BM 67111 (Destruction of Ur)

SEAL no. 1824

Copy / Photo
Tablet Siglum
BM 67111
6.35 x 5.72
British Museum, London
Genre / Classification

Extensive Akk. glosses to the Emesal.



beginning broken

1 [ù-m]u-un kur-[kur-r]a-k[e4 mùš mi-ni-in-ga amaš-a-na líl-e]

be-el ma-tim ṭa-ap-pa-a[r-um?] 

2 ⌈d⌉Mu-ul-líl-le èš nibru⌈ki⌉-[a mùš mi-ni-in-ga amaš-a-na líl-e]

dEN.LÍL i-na bi-tim ⌈EN⌉.LÍL⌈kiṭa-ap-pa-[ar-um?] 

3 dam-a-ni dNin-líl-le aš-ša-sú d⌉[NIN.LÍL mùš mi-ni-in-ga amaš-a-na líl-e]

4 nin kèški-ke4 ru-ba-at ki-i-e-⌉ [mùš mi-ni-in-ga amaš-a-na líl-e]

5 ga-ša-an-maḫ-e ⌈é⌉-bi kèški-⌈ke4⌉ [mùš mi-ni-in-ga amaš-a-na líl-e]

be-le-etì-lí i-na É ki-i-e-e[š] 

6 mu-lu ì-si-in-naki-ke4 be-le-et i-š[i-in mùš mi-ni-in-ga amaš-a-na líl-e]

7 ga-ša-an-ì-si-in-na èš é-gal-maḫ ⌈mùš⌉m[i-ni-in-ga amaš-a-na líl-e]

-x x-x-ak i-na ÈŠ⌉É.GAL.⌈MAḪ⌉

8 nin ki Unugki-ke4ru-ba-at ú-ru-uk mùš mi-n[i-in-ga amaš-a-na líl-e] 

9 ga-ša-an-an-⌈na⌉ é-bi ⌈ki Unugki⌉ mùš mi-[ni-in-ga amaš-a-na líl-e]

8-tári-[na x] ⌈UNUGki⌉

10 dNanna ⌈uri2ki-ma⌉ dSuen i-naaš-ri-šú mùš mi-[ni-in-ga amaš-a-na líl-e] 

11 [dSuen]-⌈e⌉ é-kiš-nu-⌈ĝál dSuen⌉<i>-na É.KIŠ⌉.ĜÁL mùš m[i-ni-in-ga amaš-a-na líl-e] 

12 [ga-ša-an-ga]l-⌈e⌉[agru]n-⌈kù-na⌉x [mùš mi-ni-in-ga amaš-a-na líl-e]

rest lost



beginning broken

1 traces

2 ⌈ki-ùr⌉ ki gal ⌈KI.ÙR⌉ aš-ru-umra-bu-um! a-š[e-er-bi ge17-ga 
a-še-er-zu ĝar-ra] 

3 ĝá-ĝeš-šú-⌈a⌉ ĜÁ.⌈ĜEŠ⌉.ŠÚ.A-u[m?] a-še-e[r-bi ge17-ga a-še-er-zu ĝar-ra] 

4 ub-šu-⌈unken-na⌉[U]B.ŠU.UM.⌈KI⌉.NA a-še-er-b[i ge17-ga a-še-er-zu ĝar-ra] 

5 èš Nibru⌈ki uru2bi-tum EN.LÍLkia-lum a-še-⌈er-bi⌉[ge17-ga a-še-er-zu ĝar-ra] 

6 še-eb ì-si-in-na⌈ki li-bi-iti-ši-in a-še-er-bi [ge17-ga a-še-er-zu ĝar-ra] 

7 èš é-gal-maḫ bi-tum ⌈É.GAL⌉.MAḪ a-še-er-bi [ge17-ga a-še-er-zu ĝar-ra] 

8 še-⌈eb⌉ uru2-zéki-⌈ba⌉-ke4li-bi-it e-ri-du a-še-er-b[i ge17-ga a-še-er-zu 

9 ⌈é⌉-sila-sír-sír-re bi-tum SI.LA.SI.RA [a-še-er-bi ge17-ga a-še-er-zu ĝar-ra] 

