12 He (the man) stepped in her path, then she was blocked, his mind became different, . . .

a ii 13 The man carrying a dagger has overturned the clothed (women).

a ii 14 Fearful is their glance, a roar of flood is their cry:

a ii 15 “Enter (fem.) (into) the lady! Have intercourse (fem.) with my womb!

a ii 16 He cried: “O assinnum!” He wailed: “My erection is placed, it is growing stronger!”

a ii 17 Different is their way, their activity is strange.

a ii 18 They hold spindles. They have thrown threads in the spread of the evening.

a ii 19 The men are endowed with combs like a woman. Their cloth is multicolored.

a ii 20 Their (head) is covered with multicolored (cloths). As at the renewal of the moon they are gathered around you.

a ----

a ii 21 Your love-charm stands by him (the performer), wrapped in red wool.

a ii 22 In the gate, happily, in its entirety, he pours out a kor (of barley?) in front of you.

a ii 23 A kunāmum is happily placed during the night until morning.

a ii 24 . . . moaning(?). The people make noise at your gate.

a ii 25 Her lute . . . of the sun in order to calm your mood.

a ii 26 . . . You receive the battle.

a ii 27 All weapons . . . They take away in fe[ar].

a ii 28 Like the roar of thunder the singing lute has . . . the young women.

a ii 29 “O you resembling a lion, pray, pray, you of loosened l[ocks],

a ii 30 at the gate of gathering!” They are walking, cry[ing].

a ----

a ii 31 He is moaning with moan and cry. His cry becomes loud.

a ii 32 The offering is divided, the one turning away makes the performance [. . .]

a ii 33 Pure are the offerings. They have been poured in front of you.

a ii 34 They carry bags. They fill your house with . . .

a ii 35 They bring your . . ., your . . ., your . . .

a ii 36 The humble one, the mighty(?) one, the unable man – speak (to them),

a ii 37 (and) at your command they provided them with plenty of barley!

a ii 38 Through your support, it (the grain) is heaped up on their shoulder. (They pray): “Make (fem.) the planets, which are mine, (favorable)!”

a ii 39 The friend, moreover, will wake (the sleepers) in the watch of the night.

a ii 40 For the sleeping ones, whose prayer she heard, she will give bread.

a ----

a ii 41 “You, O great one, have increased (the abundance) while weeping.”

a ii 42 In the midst of your gate may (the performer) make her(sic) name great.

a ii 43 Her word is frightful, she is full of [frightening] comm[ands].

a ii 44 For her being unfavorable Ea, the ad[visor . . .]

a ii 45 At his advice, Ištar, who has e[ntered . . .]

a ii 46 He (the performer) keeps walking to h[er] house [. . .]

a ii 47 He regularly offers (her) libations [. . .]

a ii 48–50 (Missing)

a ii (About 4–6 lines are missing to the end of the tablet)


a iii 1 And prost[rating(?) . . .]

a iii 2 He is calling .[. .]

a iii 3 At his place, outside x [. . .]

a iii 4 His arm on the br[easts . . .]

a iii 5 “I will finish in the mids[t of . . .]

a iii 6 I herewith sacrifice, my god, a li[ttle ...]”

a iii 7 The possessions of [...] are dissolved.

a iii 8 “O old man”, the young men sh[outed . . .]

a iii 9 The advance of your heroism, Ištar, .[. .],

a iii 10 when somebody [...] in front of her.

a ----

a iii 11 Let me add, let me tell the deed[s of Ištar!]

a iii 12 [She is exceeding] the great Igigi.

a iii 13 And to let the people cast off the toils [. . .]

a iii 14 . . .

a iii 15 Towards the (place) where she constantly flashed [. . .]

a iii 16 there she [. . .] everything.

a iii 17 A second time he lean[ed]

a iii 18 Let [. . .] shine.

a iii 19 Your aura [. . .]

a iii 20 Ištar like a lioness [. . .]

a -----*

a iii (About 29 lines missing)


a iv (About 32 lines missing)

a iv 1' . . .

a -----*

a iv 2' She is wi[se . . .]

a iv 3' The qadištu-priestess [. . .]

a iv 4' Bestow, O exal[ted one . . .]

a iv 5' Among the people the sacrifices(?) [. . .]

a iv 6' Your heart has driven you to [. . .],

a iv 7' then you have wished from him in [. . .]

