SEAL no. 1830
CBS 7771 obv. (University Museum, Philadelphia)
CBS 7771 rev. (University Museum, Philadelphia)
col. i
1 it-bé-e-ma dGIŠ šu-na-tam i-pa-aš-šar
2 is-sà-qar-am a-na um-mi-šu
3 um-mi i-na ša-a-at mu-ši-ti-ia
4 ša-am-ḫa-ku-ma at-ta-na-al-la-ak
5 ⌈i-na⌉ bi-ri-it eṭ-lu-tim
6 ip-⌈zi?-ru-nim⌉-ma ka-ka-bu ša-ma-i
7 š[i]-⌈e⌉-rum ša A-⌈nim⌉ im-qú-tam a-na ṣe-ri-ia
8 aš-ši-šu-ma ik-ta-bi-it e-li-ia
9 ú-ni-ís-su-ma nu-uš-ša-šu ú-ul el-ti-ʾi
10 Urukki ma-tum pa-ḫi-ir e-li-šu
11 eṭ-lu-tum ú-na-ša-qú ši-pi-šu
12 ú-um-mi-id-ma pu-ti
13 i-mi-du ia-ti
14 aš-ši-a-šu-ma at-ba-la-aš-šu a-na ṣe-ri-ki
15 um-mi dGIŠ mu-de-a-at ka-la-ma
16 is-sà-qar-am a-na dGIŠ
17 mi-in-de dGIŠ ša ki-ma ka-ti
18 i-na ṣe-ri i-wa-li-id-ma
19 ú-ra-ab-bi-šu ša-du-ú
20 ta-mar-šu-ma ta-ḫa-du at-ta
21 eṭ-lu-tum ú-na-ša-qú ši-pi-šu!
22 te-ed-di-ra-⌈aš!?-{x}-šu⌉-ú-ma
23 ⌈ta⌉-tar-ra-aš-⌈šu a-na⌉ ṣe-⌈ri-ia⌉
24 [i]t-ti-lam-ma i-ta-mar ša-ni-tam
25 [i]t-bé i-ta-wa-a-am a-na um-mi-šu
26 [um]- ⌈mi a-ta⌉-mar ša-ni-tam
27 [xxx] me?-e UL.A i-na sú-qí-im
28 [ša Uru]kki ri-bi-tim
29 ⌈ḫa-aṣ-ṣi⌉-nu na-di-i-ma
30 e-li-šu pa-aḫ-ru
31 ḫa-aṣ-ṣi-nu-um-ma ša-ni bu-nu-šu
32 a-mur-šu-ma aḫ-ta-du a-na-ku
33 a-ra-am-šu-ma ki-ma aš-ša-tim
34 a-ḫa-ab-bu-ub el-šu
35 el-qé-šu-ma aš-ta-ka-an-šu
36 a-na a-ḫi-ia
37 ⌈um-mi⌉ dGIŠ ⌈mu⌉-da-at ⌈ka-la⌉-ma
38 [is-sà-qar-am] a-[na dGIŠ]
39–42 Lost.
col. ii
43 aš-šum uš-[ta]-ma-ḫa-ru it-ti-ka
44 dGIŠ š[u-n]a-tam i-pa-šar
45 dEn-ki-[du10 w]a-ši-ib ma-ḫar ḫa-ri-im-tim
46 úr-t[a-ʾ]a4-mu ki-la-al-lu-un
47 ⌈ṣe⌉-[r]a-am im-ta-ši a-šar i-wa-al-du
48 ūmī(U4) ⌈7⌉ ù 7 mu-ši-a-tim
49 dEn-[ki-du10 t]e-bi-i-ma
50 Ša-[am-ka-ta]m ir-ḫi
51 ḫa-r[i-im-tum p]i-ša i-pu-ša-am-ma
52 is-sà-qa[r-am] a-na dEn-ki-du10
53 a-na-ṭal-⌈ka dEn⌉-ki-du10 ki-ma ilim(DINGIR) ta-ba-aš-ši
54 am-mi-nim [i]t-ti na-ma-aš-te-e
55 ta-at-ta-[n]a-la-ak ṣe-ra-am
56 ⌈al⌉-kam lu-úr-de-ka
57 a-na libbi(ŠÀ) [Uru]kki ri-bi-tim
58 a-na bītim(É) e[l-l]im mu-ša-bi ša A-nim
59 dEn-ki-du10 ti-bé lu-ru-ka
60 a-na É.[an.n]a m[u-š]a-bi ša A-nim
61 a-šar [ši]-it-⌈ku-nu n⌉é-pe-ši-tim
62 ù at-t[a-m]a ki-[ma] ⌈a-wi-li-im-ma?⌉
63 ta-aš-[ta-ka]-a[n?] ⌈ra⌉-ma-an-ka
64 ⌈al⌉-ka-ti-ma i-⌈na⌉ qá-aq-qá-ri
65 ma-a-ak re-i-im
66 iš-me a-[w]a-as-sà im-ta-gàr qá-ba-ša
67 mi-il-[k]um ša sinništim(MUNUS)
68 im-ta-[q]ú-ut ⌈a⌉-na libbi(ŠÀ)-šu
69 iš-ḫu-uṭ [l]i-ib-ša-am
70 iš-ti-nam⌈ú⌉-la-ab-bi-ís-su
71 li-ib-⌈ša⌉-[a]m ša-ni-a-am
72 ši-i ⌈it⌉-ta-al-ba-aš
73 ṣa-ab-⌈ta⌉-at qá-as-sú
