VS 10, 215 (Nanāya)

SEAL no. 7506

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215 (copy)
Tablet Siglum
VAT 5798
14 x 7 x 3
Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin
Genre / Classification
Hymns and Prayers, Nanāya


1       il-ta-am ša-ma-aš ni-ši-i-ša

2       dNa-na-a sú-up-pí-a šu-uB-Ba na-az-za-as-[]

3       ša-tu ki-ma ar-ḫi-im a-na-ṭa-li-im

4       i-gi-sú-ṣi-il-la-ša ša-ru-ri za-ʾ-nu


5       [uḫ]-ta-an-na-mu e-lu-uš-ša

6       [n]a?-na-bu ma-aš-ra-ḫu du-šu-pu ku-úz-bu

7       [ḫu-d]i ṣi-ḫa-tim ù ru-a-mi tu-uš-ta-az-na-[an]

8       [r]a?-ma-am dNa-na-a ta-az-mu-ur


9       [it-t]a-al-la-ku i-du-uš-ša ki-na-tum

10     [šu?-u]l?-mu-um ba-aš-tum si-im-tu-um

11     [?-bu?]-ú ša šu-ul-mi  ⌈ù [b]a-la-ṭi-im

12     [al]-ka-as-sà ad-da-ar da-mi-iq-tum it-tu-um


13     ⌈x x x-du-at šu-a-ra-am

14     ⌈x x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉-du i-si-iq-ša la-am-da-at

15     šu-ul-lu-um li-ib-bi-i-ša a-bu-uš ú-ša-te-er-ši

16     ta-at-bi-ma i-ri-ma-am id-di ki-š[a-d]i-ša


17     i-ku-ul-la-tu i-la-timra⌉-bu-um [A]-nu-um

18     a-li-du-uš ú-ul-li [r]e-e-šu-uš

19     et-tum mu-uš-ta-ar-ḫa-at ù ka-na-at

20     i-ši-im-ši na-aš-ma-ḫi ka!?⌉-da-ša ul-ṣa-am


21     ⌈ṣú-ḫi-iš si-qá-ar ḫu-da-tim

22     i-ta-wu-ú an-ša-aš ú-ša-an-ma-ar li-ib-bu-uš

23     be-le-e-ti [š]a da-ad-mi ab-ra-ti-ši-in

24     pa-al-sà-a-ši-[i]m ki dUTU ni-šu nu-ri-iš-ki


25     [l]e-a4-tum em-qù-tum te-li-tum

26     dIr-ni-na ga-aṣ-ṣa-tum g[a]-⌈še-er-ti I-gi-gi

27     [a]t-ti šu-uš-qú-tum a-še-ra-sú-un

28     [q]é-er-bu-uš-šu-uš(-)šu-qú-ru šu!-mu-ú-ki

28a                              pa-[r]u-ú




29     im-ri li-ri-iš ka-ba-at-tu-uk

30     šu-te-eb-ri-i šu-li-li i-na ib-ra-tim

31     ki-du ḫa-šu-ra-am li-bi-lu-ki-im

32     ṣú!-<ḫi>-iš-ki li-im-lu-ú la-lu-ú-amnu-uḫ-ša-am


33     ta-ar-ṣi-à-ta-ki mi-gi-ir-ki

34     šar-ri tu-ud-di Sa-am-su-i-lu-na zi-bi-ki li-qú-ud

35     i-pa-at ki-ib-ra-tim ù ša-di?-im?⌉ li-<-ta>-ak-ka-an

36     šu-ba-as-sú⌉ ⌈ṣú⌉-[ḫi]-⌈?⌉ ⌈ma-ḫa-ar-ki [l]i-ir-mi


37     ši-bi-ir ne-ši-⌈ima-g[e4-e ša]r-ri-im

38     ša-na-tim ša mi-ša-[ri-im] ⌈ù ki-na-tim

39     šu-úr-šu-ud [x x] ⌈x⌉ [x x x x] ⌈x⌉ [š]u-ul-mi

40     na-nu-uk-ki na-[ad?-nu?-šu?-um?] ⌈ad?⌉-[da?-a]r?