a iv 8' Has he not heard your commands [. . .],

a iv 9' you stand aggressively [. . .]

a iv 10' You rose in the morning, he, however, [. . .]

a iv 11' The orchestra, at its place, [makes . . .] the peo[ple].

a -----

a iv 12' And the goddess – her bi[g] hand [. . .]

a iv 13' She guards the dawn [. . .]

a iv 14' When worrying fear [. . .]

a iv 15' He (Dumuzi?) leads the herds [of . . .]

a iv 16' He (Dumuzi?) leads the animals(?) [of . . .]

a iv 17' Dumuzi [. . .]

a iv 18' Dumuzi [. . .]

a iv 19' . . .


a v (1 line missing)

a v 1' . . .

a v 2' The divinity of [Ištar? . . .]

a v 3' In her hand . . .

a -----

a v (6 lines missing)

a v 10' . . .

a v 11' [. . .] me.

a v 12' . . . me(?) immediately.

a v 13' [. . .] the fire spread(?).

a -----

a v 14' [. . .] and she presented(!) to him.

a v 15' . . . he g[ave(?)] . . ., instruction and profit through the oil of my mouth.

a v 16' [. . .] and what you love.

a v 17' With . . . you clothed(?) your breast.

a v 18' [. . .] in it the ca[ring(?)] shepherd (Dumuzi(?)).

a v 19' [. . .] he to[ok(?)] the [h]and of the lord.

a v 20' You/She caused her to brin[g] her [. . .]

a v 21' . . .

a v 22' [. . .] stature [. . .]

a v 23' [. . .] the beaten ones(?) [. . .]

a -----

a v 24' . . .

a v 25' [. . .] in [his(?)] hunger, he (Dumuzi?) constantly roams outside.

a v 26' She (Ištar) was very [fu]rious and in the anger of her heart, he/she . . . her fury.

a v 27' You have become beautiful like a god. You rise above in the morning, O Ištar.

a v 28' You (Ištar) wailed with him (Dumuzi?), made your mouth weary.

a v 29' You (Ištar) heard his (Dumuzi’s?) prayer, his supplication at the days of [you]r praise.

a v 30' You (Ištar) presented a copious house for her (Geštin-ana’s?) living.

a v 31' When you (Ištar) went out through the gate, he (Dumuzi?) got angry with you.

a v 32' You (Ištar) made the winds carry her (Geštin-ana’s?) well-founded abode.

a v 33' [Y]ou (Ištar), as in your Anu-state(?), established her (Geštin-ana’s?) slavery in front of the rivers.

a ----

a v 34' The parapet is shouting her (Ištar’s) name: “With riches they led caravans to you!

a v 35' She is triumphant! She does not have grace! My (the parapet’s) provisions are present.”

a v 36' All the settlements have made known her stature in the lands.

a v 37' She has piled up (grain?) in the just harbor. As for the people – there is joy (?).

a v 38' [She (Ištar) hea]rd “The parapet is praising her name”.

a v 39' [Al]l the settlements are at her (Ištar’s) side. It is you who have placed the darling.

a v 40' You pursue [the enem]y(?). You watch the people, the caravans, the wagons.

a v 41' [The lint]el(?) of your gate is firm. Her dwelling – the parapet (of it) is shining.

a v 42' . . . Your appearance is a sun-disc.

a v 43' You (fem.) make rejoicing) its ... You put its (the sun-disc’s) ..., like the moon, on the parapet of the wall.

a ----

a v 44' [Where]ver(?) the two men were walking on the path through the mountains,

a v 45' they were attentive to you above(?), and they(!) called for you.

a v 46' You were favorable and took (them) into a shelter, O the power of the evening!

a v 47' You saved him on his way, (by) your heroism, you saved his companion.


a vi 1 . . .

a vi 2 . . .

a vi 3 . . .

a Up. ed. [2(?) songs(?)] of praise for Ištar.


b vi' 1 Joyfully you sit [. . .]

b vi' 2 Look at the king with a [. . .] e[ye . . .] / [. . .] his land!

b ----

b vi' 3 [This is] its refrain.

b vi' 4 The praise of your heroism [. . .]

b vi' 5 Ta[ke your place] in the sanctuary [. . .]

b ====

b vi' 6 (This is) [its] ref[rain].

