Bibliography | Description |
Wasserman 2002 | N. Wasserman 2002: Dictionaries and Incantations: Cross-Generic Relations in Old- Babylonian Literature, in: N. Wasserman (ed.), Wool from the Loom: The Development of Literary Genres in Ancient Literature, 1–13. |
Wasserman 2003a | N. Wasserman 2003a: Style and Form in Old Babylonian Literary Texts (= CM 27). |
Wasserman 2003b | N. Wasserman 2003b: A forgotten Old-Babylonian Lament over a City's Destruction: UET 6/3, 403 and its possible literary Context, in: I. Eph'al/A Ben- Tor/P. Machinist (ed.), Hayim and Miriam Tadmor Volume (= Eretz-Israel 27), 126–132. |
Wasserman 2005a | N. Wasserman 2005a: Offspring of Silence, Spawn of a Fish, Son of a Gazelle…: Enkidu’s Different Origins in the Epic of Gilgameš, Fs J. Klein 593–599. |
Wasserman 2005b | N. Wasserman 2005b: The Rhetoric of Time Inversion: Hysteron-Proteron and the 'Back to Creation' Theme in Old Babylonian Literary Texts, in: S. Shaked (ed.), Genesis and Regeneration: Essays on Conceptions of Origins, 13–30. |
Wasserman 2005c | N. Wasserman 2005c: Review of B. Kienast, iškar šēlebi: Die Serie von Fuchs (FAOS 22), ZA 95, 145–146. |
Wasserman 2007 | N. Wasserman 2007: Between Magic and Medicine - A Propos of an Old Babylonian therapeutic Text against Kurārum Disease, in: I. L. Finkel/M. J. Geller (ed.), Disease in Babylonia (= CM 36) 40–61. |
Wasserman 2008 (app. 2010) | N. Wasserman 2008 (app. 2010): Leeches and Worms in Old Babylonian Medical Incantations, RA 102, 71–88. |
Wasserman 2010a | N. Wasserman 2010a: From the Notebook of a Professional Exorcist, in: Fs. B. Groneberg (= CM 41) 329–349. |
Wasserman 2010b | N. Wasserman 2010b: The Enclitic Particle –mi within the Framework of Old Babylonian Epistemic Modality – A New Understanding (= Proceedings of RAI 53 = Babel und Bibel 4) 787–799. |
Wasserman 2011a | N. Wasserman 2011a: Is the Temple Not a Holy Place?, NABU 2011/83. |
Wasserman 2011b (app. 2013) | N. Wasserman 2011b (app. 2013): The Distant Voice of Gilgameš: The Circulation and Reception of the Babylonian Gilgameš Epic in Ancient Mesopotamia. A Review Article of A. R. George, The Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic. Introduction, Critical Edition and Cuneiform Texts. |
Wasserman 2012a | N. Wasserman 2012a: Most Probably: Epistemic Modality in Old Babylonian (= Languages of the Ancient Near East 3). |
Wasserman 2012b | N. Wasserman 2012b: Maškadum and Other Zoonotic Diseases in Medical and Literary Akkadian Sources, BiOr 69, 426–436. |
Wasserman 2013 | N. Wasserman 2013: Treating Garments in the Old Babylonian Period: “At the Cleaners” in a Comparative View, Iraq 75, 255–277 |
Wasserman 2015a | N. Wasserman 2015a: On the Author of the Epic of Zimrī-Līm and Its Literary Context, AfO 53, 52–56. |
Wasserman 2015b | N. Wasserman 2015b: Piercing the Eyes: An Old Babylonian Love Incantation and the Preparation of Kohl, BiOr. 72, 601–612. |
Wasserman 2016 | N. Wasserman 2016: Akkadian Love Literature of the Third and Second Millennium BCE (LAOS 4). Wiesbaden. |
Wasserman 2018a | N. Wasserman 2018a: Labor Pains, Difficult Birth, Sick Child: Three Old Babylonian Incantations from a Private Collection, BiOr. 75, 14–25. |
Wasserman 2018b | N. Wasserman 2018b: A Forgotten Hymn in Praise of Gungunum, King of Larsa: TIM 9, 41 and its Historical Context, in M. Cogan (ed.), In the Lands of Sumer and Akkad, New Studies: A Conference in Honor of Jacob Klein on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday, Jerusalem, xix–xliv. |