SEAL no. 1518
Ms. C0
The Flood Section only.
C0 iv 1' ⌈i-na-an-na a-a iš-me-a a-na a-wa⌉/{AT{-ta
C0 iv 2' i-lu-ú iq-bu-ú ga-ma-er-tam
C0 iv 3' ši-ip-ra-am le-em-nam
C0 iv 4' a-na ni-ši i-pí-iš dEn-líl
C0 iv 5' i-na pu-úḫ-ri-im iq-bu-ú
C0 iv 6' a-bu-ba-am a-na ú-um wa-ar-ḫi-im
C0 iv 7' {ú-ba-lu-ú} ni-pe-iš / ši-ip-ra-am
C0 iv 8' Wa-at-⌈ra-am⌉-ḫa-sí-⌈i⌉-sí
C0 iv 9' ka-ma-s[í-i]š ma-ḫa-ar É-a
C0 iv 10' i-la-ka ⌈di⌉-[ma]-⌈a⌉-šu
C0 iv 11' É-a pa-a-šu i-pu-⌈ša⌉-am-ma
C0 iv 12' i-za-kà-ra-am-ma a-na wa-ar-di-/šu
C0 iv 13' iš-ti-ta-am a-⌈na ni⌉-ši / [t]a-⌈ba⌉-ki-i
C0 iv 14' ša-ni-ta-⌈am⌉ ka-am-ša!(TA)-ti
C0 iv 15' a-di-ri at-⌈ta⌉
C0 iv 16' i-ba-aš-ši ši-ip-ru-ú
C0 iv 17' a-na e-pe-ši-im at-ta
C0 iv 18' a-na aš-ri-im tu-ra-šu
C0 iv 19' la ti-di-i
col. iv
C0 iv 1' “Now, they (the people) should not hear the matter,
C0 iv 2' (for) the gods have commanded an annihilation –
C0 iv 3'–4' an evil act Enlil will do to the people.
C0 iv 5'–6' In the assembly they decided about the Flood:
C0 iv 6'–7' “By the day of the new moon we shall do the task!” (they said).
C0 iv 8'–10' Atra-ḫasīs, kneeling in the presence of Ea, his tears were flowing.
C0 iv 11'–12' Ea opened his mouth, addressed his servant:
C0 iv 13'–14' “Firstly, you are crying for the people; secondly, you are kneeling (in prayer):
C0 iv 15' You are (indeed) the one who reveres me!
C0 iv 16'–17' There is a task to be done –
C0 iv 18'–19' but you, you don’t know at all how to bring it to its completion”.
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
abūbum | flood, deluge | C0 iv 6' | |
adārum II (v.) | G to be afraid, fear, be worried, disturbed; Š to cause annoyance, frighten; Št to become frightened, worried | C0 iv 15' | |
ai, ē, â | not | C0 iv 1' | |
alākum (v.) (DU) | G to go, walk; Gt go off, away; Gtn wander, go repeatedly, roam about, walk; Š caus. of G | C0 iv 10' | |
ana I | to, for | C0 iv 1', 4', 6', 12', 13', 17', 18' | |
ašrum (KI) | place, site | C0 iv 18' | |
Atra-ḫasīs | PN | C0 iv 8' | |
attā | you (m. sg.) | C0 iv 15', 17' | |
awātum, amātu (INIM) | word, matter, speech | C0 iv 1' | |
bakûm (v.) | G to weep, cry | C0 iv 13' | |
bašûm (v.) | G to be, exist; Š bring into being, create | C0 iv 16' | |
dimtum II | tear | C0 iv 10' | |
Ea | DN | C0 iv 9', 11' | |
edûm (v.) | G to know; D to cause to know | C0 iv 19' | |
Enlil | DN | C0 iv 4' | |
epēšum (v.) | G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G | C0 iv 4', 7', 11', 17' | |
gamertum | total annihilation | C0 iv 2' | |
ilum (DINGIR) | god, deity | C0 iv 2' | |
ina | in, on, by, from | C0 iv 5' | |
inanna | now | C0 iv 1' | |
ištēn (DIŠ) | one, single, the first one, first | C0 iv 13' | |
kamāsum II (v.) | G to kneel, squat down | C0 iv 9', 14' | |
lā | not | C0 iv 19' | |
lemnum (ḪUL) | evil, bad; evil person, enemy | C0 iv 3' | |
maḫrum II | front, presence | C0 iv 9' | |
nišū (UN.MEŠ) | people, humanity, population | C0 iv 4', 13' | |
puḫrum | assembly | C0 iv 5' | |
pûm I (KA) | mouth, statement, command, opening | C0 iv 11' | |
qabûm (v.) (DUG4) | G to say, speak, command | C0 iv 2', 5' | |
šanûm I | second, next | C0 iv 14' | |
šemûm (v.) | G to listen, to hear; Gtn to hear, to listen again and again | C0 iv 1' | |
šiprum | sending, mission, work, messenger | C0 iv 3', 7', 16' | |
târum (v.) (GUR) | G to turn, return, become again; D to bring, send, give, pay back | C0 iv 18' | |
ūmum I (UD) | day, daily | C0 iv 6' | |
wabālum (v.) | G to carry, bring; Š send, deliver, make bear; Št pass. of Š | C0 iv 7' | |
wardum (SAG.ÌR; ÌR) | slave, servant | C0 iv 12' | |
warḫum (ITI) | the moon, (day of) new moon, first day of month | C0 iv 6' | |
zakārum, saqārum (v.) | to speak, say, name, mention; talk; swear | C0 iv 12' |