41     ṣe-ri-iš AN [...]-⌈x⌉-ra-à-ki-im

42     dNa-na-a [...]-⌈ri?⌉-?⌉ iḫ-ta-aš-šu-uš

43     i-na ma-aš-ta-k[a-tim ..]-miil-tum

44     ⌈el [i]m-ra-x x [...] x ša-ni-iš ni-gu-ta-am te-ri!-iš


45     ib-bi-ir?⌉-x x [...] ⌈x⌉-li-il

46     na-ra-[am-ša šar-ra-a]m sa-l]i-mu-uš-ša ta-ab-bi

47     [Sa?-a]m?-s[u?-i]-lu?-na? [... iz-z]a-az-za

48     [...] [šu]-wa-tu ta-ab-bi-i-šu


49     [da-r]i-a-am ba-la-a-ṭa-am dNa-na-a ar-k[a-am]

50     [ta]-tu-ú-ra-am tu-ṣi-ib ta-aš-ru-uk-šu-[um]

51     [a-n]a Sa-am-su-i-lu-na na-ra-mi-i-ša

52     ⌈tu-ša-at-[li-i]m-šu-u[m] ša-am-ša ki na-an-na-a-ri-im


53     qí-bi-tu-uš-ša mi-i[g-ru-u]š e-te-el

54     [e]l úr-ša-ni š[a-qí] i-n[a] ki-ib-ra-tim

55     [...] i-ma [... l]i-ri-iš na-bi-i-[ša]

56     ⌈x⌉-tum iš-⌈x⌉ [x x] x x iq-qé-er-[bi-...]


57                    g[g]e4-g[ál-bi]


Le. Ed.

58     šu-uš-qú-ú-ut il-tim



1       To the goddess, sun of her people,

2       to Nanāya pray, proclaim(?) [her] position,


3       she who is like the moon to look on

4       (and) whose awesome appearance is endowed with brilliance.


5       Upon her

6       [off]spring(?), splendour, sweetness and attractiveness bloom.


7       She is provided with [jo]y, laughter and charm.

8       Nanāya has sung of [lov]e(?).


9       At her side constantly walk justice,

10     [well-]being(?), dignity, decorum,


11     [comma]nd(?) of well-being and life.

12     Her path is a good sign forever.


13     ⌈She is …⌉ in dancing.

14     [...] she knows her lot.


15     Her father increased her (ability to attain) her desire.

16     She arose and he put love charms round her neck.


17     Anum the great, from among all goddesses,

18     her begetter, has raised her head.


19     She, the unique one, is magnificent and honoured.

20     He decreed for her exuberance, … (and) rejoicing.


21     Laughingly, a word of joy

22     he said to her, making her heart radiant:


23     “You are the mistress of the world’s inhabitants!

24     The people look upon you(!), upon your light, as (at) the sun’s!”


25     Capable, wise(?), experienced,

26     raging Irnina, the most powerful among the Igigi,


27     you are the most exalted one, directing them.

28     Among them precious are your names.


28a                  pārū-songs.


29     Shine! May your mind rejoice! 

30     Keep up exulting in the shrines!


31     May the surrounding regions bring you cypress wood,

32     for your pleasure(!) may they be filled with wealth and abundance!


33     May your chosen-(one), your favourite,

34     the king you have destined, Samsuiluna, burn your food-offering! 


35     May he always put the tribute of the (inhabited) world and the steppe (before you).

36     May he joyfully(?) set up his residence before you!


37     The staff of life, the cr[own of the kin]g,

38     years of justice and truth,


39     Securely founded [...] of health,

40     at your command are gi[ven(?) to him(?) foreve]r(?).


41     Towards [...]

42     Nanāya [...] ­– he (the king) used to rejoice (over her).


43     In the chamb[ers ...] the goddess

44     over(?) … she asked for a joyful song again.


45     … [....] …

46     She named [her] belov[ed, the king], in her [ami]ty.


47     [Sa]ms[u]-[i]luna(?) [ ... is st]anding(?).

48     [...the mis]tress named him.


49     A everlasting life, a long (life),

50     Nanāya [re]peatedly granted him largely.


51     [T]o Samsuiluna, her beloved,

52     she bestowed the sun as light.


53     At her command her fa[vorite] is the champion.

54     [He is raised] above (all) heroes in the world


55     [...] [May] he rejoice, who was named by her!

56     [...] in [...]