Word Translation Semantic Line
abūbum flood, deluge Nature/Cosmological phenomena (a) ii 14
adārum II (v.) G to be afraid, fear, be worried, disturbed; Š to cause annoyance, frighten; Št to become frightened, worried (a) i 48, (b) i [10']
addum storm, thunderstorm Nature/Cosmological phenomena (a) ii 28
adi until, as far as (a) i 5
aḫḫūtum brotherhood (a) i 19
aḫrītiš in future (a) i 10
aḫûm outside(r), strange Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 27, i 47, (b) i 9'
aḫum II arm, side; bank (of river) (a) iii 4
ak(a)lum (NINDA) bread, loaf, food Food/Drink (a) ii 40
alaktum way, course Abstract concepts (a) i 13
alākum (v.) (DU) G to go, walk; Gt go off, away; Gtn wander, go repeatedly, roam about, walk; Š caus. of G (a) i [57], i [58]
alālum (v.) II G to hang up, suspend; N to be hung up; Ntn (a) i 59
alālum (v.) III Gt to shout "alāla", brag, boast (a) i 6
amārum (v.) G to see; catch sight of; N pass. of G, be found (a) i 9, (b) vi' 2
anantum battle, strife (a) i 20
annum (word of) consent, approval Verbal expressions (a) ii 2
aplum (TUR.UŠ) heir, son Kinship terms,Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 42, (b) i 4'
arāḫum, warāḫum (v.) G to hasten, be urgent; D speed up, do quickly (a) i 55, (b) i 17'
ašārum (v.) to take care of, check upon, organize, muster, review (a) i 10
ašnan (ŠE.TIR) grain, cereal Food/Drink (a) ii 37
aspum sling Fabricated objects (a) ii 8
ašriš there, thereto (a) i 30
ašrum (KI) place, site Locations/Buildings (a) iii 3, iv 11'
aššatum, aštum wife Kinship terms (a) i 47
assinnum a member of the cultic personal of Ištar Social status/Groups/Professions (a) ii 16
assukkum slingstone Fabricated objects (a) ii 8
aštapīrum servants, slaves Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 27
atḫû companions, partners, brothers Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 28
awātum, amātu (INIM) word, matter, speech Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions (a) i 31, ii 36
awīlum, aʾīlu, amēlu (LÚ; LÚ.ÙLU) man, free man, human being Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 11, i 35
ayyumma any, anyone (a) i 14
bābum (KÁ) doorway, door, gate, entrance Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings (a) i 12, ii 24, ii 30, 42, v 31', v 41'
balālum (v.) G to mix up; D coat, smear (a) i 23
balûm (v.) to extinguish, to annihilate (a) i 20
bāštum dignity, pride Abstract concepts (a) i 25
bēltum (NIN) lady, mistress, proprietress Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 1
bibbum planet Nature/Cosmological phenomena (a) ii 38
bikītum crying, weeping Human activities/actions (a) ii 41
binītum creature, form, shape; limbs Body/Body parts (a) i 31, v 22', v 36'
birītum link, fetter Fabricated objects (a) i 31
bītum (É) house Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings (a) i 29, ii 46, v 30'
bu'ārum health, prosperity Abstract concepts (a) i 29, i 44, (b) i 6'
būdum, pūdum shoulder Body/Body parts (a) ii 38
būnum features, face, goodness, pl. face Body/Body parts (a) v 42'
dadmū the inhabited world; villages, settlements Abstract concepts (a) ii 21, v 39'
dādum I darling, favorite, sexual attractiveness Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 41
dalīlum praise Rituals/Religious practices (a) v 29'
damāqum (v.) G to improve (intrans.) D to improve (trans.) (a) i 23, i 35
dannum (KAL.GA) powerful, mighty, great, strong (a) i 55, (b) i 17'
dannūtum strength, power Abstract concepts (a) i 55, (b) i 11', i 17'
dešûm (v.) G to sprout; D to let flourish (a) i 48
dīdū, dādū female garment Fabricated objects (a) i 51, (b) i 13'
dipārum torch Fabricated objects (a) i 20