10 ⌈ma⌉-gú-en-⌈na⌉ MA.GÚ.EN.NA [a-še-er-bi ge17-ga a-še-er-zu ĝar-ra] 

11 [a-še-e]r-⌈bi⌉ ge17-ga dga-ša-an-zu m[u-lu ír-re èn-šè mu-un-kúš-ù] 

12 traces

rest lost


Left edge

1 [me-bi me kúr-r]a šu bala-e-dè a-še-er-bi ge17-[ga ga-ša-an-zu/ dNanna mu-lu ír-re èn-šè mu-un-kúš-ù]

[... pa-a]r-ṣí na-ka-ru-tim A.⌈ŠE⌉.ER.BI GE17.[..............................]

2 [ki-ru-gú 2-kam] ⌈te-pu-lu-ú⌉ KI.RU.G[Ú]



beginning broken

1 [Lo]rd of [all] the lands [has abandoned it; (he has let) wind into his sheepfold].

 Akk. The lord of the land (is) making (himself) abs[ent].

2 Enlil [has abandoned] the shrine [in] Nippur; [(he has let) wind into his 

 Akk. Enlil (is) making (himself) a[bsent] from the Nippur temple.

3 His spouse, Ninlil, his spouse, [Ninlil, has abandoned it; (she has let) wind into
her sheepfold. 

4 The queen of Keš, the princess of Keš, [has abandoned it; (she has let) wind into her sheepfold].

5 Ninmaḫ [has abandoned] the temple of Keš; [(she has let) wind into her sheepfold].

Akk. The “Lady of the Gods” (goes away) from the Keš temple. 

6 She of Isin, the lady of Is[in, has abandoned it; (she has let) wind into her 

7 Ninisina has aban[doned] the shrine Egalmaḫ; [(she has let) wind into her sheepfold].

Akk. Gu[... ...]s from the shrine Egalmaḫ.

8 The queen of the Uruk district, the princess of Uruk, has abandon[ed it; (she has 
let) wind into her sheepfold].

9 Inana has aban[doned] the Uruk district temple; [(she has let) wind into her 

Akk. Ištar (goes away) fr[om the ...] of Uruk. 

10 Nanna has aban[doned] Ur, Suen (goes away) from his abode;
[(he has let) wind into his sheepfold]. (13) 

11 [Suen] has aban[doned] the Ekišnuĝal, Suen (goes away) from the Ekišnuĝal;
[(he has let) wind into his sheepfold]. (14) 

12 [Ninga]l [has abandoned] her [Agru]nku; [(she has let) wind into her sheepfold].

rest lost


beginning broken

1 Traces

2 O Ki’ur-the-Great-Place, Ki’ur-the-Great-Place, [bitter is] the lam[ent over it 
(i.e., Ur); raise your lamenting!]

3 O Ĝaĝeššua, Ĝaĝeššua, [bitter is] the lamen[t over it; raise your lamenting!]

4 O Ubšuunkena, [U]bšumkina, [bitter is] the lament over i[t; raise your 

5 O shrine Nippur, city (of Nippur), Nippur temple, city (of Nippur), [bitter is] the 
lament over it; [raise your lamenting!]

6 O brickwork of Isin, brickwork of Isin, [bitter is] the lament over it; [raise 
your lamenting!]

7 O shrine Egalmaḫ, temple Egalmaḫ, [bitter is] the lament over it; [raise your 

8 O brickwork of Eridu, brickwork of Eridu, [bitter is] the lament over i[t; raise your lamenting!] 

9 O Esilasirsir, temple Silasira, [bitter is the lament over it; raise your lamenting!] 

10 O Maguena, Maguena, [bitter is the lament over it; raise your lamenting!] 

11 Bitter is [the lamen]t over it; [how long will it oppress] your lady (i.e., Ningal) w[ho is in tears?]

12 Traces

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Left edge

1 [Its (i.e., Ur’s) rites] changing into [alien rites], bitter [is] the lament over it; 
[how long will it oppress your lady (i.e.,Ningal)/Nannawhoisintears?]

Akk. [...] alien [rit]es, bitter [is] the lament over it [...]. 

2 [It is the second kirugu.] You answered? (with) the kirugu.

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Revision History
Wasserman, Nathan
Web formatting