57     [Its] [an]tip[hone].


left edge  

58     Exaltation of the goddess.

Word Translation Semantic Line
ettum unique 19
abrātum populace, humanity 23
agûm I tiara, crown 37
alaktum way, course Abstract concepts 12
balāṭum (TI) life, vigour, good health Abstract concepts 11, 49
bāštum dignity, pride Abstract concepts 10
bēltum (NIN) lady, mistress, proprietress Social status/Groups/Professions 23
dadmū the inhabited world; villages, settlements Abstract concepts 23
emqum wise, clever Human activities/actions 25
etellum (NIR) lord, prince, pre-eminent Social status/Groups/Professions 53
ḫašūrum cypress 31
ḫūdum happiness, pleasure, joy 7
ibratum cult niche 30
idum (Á) arm; side; strength; wage Body/Body parts 9
Igigû DN, the (ten) great gods 26
iltum (DINGIR) goddess Deities/Divine sphere 1, 17, 43, 58
iptum tribute 35
irimmum charm, love charm Abstract concepts 16
Irnina (dIR.NI.NA) DN 26
isqum lot, share 14
ittum sign, mark Abstract concepts 12
kibrum (UB) bank (of a river), shore, rim, brink; quarter of the world Locations/Buildings,Nature/Cosmological phenomena 35, 54
kīdum outside Abstract concepts,Locations/Buildings 31
kišādum (GÚ) neck, bank Body/Body parts 16
kittum I steadiness, reliability, truth, justice, loyality 9, 38
kuzbum attractiveness, sex appeal Human activities/actions 6
lalûm plenty, exuberance, wish, desire, emotion 32
lē'ûm powerful, competent 25
mašraḫū good health ? 6
maštakum chamber, cell 43
migrum consent, approval, agreement Abstract concepts 33, 53
mīšarum justice Abstract concepts 38
Nanāya DN Deities/Divine sphere 2, 8, 42, 49
nannābum offspring 6
nannārum light of the sky, moon 52
nannûm command, behest 40
nanzāzum, nazzāzum position 2
narāmum loved one, love Human activities/actions,Qualities/Attributes,Social status/Groups/Professions 46, 51
našmaḫum exuberance, pleasantness 20
nigûtum joyful song, musical celebration 44
nišū (UN.MEŠ) people, humanity, population Social status/Groups/Professions 1, 24
nīšum II (oath of the) life 37
nuḫšum abundance, plenty, fertility Abstract concepts 32
nūrum I (ZÁLAG) light Abstract concepts,Nature/Cosmological phenomena 24
pārum I hymn Body/Body parts,Written texts/Literary terms 28a
qerbum centre, interior Abstract concepts,Locations/Buildings 28, 56
qibītum speech, command, utterance, word Verbal expressions 53
rabûm (GAL) I big 17
rēšum (SAG) head; beginning; slave Abstract concepts,Body/Body parts 18
ru'āmum love-making; sexual charm of a woman Abstract concepts 7
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) mountain, open country 35
salīmum peace, amity 46
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) DN, sun Deities/Divine sphere 1, 24, 52
Samsuiluna RN 34, 47, 51
šarūrum brilliance, ray 4
šattum (MU) year Abstract concepts,Time concepts 38
šibirrum shepherd´s staff, sceptre Social status/Groups/Professions 37
ṣīḫtum laughter, pl. flirtations, amusements, delights Abstract concepts 7
ṣillum (GISSU) protection; shade, shadow Abstract concepts,Nature/Cosmological phenomena 4
simtum appropriate symbol, characteristic Abstract concepts 10
šuārum dance Human activities/actions 13
šubtum, šuptum seat, dwelling, abode, place Abstract concepts,Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings 36
ṣūḫum, ṣuḫḫum laugh, laughter, love play 32
šulmum well-being, completeness, health; peace Abstract concepts 10, 11, 39
šumum (MU) name, son, line of text Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions 28
šušqûtum exaltation 58
šuātum mistress 48
tarṣiātum chosen one 33
ulṣum pleasure, rejoicing 20
uršānum warrior, hero Social status/Groups/Professions 54
warḫum (ITI) the moon, (day of) new moon, first day of month 3
zībum offering, sacrifice Rituals/Religious practices 34
zikrum, siqrum utterance, name; mention of the name; reputation 21
Signs in text
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Revision History
Streck, Michael P.
Catalogue, transliteration, translation
Wasserman, Nathan
Catalogue, transliteration, translation
Kärger, Brit
Streck, Michael P.
Corrections, index
Streck, Michael P.
Images, catalogue
Pohl, Antonia