
Displaying 641 - 660 of 1249
Bibliography Description
Lambert 1989c 

W. G. Lambert 1989c: Notes on a Work of the Most Ancient Semitic Literature, JCS 41, 1–33. 

Lambert 1990 a 

W. G. Lambert 1990a: A New Babylonian Descent to the Netherworld, in: Fs. W. L. Moran (= HSS 37) 289–300. 

Lambert 1990b 

W.G. Lambert 1990b: Tears of Ningišzida, NABU 1990/127. 

Lambert 1991a 

W. G. Lambert 1991a: Another Trick of Enki?, in: Fs. P. Garelli, 415–419. 

Lambert 1991b 

W. G. Lambert 1991b: Three Pieces of Atra-hasīs, in: D. Charpin/F. Joannès (eds.), Marchands, diplomates et empereurs: Études sur la civilisation mesopotamienne offertes à Paul Garelli, Paris, 411–414.

Lambert 1991c

W. G. Lambert 1991c: The Relationship of Sumerian and Babylonian Myth as Seen in the Accounts of Creation, in: D. Charpin/F.

Lambert 1992 

W. G. Lambert 1992: The Language of ARET V 6 and 7, QuadSem 18, 42–62. 

Lambert 1995 

W. G. Lambert: Some new Babylonian wisdom literature, in: Fs. J. A. Emerton 30-42. 

Lambert 1998

W. G. Lambert 1998: Technical Terminology for Creation in the Ancient Near East, in: J. Prosecky (ed.), Intellectual Life of the Ancient Near East: Papers Presented at the 43rd Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Prague, July 1-6, 1996, Prague, 189–193.

Lambert 1999/2000 

W. G. Lambert 1999/2000: Review of B. R. M. Groneberg, Lob der Ištar (=CM 8), AfO 46/47, 274–277. 

Lambert 2003/2004 

W.G. Lambert 2003/4: Review of Izre’el 1997, “The Amarna Scholarly Tablets”, AfO 50 394-396. 

Lambert 2005

W. G. Lambert 2005: No. 42. Atra-ḫasīs, in: I. Spar and W. G. Lambert, Literary and Scholastic Texts of the First Millennium B.C. (CTMMA 2).

Lambert 2008

W. G. Lambert 2008: Mesopotamian Creation Stories, in: M. J. Geller/M. Schipper (eds.), Imagining Creation (= IJS Studies in Judaica 5), Leiden, 15–59.

Lambert 2013a

W. G. Lambert 2013a: Babylonian Creation Myths (= Mesopotamian Civilizations 16). 

Lambert 2013b

W. G. Lambert 2013b: Creation in the Bible and the Ancient Near East, in: J. A. Scurlock/R. H. Beal (eds.), Creation and Chaos: A Reconsideration of Hermann Gunkel's Chaoskampf Hypothesis, Winona Lake, In., 44–47.

Lambert 2016

W. G. Lambert 2016: The Flood in Sumerian, Babylonian and Biblical Sources, in: W. G. Lambert, Ancient Mesopotamian Religion and Mythology: Selected Essays (ed. A. R. George/T. M. Oshima; = ORA 15), Tübingen, 235–244.

Lambert/Millard 1968 

W. G. Lambert/A. R. Millard 1968: Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum. Second Supplement. 

Lambert/Millard 1969 

W. G. Lambert/A. R. Millard 1969: Atra-ḫasīs: The Babylonian Story of the Flood. 

Landsberger 1933 

B. Landsberger 1933: Die angebliche babylonische Notenschrift, AfO Bh. 1, 170-178. 

Landsberger 1949 

B. Landsberger 1949: Jahreszeiten im Sumerich-Akkadischen, JNES 8, 248-297.