SEAL no. 1744
CBS 1399 (University Museum, University of Pennsylvania)
CDLI No.: P258732.
Collated (MPS and NW 19.11.09) from photo (courtesy S. Tinney).
1 a-na ŠU.I ra-a[g-gi gullibniāti]
2 šum-ma ú-⌈ga?°⌉-[llab? ...]
3 iš-te-en a-na x°
4 li-is-sú-uḫ [x x x (x)] x [...]
5 a-li-ik a-li-[ik-ma] na°-šu-ú i?-[na?-di?-kum?]
6 la na-šu-ú l[a i-n]a-ad-di-ik-kum
7 qí-in-na-tim l[i-qé-e] i°-⌈ra⌉ -tim° ṣú-ub-bi-it
8 qá-ab-li-a-a[t x x] ra-ag-g[a-a]t x [x] x -ta-as-sú
9 i-di-ma ša ra-ag-gi ša mi-ša-[r]i-im ṣa-ba-at
10 [a-n]a KAR.KID ra-ag-gi mu°-[ug-ri-i]n-ni-a-ti
11 [šum]-ma a-ma-a[n-g]a-a[r x x x] x x x ar? x x (x) x x
12 [l]e-es-sà im-ta-aḫ-ṣú ⌈x⌉ [x (x)] ⌈-ša⌉ x x-ru
13 [a]l-ki al-ki-i!-ma na-[š]u-ú i-n[a-a]d-di-ik-ki
14 [l]a na-šu-ú la i-na-ad-d[i]-ik-ki
15 [ši?]-in-na-a dam? kal? te?-x-[...] x
16 ⌈i?⌉-di!?-[ma] ša? ra?⌉-[ag-gi ša mi-ša-ri-im]
17 [ṣa-ab-ti]
1' [a-na x x ] ⌈ra?-ag?-gi? x [...]
2' [x x x x šum]-ma a-qá-la ḫa x [...]
3' [ n]u it-ta-qí al-ki a[l-ki-i-ma]
4' [x x ru?]-qá-tim ša iš-tu A.ŠÀ!? 1 DAN[NA ...] x
5' [(x) x x DANN]A an-n[u]-ú a-na dam-qá-t[im x (x)] tu?-ša?
6' x [(x)] x l[i?] x x [x (x)] x
7' [a]n-nu-ú [a]-na da[m?-qá-tim] ḫ[a?] ⌈i⌉-[x x]-x
8' i-di-ma ša ra-a[g-gi ša] mi-ša-r[i-im]
9' ṣa-[ab]-ti
10' a-na DUMU.É.DUB.B[A.A] ra-ag-gi
11' ši-pí-ir-ta-a[m] ⌈šu⌉°-⌈uṭ⌉°-ra-an-ni-a-ši-im
12' i-lum šu-um-ma ši-pí-ir-tam!
13' iš-t[a]-ṭá-ar-ku!(text: šu)-nu-ši-im
14' a-li-ik a-li-ik-m[a ...]
15' DUMU.É.DUB.BA.A qá-tum l[e-qé?...]
16' SAḪAR.ḪI.A a-ia°?[-ki?-im? ...]
1 (They said) to the barber of evil: ["Shave us!"]
2 (He answered:) "If I s[have(?) ...,]
3 one to ...
4 May he tear out [...]."
5 "Go, g[o off!] The one who provides [shall give (it) to you.]
6 The one who does not provide s[hall not] give (it) you to.
8 The middle of [...] is evil. [Wicked(?) is] his ...
9 Give up what is evil! Grasp what is of justice!"
10 (They said) to the harlot of evil: "C[omp]ly with us!"
11 "[(She answered:) I]f I ⌈comply⌉..."
12 They slapped her cheek, ...ed her ...:
13 "[G]o, go off! The ⌈one who provides⌉ shall [giv]e (it) to you.
14 The [one] who does not provide shall not give (it) to you.
15 My [tee]th(?)...
16 ⌈Give⌉(?) [up] what is(?) e[vil! What is of justice,]
17 [grasp!"]
1' [(They said) to the ...] ⌈of evil(?)⌉: "[...!"]
2' [(She answered:) "I]f I heed, ... [..."]
3' [..] she poured out. "Go, G[o off!]
4' [... far] away(?) which from a distance(!?) of 1 double hour
5' [..]. [double h]our." "⌈Yes⌉, pleasantly...
6' ..."
7' ["Ye]s, pl]ea[santly(?)] ..."
8'–9' "Give up what is e[vil]! Gr[as]p what is [of justice!"]
10' (They said) to the scr[ibe] of evil:
11' "[Wri]te down for us a message!"
12' (He answered:) "God himself
13' wrote down for you(!) the message!"
14' "Go, go off ...!
15' O scribe, t[ake(?)! ...] into the hand
16' dust of the san[ctuary(?) ...]"
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
bērum III (DANNA) | double hour, league | Abstract concepts | [4'], [5'] |
damqum | good | Qualities/Attributes | 5', [7'] |
eperum (SAḪAR.ḪI.A) | earth, soil, dust | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 16' |
eqlum (A.ŠÀ) | field, terrain | Flora,Locations/Buildings | 15?, 4', 16'? |
gallābum (ŠU.I) | barber, hairdresser | Social status/Groups/Professions | 1 |
ḫarimtum (KAR.KID) | harlot, (temple) prostitute | Social status/Groups/Professions | 10 |
lētum | cheek; side | Body/Body parts | 12 |
mār bīt ṭuppim (DUMU.É.DUB.BA.A) | government scribe | Social status/Groups/Professions | 10', 15' |
mīšarum | justice | Abstract concepts | [16], 8' |
nāšûm | bearing; bearer | Human activities/actions | 5, 6, 13, 14 |
qablītum | center, central part, middle (watch) of the night | Abstract concepts | 8 |
qātum (ŠU) | hand | Body/Body parts | 15' |
qinnatum | buttocks, rump | Body/Body parts | 7 |
raggum | wicked, villainous | Human activities/actions | 1, 8, 10, [16], 8', 10' |
rūqum | distant | Abstract concepts | [4'] |
šipirtum | message, letter, instruction, order | Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions | 11', 12' |