SEAL no. 1530
1 ib-ri ni-iq-te-ri-ib qí-iš-ti-iš
2 šu-n[a-tu]m qì-it-ru-ba a-ru-uh ta-ha-zu-um
3 nam-⌈ri⌉-ri ša i-lim ta-na-ṭa-a-al
4 Hu-wa-wa ša i-ta-na-an-da-ru ka-ab-ta-at-ka
5 at-ta ta-at-ta-ak-ki-ip-ma ki-ma le-i-im tu-ša-ab-ra-aq-šu
6 re-⌈ši⌉-šu tu-ša-ap-pa-al i-na da-an-nu-ti-ka
7 pu-ur-šu-mu-um ša ta-mu-ru-ú il-ka we-ru
8 ba-⌈ni⌉ qá-qá-di-ka dLugal-bàn-da
9 ib-ri a-ta-mar re-bu-ta-am
10 e-et-qè-et e-li ša-la-aš-ti-in šu-na-ti-ia
11 ap-pa-al-sà-am-ma dAnzâm(IM.DUGUD)mušen-am i-na ša-ma-i
12 ⌈it-bé⌉-ma ⌈ki⌉-ma er-pe-tim i-ša-ú el-ni
13 ⌈pu!? lu!?⌉-úh-tum-ma šu-un-nu-ú pa-nu-ú-ša
14 pi-⌈ša dGirrum(GÌRA)⌉ na-pi-ís-sa mu-tu[m]
15 eṭ-lu[m-ma?] ša-ni bi-ni-ta-a[m]
16 [x x x x] x-⌈ši?-ma?⌉ iz-za-az i-na mu-ši-ti-ia
17 [x x x x] x ka-⌈ap⌉-pi-ša iṣ-ṣa-ba-at i-di
18 [x x x x] x-ma it-ta-di-i-ši [i-na ma-ah]-ri-ia
19 [………] x-⌈gi⌉ e-li-ša
(Several lines missing)
1´ i[t-bé-ma ki-m]a [e]r-p[e-ti]m ⌈i⌉-š[a-ú] el-ni
2´ [x x-t]um-ma ⌈šu⌉-nu-ú pa-nu-ú-šu°
3´ ⌈pi-ša⌉ d⌈Girrum(GÌRA)⌉ na-pi-ís-sa mu-tum
4´ ša!(TA)-lum-ma-sà ta-pa-la-ha-⌈am⌉ at!-ta!
5´ ⌈e⌉-TE-en ši-ip-ša! ú-še-te-bé-ka a-na-ku
6´ ⌈eṭ⌉-lum ša ta-mu-ru dŠamaš(UTU) da-an-nu
1 “My friend, we have come close to the forest,
2 (what was foretold in) dreams is near at hand, battle is swift (upon us).
3 Do you (already) see the radiant auras of the god,
4 of Ḫuwawa, whom your mind does ever fear?
5 You will lock horns and batter him like a bull,
6 you will force his head down with your strength.
7 The old man you saw is your mighty god,
8 the one who begot you, Lugalbanda.”
9 “My friend, I have seen a fourth,
10 it surpasses my (other) three dreams!
11 I watched an Anzû-bird in the sky,
12 up it rose and soared above us back and forth like a cloud.
13 It was a terror, its face was very strange,
14 its speech was fire, its breath was death.
15 [There was a] man, strange of form,
16 [he...] and was standing there in my night (i. e., dream).
17 [He...] its wings, he took hold of my arm,
18 [...] ... and he cast it down [before] me.
19 [...] ... upon it.”
Several lines missing.
0′ “[You watched an Anzû-bird in the sky,]
1′ up [it rose] and soared above us back and forth like a cloud.
2′ It was a terror, its face was very strange,
3′ its speech was fire, its breath was death.
4′ While you fear its awesome splendour,
5′ I shall ... its foot, I shall enable you to arise!
6′ The man you saw was mighty Šamaš.”
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
Anzû | DN | obv. 11 | |
erpetum | cloud | obv. 12, [rev. 1´] | |
eṭlum (GURUŠ; ŠUL) | manly; young man | Human activities/actions,Social status/Groups/Professions | obv. 15, rev. 6´ |
gīrum, Girra (dGÌRA) | fire(-god) | 14, rev. 3´ | |
Ḫuwawa | PN | obv. 4 | |
idum (Á) | arm; side; strength; wage | Body/Body parts | obv. 17 |
kappum | wing, hand | Body/Body parts | obv. 17 |
lī'um | bull | obv. 5 | |
Lugalbanda | DN; PN | obv. 8 | |
namrīrum | awe-inspiring radiance | Deities/Divine sphere | obv. 3 |
pānum I (IGI) | front, face, earlier times | Abstract concepts,Body/Body parts | obv. 13, 2' |
pûm I (KA) | mouth, statement, command, opening | Body/Body parts | obv. 14, rev. 3´ |
puršumum | old (man) | obv. 7 | |
qištum (GIŠ.TIR) | forest, wood | Flora,Nature/Cosmological phenomena | obv. 1 |
rēšum (SAG) | head; beginning; slave | Abstract concepts,Body/Body parts | obv. 6 |
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) | DN, sun | Deities/Divine sphere | rev. 6´ |
šamû I (AN) | sky, heaven | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | obv. 11 |
šēpum | foot, leg | Body/Body parts | rev. 5´ |
šuttum | dream | obv. 2, 10 | |
tāḫāzum (ME; ME6) | battle, combat | obv. 2 |