dullum toil, trouble; work, service Human activities/actions (a) i 24, iii 13
dûm, di'um (platform in a) cella Locations/Buildings (a) i 2
dumqum goodness, good (thing), welfare Abstract concepts (a) i 35, v 35'
dunnum strength, force (a) i 8, i 26
dūrum (city) wall, rampart Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings (a) v 43'
eli, elu on, above, over (a) i 12
emūtum family of the husband, relationship by marriage Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 40, (b) i [2']
Enki DN Deities/Divine sphere (a) i 53
ennum grace, mercy Abstract concepts (a) ii 44
epištum, epšetum deed, action, work Abstract concepts,Human activities/actions (a) i 13
erretum I curse Verbal expressions (a) i 33
ērūtum wakefulness (a) i 33
ešrūtum justice (a) i 15
etellūtum, etallūtum supremacy Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 34
eṭlum (GURUŠ; ŠUL) manly; young man Human activities/actions,Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 45, iii 8, v 44'
eṭlūtum manliness Human activities/actions (a) i 8
etpušu, etpešu effective, capable (a) i 54, (b) i 16'
ettum unique (a) i 9
gamālum (v.) to be obliging, to spare, to save (a) i 48, (b) i 10'
gerrum way, caravan, (military) campaign; marching song? Human activities/actions (a) v 34', v 40'
gimrum totality, all Abstract concepts (a) ii 22
Girra DN Deities/Divine sphere (a) v 13'
ḫabātum (v.) G to rob, plunder, Š to let plunder, to allow something to be plundered (a) i 16
ḫarimtum (KAR.KID) harlot, (temple) prostitute Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 39
ḫāsisum intelligent, learned (a) i 11
idum (Á) arm; side; strength; wage Body/Body parts (a) i 9, i 32
Igigû DN, the (ten) great gods Deities/Divine sphere (a) iii 12
ikribum benediction, blessing, prayer Verbal expressions (a) ii 40, v 29'
iltum (DINGIR) goddess Deities/Divine sphere (a) i 39, v 2'
ilum (DINGIR) god, deity Deities/Divine sphere (a) i 14, i 29, iii 6, v 27'
ilūtum divinity, godhead (a) i 1
imdum support Abstract concepts (a) ii 38
ina in, on, by, from (a) i 11, i 41, i 46, i 51, (b) i 3', i 8', vi' 2
inḫum I suffering Verbal expressions (a) ii 31
īnum (IGI) eye (b) vi' [2]
irīmum jewellery Fabricated objects (a) ii 21
irtum I (GABA) breast, chest Body/Body parts (a) v 17'
išartum righteousness, prosperity (a) i 26
išdaḫum (išdiḫum) profitable business, profit (a) [i 31]
išdum (SUḪUŠ) foundation, base; root Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings (a) i 17, i 36
išpatum quiver Fabricated objects (a) ii 6
Ištar DN Deities/Divine sphere (a) i 3, i 6, i 16, i 18, i 20, i 22, i 24, i 26, i 28, i 30, i 32, i 34, i 36, i 38, i 40, i 42, i 44, i 46, i 48, i 50, i 52, i [54], i [58], ii 1, [ii 28], [ii 32], ii 45, iii 9, iii 20, v 27', up. ed.
ištuḫḫum, ištaḫḫum whip, lash Fabricated objects (a) i 31
itpēšum wise, expert Human activities/actions (a) i 54
itti with (a) v 39'
kabattum, kabtatum liver, mood, mind, intention Body/Body parts (a) i 17, i 51, ii 25, (b) i 13'
kakkum (GIŠ.TUKUL) stick, weapon, battle Fabricated objects (a) ii 27
kallūtum status of a daughter-in-law Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 44, (b) i 6'
kamliš furiously (a) i 30
kânum (v.) to be firm, to maintain and preserve the rule; D establish firmly (a) i 56, (b) i 18'
karāṭum (v.) to show mercy (a) i 18
karšum stomach, interior, womb; mind, understanding (a) i 41, (b) i [3']
kaṣāṣum (v.) to gnash (a) i 37
like, how?, if, that Abstract concepts (a) i 14, i 60
kīdum outside Abstract concepts,Locations/Buildings (a) ii 10
kīma like, as; when; that (a) i 8
kīnum permanent, true, reliable (a) i 43, (b) i 5'
kirissum hair clasp Fabricated objects (a) ii 7
kišrinnum balance Flora (a) ii 5
