SEAL no. 7503
1 ⌈LUGAL⌉ ku-ul-la-at I-gi-gi bé-el KUR-du-⌈i⌉
2 e-te-el E-nu-na-ki dAMAR.UTU lu-iz-mu-ur
3 lut!-nen mu-ḫe-e!-ra la pa-di-a AN.DÙL ša-[m]e
4 mu-uš-ta-ar-<ri->iḫ! me-ḫe-e 7 ša-ri ka-ši-id a-a-bi-šu <lem->nu-ti {⌈lem⌉-ni}
5 ḫa-ri-⌈ru⌉-sà-aḫ-ḫa-ap ki-ib-bu a-ki-lu ú-ša-ni-iš ⌈ŠÀ⌉
6 DINGIR ki-iš-šu-tim ga-aš-ru bé-el tu-qú-um-tim ša-⌈ar⌉ er-bé-[t]im? me-⌈ḫe?⌉ x x
7 ka-li ḫi-im-ma-at pa-ar-ṣí im-ni-ta-šu ⌈ú-ka-al⌉ ⌈x x⌉
8 uz-zi-sú iṣ-⌈ṣú⌉-ur ma-at la ma-gi-ri! i-ka-mar-ri iš-ḫu-uḫ
9 i-na el-lim ap-sí a-sa-lu-uḫ e-li-iš i-na ša-ma-<me> An šum-šu
10 ša-ak-nu i-na maḫ-ri-šu ku-ul-la-at ḫi-im-ma-⌈tim⌉ <dAMAR?>.UTU Tu-tu ⌈ṭà⌉-bu
11 ú-ṣú-ra-tum mu-ul-la-a qá-ti-iš-sú
12 na-ʾì-ru-tim ša-di-i ú-pi-iṣ ⌈gi⌉-it-ma-al
13 ú-ša!-aḫ-da-ar ma-at la ma-gi-ri i-ka-⌈am⌉-mu na-ak-ri
14 ⌈em-du⌉ ka-ak-ku-šu ma-ḫi-ra ú-ul i-šu
15 [x x] x mi za-ni-na-am Mu-ti-a-ba-al
16 [x x x] DU-mu [x x] x šu-ḫu x a UD-⌈mu⌉ x [(x x)] x
rest of the tablet heavily damaged, sign rests visible
1 Of the king of all Igigū-gods, the lord of the mountains,
2 the sovereign of the Enunakū-gods, Marduk, let me sing.
3 Let me plead with the leader, the merciless storm, the shade of the heaven,
4 who swiftly sends forth the storms, the seven winds, who conquers his evil enemies.
5 A blazing (fire), he overwhelms, a consuming flame, he sticked in the heart.
6 The god of power, strong, lord of the war, … the four winds, the storms.
7 His right hand holds the entire collection of divine numina …
8 At his (Marduks) anger, the bird of the land of the disobedient wastes away in the trap.
9 In the pure subterranean sea, he is Asalluḫi. Above, in the heaven, his name is An.
10 All (divine numina) are placed in front of him. Marduk is the pleasant Tutu.
11 The divine plans are filled in his hand.
12 He crushed the raging mountains. He is perfect.
13 He frightens the land of the disobedient. He captures the enemies.
14 Imposed are his weapons. He has no opponent.
15 … provider, Mutiabal.
16 … day/storm … day/storm …
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
adārum I (v.) | G to be dark, gloomy; D to darken, look gloomy | 13 | |
akālum (v.) | G to eat, consume, devastate; Gtn iter. of G; Š caus. of G | 5 | |
arāḫum, warāḫum (v.) | G to hasten, be urgent; D speed up, do quickly | 4 | |
ayyābum | enemy | 4 | |
bēlum (EN) | lord, master, proprietor, owner | 1, 6 | |
eliš | above | 9 | |
ellum (//sikil) | pure, clear, sacred | 9 | |
emēdum (v.) | to lean on, impose, dock (a ship) | 14 | |
erbe | four | 6 | |
etellum (//nir-gál) | lord, prince, pre-eminent | 2 | |
gašrum | strong, powerful | 6 | |
gitmālum | perfect, ideal, noble | 12 | |
ḫimmatum | collection | 7, 10 | |
imnum | right hand, right side | 7 | |
iṣṣūrum | bird | 8 | |
išûm (v.) | G to have | 14 | |
kakkum (GIŠ.TUKUL) | stick, weapon, battle | 14 | |
kalûm II (DÙ.A.BI) | all, totality, everything | 7 | |
kibbum | flame | 5 | |
kiššūtum | power, might | 6 | |
kullatum | totality, all of ... | 1, 10 | |
kullum III (v.) | to hold, hold back, cover | 7 | |
lāpādûm | merciless | 3 | |
lemnum (ḪUL) | evil, bad; evil person, enemy | 4 | |
magārum (v.) | G to consent, agree; Gt to agree with one another, settle on | 8, 13 | |
māḫirum | opponent, antagonist, enemy | 14 | |
maḫrum II | front, presence | 10 | |
malûm IV (v.) | G to become full, fill up; D fill (up); Št to provide | 11 | |
mātum (//kalam) | land, country | 8, 13 | |
meḫûm | storm | 4, 6 | |
na'ārum (v.) | to cry, to roar | 12 | |
nakrum | strange, foreign, enemy | 13 | |
pa'āṣum (v.) | to break up, crush | 12 | |
parṣum | office, (cultic) ordinance, divine powers, rites | 7 | |
qātum (ŠU) | hand | 11 | |
rašûm (v.) | G to acquire, get; Š caus. of G | 6 | |
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) | mountain, open country | 1, 12 | |
šaḫāḫum (v.) | to dissolve, to waste away | 8 | |
šaḫurrum | rigid (?) | 16 | |
šakānum (v.) (GAR) | G to put, place, lay down, Š make smb. place, establish, N be put, established | 10 | |
šamû I (AN) (//an) | sky, heaven | 3, 9 | |
šanāšum, sanāšum (v.) | to insert, to infix | 5 | |
sapāḫum (v.) | G to scatter, disperse; D squander, spend freely, scatter; N pass. of G | 5 | |
sarrum | false, criminal, treacherous | 6 | |
šārum (IM) | wind, breath | 4 | |
šumum (MU) | name, son, line of text | 9 | |
ṭābum (DU10) | good, sweet | 10 | |
tuqumtum, tuqmatum | battle, fight | 6 | |
ūmum II | stormwind, weather-beast, mythical lion | 16 | |
uṣurtum, eṣertum | draft, drawing, ordinance | 11 | |
utnēnum (v.) (//ša-né-ša) | G to pray; Gtn~G | 3 | |
uzzum | anger, rage | 8 | |
wârum (v.) | G to go (up to); D instruct, govern, commission, appoint, send | 3 | |
zamārum (v.) | to sing, to play | 2 | |
zanānum (v.) II | to provision, provide | 15 |