
Displaying 361 - 380 of 1249
Bibliography Description
Geller 1992 

M. J. Geller 1992: CT 58, No. 70: A Middle Babylonian Eršahunga, BSOAS 55, 528–532. 

Geller 1993

S. A. Geller 1993: Some Sound and Word Plays in the First Tablet of the Old Babylonian Atramḫasīs Epic, in: B. Walfish (ed.), The Frank Talmage Memorial Volume, I, Haifa, 63–70.

Geller 2002 

M. Geller 2002: Sumer, Incantations et magie, in: J. Briend/M. Quesnel/H. Cazelles (ed.), Supplément au Dictionnaire de la Bible, 269–283. 

Geller 2004 

M. J. Geller 2004: Akkadian Evil Eye Incantations from Assur, ZA 94, 52–58. 

Geller 2016 

M.J. Geller 2016: Healing Magic and Evil Demons. Canonical Udug-hul Incantations (=BAM 8). 

Geller/Wiggermann 2008 

M. J. Geller/F. A. M. Wiggermann 2008: Duplicating Akkadian Magic, in: Fs. M. Stol, 149–160. 

George 1987 

A. R. George 1987: Review of J. van Dijk, Early Mesopotamian Incantations and Rituals (= YOS 11), BSOAS 50/2, 359–360. 

George 1988 

A. R. George 1988: Babylonian Texts from the Folios of Sidney Smith, Part One, RA 82, 139-162. 

George 1990 

A. R. George 1990: Review of O. R. Gurney 1989, Literary and Miscellaneous Texts in the Ashmolean Museum (= OECT 11), ZA 80, 155–160 

George 1991 

A. R. George 1991: Seven Words, NABU 1991/19. 

George 1993a 

A. R. George 1993a: Ninurta-Pāqidāt's Dog Bite, and Notes on Other Comic Tales, Iraq 55, 63–75. 

George 1993b 

A. R. George 1993b: House Most High. The Temples of Ancient Mesopotamia (= MC 5). 

George 1994 

A. R. George 1994: tazzîqum, «vexation», NABU 1994/27. 

George 1995
George 1995 

A. R. George 1995: Ea in hiding, NABU 1995/68. 

George 2003 

A. R. George 2003: The Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic: Introduction, Critical Edition and Cuneiform Texts. Oxford.

George 2004 

A. R. George 2004: Additions to Gilgameš, NABU 2004/49. 

George 2007a 

A. R. George 2007a: The Civilizing of Ea-Enkidu: An Unusual Tablet of the Babylonian Gilgameš Epic, RA 101, 59–80.  

George 2007b

A. R. George 2007b: The Gilgameš epic at Ugarit, AuOr 25, 237–254. 

George 2007 

A. George 2007: The Gilgameš epic at Ugarit, AuOr. 25, 237–254.