kullatum totality, all of ... Abstract concepts (a) ii 27
kûm your, yours, belonging to you (a) i 14, i 16, i 18, i 20, i 22, i 24, [i 26], i 28, i 30, i 32, i 34, i 36, i 38, i 40, i [54], i [58]
kummum cella, shrine, private room (of a temple or palace) Locations/Buildings (a) ii 23
kurrum measure of dry capacity: gur, kor (a) ii 22
kussûm (gišGU.ZA) chair, stool, throne Fabricated objects (a) i 56, (b) i 18'
not (a) i 9, i 11
la'šūtum oppression Abstract concepts (a) i 15
la'ûm small child Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 49
lābum lion Fauna (wild) (a) ii 29
lalûm plenty, exuberance, wish, desire, emotion Abstract concepts (a) i 35, ii 34
lāma before (a) i 12
lamādum (v.) to learn, to become aware (a) i 11
Lamassum (dLAMMA) (female) tutelary deity Deities/Divine sphere (a) i 25
lē'ûm powerful, competent (a) i 3
lē'ûtum competence, skill, power (a) i 49
lētum cheek; side Body/Body parts (a) i 46
libbātum rage, fury Human activities/actions (a) v 26'
libbum (ŠÀ) heart, mind; inner body Body/Body parts (a) i 17, i 30, iv 6', v 26'
libittum (SIG4) brick, mudbrick Fabricated objects (a) i 16
libšum clothing; garment Fabricated objects (a) ii 19
lilium storm demon Diseases/Demons (a) ii 18
lismum footrace Human activities/actions (a) i 55, (b) i 17'
littum II stool (a) i 46, (b) i 8'
lubuštum clothing Fabricated objects (a) ii 11, ii 13
maḫrum II front, presence Abstract concepts (a) ii 22, ii 33
mālakum I walk, way, course (a) i 57, iii 9, (b) i 19'
maṣṣartum observation, guard Human activities/actions,Social status/Groups/Professions (a) ii 39, v 21'
mātum (KUR; KALAM) land, country (a) i 51, (b) vi' 2
mayyālum bed, resting place Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings (a) i 50, (b) i 12'
meḫrum, miḫrum refrain, answer, person of an equal status, colleague; copy, equivalent (b) vi' 3, vi' 6
melemmum (ME.LÁM) fearsome radiance Abstract concepts,Deities/Divine sphere (a) iii 19
mēlulum (v.) to play Human activities/actions (a) i 38
mēnešum, mēneštum weakness Human activities/actions (a) i 49, (b) i 11'
mērešum wisdom (a) i 3
mīlum high water, flood(ing) Nature/Cosmological phenomena (a) i 8
mimma anything, something; everything, all Abstract concepts (a) iii 16
mummum 1. life-giving force?; 2. school for scribes, workshop? Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 2, i 4
mušītum night(-time) Abstract concepts,Time concepts (a) i 18
mūšum (GI6) night(-time) Abstract concepts,Time concepts (a) ii 4, ii 23, ii 39
nabalkutum (v.) N to cross over Š caus. send, bring across Human activities/actions (a) i 17
nablum flash of fire, flame, fire-arrow Nature/Cosmological phenomena (a) i 29
nâdum (v.) G to praise; D=G (a) i 3
naḫlaptum wrap, outer garment, coating Fabricated objects (a) ii 3
nâḫum (v.) G to rest; D to calm (a) i 21
nakrum strange, foreign, enemy Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 28
nakruṭum pity, mercy Abstract concepts (a) i 18
namūtum derision, mockery Abstract concepts (a) ii 2
nannûm command, behest Verbal expressions (a) ii 37
nāpaltum answer, satisfaction (a) i 34
naplāsum look, glance Human activities/actions (a) i 42
narbûm greatness, pl. deeds Abstract concepts (a) i 6
nārum I (ÍD) river, watercourse, canal Nature/Cosmological phenomena (a) v 33'
nārum II (NAR) musician, singer Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 2
nasākum (v.) G to throw down, disregard (a) i 51, (b) i [13']
naṣārum (v.) G to guard, protect; Š caus. to G, keep in mind, heed, obey, respect, safeguard; Gt be careful, on o.’s guard (a) i 22
nazārum (v.) to revile, curse (a) i 22
nēmelum profit Abstract concepts (a) i 32, v 15'
nēmequm wisdom, sagacity Abstract concepts (a) i 34, i 53, (b) i 15'
neptûm opening (a) i 41, (b) i 3'
nesûm (v.) to be distant, withdraw; D take away, remove (b) i 10'
nikimtum, nikmatum "accumulation" of property Human activities/actions (a) i 24, iii 7
nišū (UN.MEŠ) people, humanity, population Social status/Groups/Professions (a) ii 24, iii 13, iv 5', v 37', v 40'
niṭlum eyesight Human activities/actions (a) ii 14
nudunnûm dowry (a) i 44
nuḫšum abundance, plenty, fertility Abstract concepts (a) ii 37
padānum way, path Locations/Buildings (a) i 52, (b) i 14'
palkûm broad, extensive, wise (a) i 17
pānum I (IGI) front, face, earlier times Abstract concepts,Body/Body parts (a) ii 1, ii 9
parakkum (BÁRA) cult dais, sanctuary, chapel (b) vi' 5
pašārum (v.) G to loosen, dissolve, release, free, solve, dissipate; D dispel, disperse; N become reconciled to, forgive (a) i 24
patarrum battle mace (?) Fabricated objects (a) ii 13
pērtum, pēretum hair (of head) of humans, hair Body/Body parts (a) i 38, ii 4
pilakkum spindle Fabricated objects (a) ii 18
puḫrum assembly Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 47, ii 30, (b) i 9'
puluḫtum fear(someness) Abstract concepts (a) i 33
pûm I (KA) mouth, statement, command, opening Body/Body parts (a) v 28'
pursāsum wig (a) ii 3
pūtum forehead, brow Body/Body parts (a) iii 10
puzrum concealment, hiding-place Abstract concepts,Human activities/actions (a) i 33, v 46'
qablum I hips, middle Human activities/actions (a) i 29
qaqqarum (KI) earth, ground Locations/Buildings,Nature/Cosmological phenomena (a) i 26, i [27]
qardūtum heroism, valor (a) i 49, (b) i 11'
qaštum (GIŠ.PAN) bow, bow-star, arch Fabricated objects (a) ii 6
qātum (ŠU) hand Body/Body parts (a) i 12, ii 5, ii 10
qerbum centre, interior Abstract concepts,Locations/Buildings (a) i 7, i 11, ii 42, v 18
qiālum (v.) G to fall, wither; D to fell (enemy), fight (a) i 48, (b) i 10'
qibītum speech, command, utterance, word Verbal expressions (a) i 22
qimmatum tuft, plume, lock of hair Body/Body parts,Fabricated objects (a) i 38, i 47, (b) i 9'
qurdum warriorhood, heroism Abstract concepts,Qualities/Attributes (a) i 1, i 4, iii 9, v 47', (b) vi' 4
rabûm (GAL) I big Qualities/Attributes (a) ii 41, iii 12
rabûm (GAL) II (v.) G to become large, great, grow; Gtn to grow constantly; Š make great (a) i 8
ramānum self Abstract concepts,Body/Body parts,Personal prons. (a) i 5
ramīmum rumble, roar (a) ii 14
râmum (v.) G to love; Štn to cause to constantly have love (a) i 39
ramûm II (v.) G to throw, cast down, pitch (and occupy) dwelling (b) vi' [5]
rašādum (v.) to found, lay foundations of (a) i 36
rašubbatum terrifying appearance Abstract concepts (a) ii 27
rašûm (v.) G to acquire, get; Š caus. of G (a) i 42', b i 4'
rē'ûm (SIPA) shepherd, herdsman Social status/Groups/Professions (a) v 18'
rēmum womb, compassion Body/Body parts (a) i 41, (b) i 3'
rēqum far, distant (a) i 13
rigmum voice, cry, noise Emotions/Feelings,Human activities/actions,Verbal expressions (a) i 5, i 37, ii 14, ii 31
rīšiš joyfully (b) vi' 1
rū'um, rūḫum friend, companion Human activities/actions,Social status/Groups/Professions (a) ii 39
rubûtum rulership Abstract concepts (a) ii 24
ša who(m), which, of (a) i 58, b i [20']
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) mountain, open country Nature/Cosmological phenomena (a) v 44'
šagāmum (v.) G to roar, shout; Š caus. of G (a) i 37
šaḫātum hiding place, armpit Locations/Buildings (a) i 33
saḫmaštum rebellion, uprising Human activities/actions (a) i 19
šaḫurrum rigid (?) (a) i 37
šakānum (v.) (GAR) G to put, place, lay down, Š make smb. place, establish, N be put, established (a) i 2, i 4, i 12, i 28, i 38, i 40, i 46, i 52, (b) i 8', 14'
sakātum (v.) to be silent (a) i 35
ṣāltum combat, strife, discord, quarrel; DN (a) i 19
šanûm II other, strange, evil (a) i 13
šanûm III (v.) G to do twice, do for a second time; D repeat, report (a) i 1
šanûm IV (v.) G to be changed, become different; D change (trans.) (a) i 18
sapāḫum (v.) G to scatter, disperse; D squander, spend freely, scatter; N pass. of G (a) i 16
šaptum lip, rim Body/Body parts (a) i 22, i 43, (b) i 5'
šapûm II (v.) to be dense, thick; to (be)come loud (a) i 2
šaqûm I high, elevated (a) i [56]
šarrum (LUGAL; EN) king, lord (b) vi' 2
šārtum hair, (animal’s) pelt Body/Body parts (a) i 47
sartum falsehood (a) i 53, (b) i 15'
šārum (IM) wind, breath Nature/Cosmological phenomena (a) v 32'
sârum (v.) to rotate, dance Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions (a) i 47, i 53, (b) i 9'
šaššānum sun-disc Deities/Divine sphere (a) v 42'
šassūrum, sassūrum womb Body/Body parts (a) i 43, ii 15, (b) i 5'
šatāqum (v.) G to split; D to split into many parts, to fissure (a) i 30
še'ûm (v.) G to seek, call on (a) i 12
šēdum protective deity, luck; spirit (representing vital force) Deities/Divine sphere (a) i 25
ṣeḫrum I ((LÚ).TUR) little, young, junior-; small, child, servant, baby Qualities/Attributes,Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 43
sekretum (MUNUS.UŠ) a (possibly cloistered) woman of high rank Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 40, (b) i 2'
sekrum closed off, up (a) i 40
šemûm (v.) G to listen, to hear; Gtn to hear, to listen again and again (a) i 4, i 7
šēpum foot, leg Body/Body parts (a) i 10
šerrum young child, baby Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 42, (b) i 4'
šērum II morning Abstract concepts,Time concepts (a) ii 23
šērum III song, chant Abstract concepts,Time concepts (a) up. ed.
šibbatum burning Nature/Cosmological phenomena (a) i 21
sibtum mng. unkn. Materials (a) ii 7
šībum elder, old (person) Social status/Groups/Professions (a) iii 8
šigmum cry, uproar (a) ii 28
ṣinnatum a wind-instrument, flute Fabricated objects (a) i 46
sinništum (MUNUS) woman Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 45, i 57, i 58, i 60, ii 4, ii 6, ii 8, ii 11, ii 19, (b) i 7', i 19', i [20'], i [22']
šiprum sending, mission, work, messenger Abstract concepts,Human activities/actions,Verbal expressions (a) i 14, ii 1, ii 17, ii 32
sirqum offering Rituals/Religious practices (a) ii 33
šīrum (UZU) flesh, body; entrails; kinsman, blood relative, meat; ominous sign Body/Body parts,Kinship terms (a) i 27
ṣīṣītum a part of loom, phps. shuttle (a) i 46, (b) i 8'
sissinnum date-palm spadix Flora (a) i 44
sissirum II child (b) i 6'
šittum sleep Abstract concepts,Human activities/actions (a) i 50, (b) i 12'
sītum, sētum battlement, parapet Fabricated objects (a) v 34', v 38', v 41', v 43'
šu'ûm lord, master (a) i 9
šubtum, šuptum seat, dwelling, abode, place Abstract concepts,Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings (a) i 16, i 36, v 41'
šuḫarrurum (v.) to be deathly still (a) i 37
šulûm street, lane, alley Locations/Buildings (a) v 47'
šumum (MU) name, son, line of text Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions (a) ii 15, ii 42, v 34', v 38'
šurbûtum, šurbītum greatness (b) i 11'
surri immediately (cf. assurri) (a) i 5
šutāpum partner Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 32
šuttum dream (a) i 50, (b) i 12'
ṭâbum (v.) to make good, to improve (a) i 17
tāḫāzum (ME; ME6) battle, combat (a) ii 26
tākaltum bag, stomach Fabricated objects (a) ii 34
takbittum honour, dignity, important position Social status/Groups/Professions (a) ii 34
takittum confirmation (a) i 23
tamḫuṣum, tamḫaṣum clash, fray (a) i 21
tanattum, pl. tanadātum fame, pl. praise (a) up. ed.
tanittum, šanittum (hymn of) praise (b) vi' 4
tarbītum child rearing; offspring Human activities/actions (a) i 49
tārītum nurse, nanny (a) i 54
târum (v.) (GUR) G to turn, return, become again; D to bring, send, give, pay back (a) i 15
tazzīrum cursing (?) (a) i 22
ṭēmum thought, plan, instruction, information Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions (a) i 18, 23
tēnûm substitute, replacement (a) i 52, (b) i 14'
têrtum instruction (a) v 15'
tešmûm attention, listening; compliance (a) i 19
tibbum small harp Fabricated objects (a) ii 7
tillûm a garment (?) Fabricated objects (a) ii 9
tilpānum (GIŠ.GEŠPU) bow, throwing stick (?) Fabricated objects (a) ii 7
ṭūbum goodness, happiness, prosperity Abstract concepts (a) i 50, ii 22, (b) i 12'
tugārum, tuqārum cave (?) (a) i 42, (b) i 4'
ṭuḫdum plenty, abundance, overwhelming abundance Abstract concepts (a) i 26
tulûm breast Body/Body parts (a) i 49
tûm, tuʾum incantation(-formula) (a) i 49
tuqumtum, tuqmatum battle, fight (a) i 20
u and, but, also (a) i 44, i 48, i 50, i 56, (b) i 6', i 10', i 12', i 18'
uggum wrath (a) v 26'
uḫḫum soda (?) Materials (a) ii 7
ullum negative answer, refusal Abstract concepts (a) v 37'
ūmum I (UD) day, daily Abstract concepts,Time concepts (a) i 10
unnīnum, unnēnum supplication, petition Verbal expressions (a) i 25, v 29'
urḫum way, path Locations/Buildings (a) ii 12, v 44'
usukkum temple, upper cheek Locations/Buildings (a) v 43'
uznum ear, wisdom, understanding Body/Body parts (a) i 2, i 4, i 51, v 45', (b) i 13'
uzzum anger, rage Emotions/Feelings (a) i 21, ii 18
wabālum (v.) G to carry, bring; Š send, deliver, make bear; Št pass. of Š (a) i 23
wabrum, ubrum stranger Social status/Groups/Professions (a) iv 6'
wapûm (v.) G to be(come) visible, appear; D to make visible; Š to make manifest, appear (a) i 5
wardatum (KI.SIKIL) girl, young woman Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 45, (b) i 7'
wardūtum slavery Social status/Groups/Professions (a) v 33'
warkatum rear, estate, legacy, background, affair, backside; after Locations/Buildings (a) i 54, ii 17, (b) i 16'
wašābum (v.) to sit, dwell (a) i 2, i 4, (b) vi' 1
wāšibum sitting, dwelling, present; inhabitant Human activities/actions,Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 2, i 4, i 29
wašrum submissive, humble (a) i 56, (b) i 18'
watārum (v.) G to become outsize, surplus; D to enlarge, make great, maximize; Š to make increase, to make excessive (a) i 6, i 24, i 32
wēdum single, sole, alone, unique Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 14, i 27
wu''urtum, wûrtum, ûrtum order, command Verbal expressions (a) i 31
zamārum (v.) to sing, to play Verbal expressions (a) i 7
zappum comb; tuft of hair; the star cluster Pleiades Body/Body parts,Fauna (domestic) (a) ii 19
zērūtum hatred Human activities/actions (a) i 39, (b) i 1'
zibnum reed mat Fabricated objects (a) ii 10
zībum offering, sacrifice Rituals/Religious practices (a) ii 32
zikarum, zikrum (NITA) male, virile; man Social status/Groups/Professions (a) i 45, i [57], i 58, i 59, i 60, ii 3, ii 5, ii 6, ii 7, ii 9, ii 11, ii 13, ii 19, (b) i 7', i 20', i [21']
zikrum, siqrum utterance, name; mention of the name; reputation Verbal expressions (a) i 23
zinnātum support, maintenance (a) v 35'
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Revision History
Streck, Michael P.
Minor additions
Wende, Janine
Transliteration, commentary, indices
Streck, Michael P.
Transliteration, translation
Web formatting
Wasserman, Nathan
Transliteration, translation
Streck, Michael P.
Pohl, Antonia