74 ki-ma ⌈ilim(DINGIR)⌉ i-re-⌈ed⌉-de-šu
75 a-na ⌈gu-up-ri⌉ ša re-i-im
76 a-š[a]r [t]ar-ba-ṣi-im
77 i-na [ṣe]-⌈ri-šu⌉ i[p]-ḫu-ru re-iu-ú
78 ⌈ki⌉-m[a?(x) x] x x-šu
79 [......] x
80 [a-na-mi dGIŠ ma-ši-il pa-da-tam]
81 [la-nam ša-pi-il]
82 [e-ṣe-em-tam pu-uk-ku-ul]
83 [mi-in-de ša i-wa-al-du]
84 [i-na ša-di-i-im]
col. iii
85 ši-iz-ba ša na-ma-aš-te-⌈e⌉
86 i-te-en-ni-iq
87 a-ka-lam iš-ku-nu ma-ḫar-šu
88 ip-te-eq-ma i-na-aṭ-ṭal
89 ù ip-pa-al-la-as
90 ú-ul i-de dEn-ki-du10
91 aklam(NINDA) a-na a-ka-lim
92 šikaram(KAŠ) a-na ša-te-e-em
93 la-a lum-mu-ud
94 ḫa-ri-im-tum pi-ša i-pu-ša-am-ma
95 is-sà-qar-am a-na dEn-ki-du10
96 a-ku-ul ak-lam dEn-ki-du10
97 sí-ma-at ba-la-ṭi-im
98 šikaram(KAŠ) ši-ti ši-im-ti ma-ti
99 i-ku-ul ak-lam dEn-ki-du10
100 a-di ši-bé-e-šu
101 šikaram(KAŠ) iš-ti-a-am
102 7 as-sà-am-mi-im
103 it-tap-šar kab-ta-tum i-na-an-gu
104 i-li-iṣ libba(ŠÀ)-šu-ma
105 pa-nu-šu it-tam-ru
106 ul-tap-pi-⌈it⌉ gallābum(⌈ŠU⌉.I)
107 šu-ʾu5-ra-am pa-ga-⌈ar-šu⌉
108 ša-am-nam ip-ta-ša-aš-ma
109 a-wi-li-iš i-we
110 il-ba-aš li-ib-ša-am
111 ki-ma mu-ti i-ba-aš-ši
112 il-qé ka-ak-ka-šu
113 la-bi ú-ge-er-ri
114 ís-sa-ak-pu rēʾ[û(SIPA)]meš mu-ši-a-tim
115 ut-tap-pi-íṣ bar-ba-ri
116 la-bi uk-⌈ta⌉-ši-id
117 it-ti-lu na-qí-[d]u ra-bu-tum
118 dEn-ki-du10 ma-⌈aṣ⌉-ṣa-ar-šu-nu
119 a-wi-lum e-ru-um
120 iš-⌈te⌉-en eṭ-lum
121 ⌈a-na⌉ b[īt(É)? e-m]i? ú[s?]-sà-aq-qí-ir
122 ⌈i-na⌉ [x]- ⌈at-ta?-tim⌉ x x x x
123–127 Lost.
col. iv
128–134 Lost.
135 ⌈it-ti⌉ [Ša-a]m-⌈ka-tim⌉
136 i-ip-pu-⌈uš⌉ [u]l-ṣa-am
137 iš-ši-ma i-ni-šu
138 i-ta-mar ⌈a⌉-wi-lam
139 is-sà-qar-am a-na ḫarimtim(KAR.KID)
140 Ša-am-ka-at uk-ki-ši a-wi-lam
141 a-na mi-nim il-⌈li⌉-kam
142 sí-qí-ir-šu lu-⌈uš⌉-me!(ŠU)
143 ḫa-ri-im-tum iš-ta-si a-⌈wi⌉-lam
144 i-ku-ús-su-um-ma i-ta-w[a]-aš-šu
145 e-ṭi-il e-eš ta-ḫi-š[a-a]m
146 mi-nu a-la-ku ma-na-aḫ-t[i-k]a
147 eṭlum(GURUŠ) pi-šu i-pu-ša-am-[m]a
148 ⌈is-sà-qar⌉-am a-na dE[n-ki-du10]
149 bi-ti-⌈iš e-mu-tim iq-ru-ni-ni⌉
150 ši-ma-a-at ni-ši-i-ma
151 ḫi-ia!-ar kal-lu-tim
152 a-na paššūr(BANŠUR) sak-ki-i e-⌈ṣe⌉-en
153 uk-la-at bīt(É) e-mi ṣa-a-a-ḫa-tim
154 a-na šarrim(LUGAL) ša Urukki ri-bi-tim
155 pe-ti pu-ug ni-ši a-na ḫa-a-a-ri
156 a-na dGIŠ šarrim(LUGAL) ša Urukki ri-bi-tim
157 pe-ti pu-ug ni-š[i]
158 a-na ḫa-a-a-⌈ri⌉
159 aš-ša-at ši-ma-tim i-ra-aḫ-⌈ḫi⌉
160 šu-ú pa-na-nu-um-ma
161 mu-tum wa-ar-ka-nu
162 i-na mi-il-ki ša ilim(DINGIR) qá-bi-ma
163 i-na bi-ti-iq a-bu-un-na-ti-šu
164 ši-ma-as-súm
165 a-na sí-iq-ri eṭ-li-im
166 i-ri-qú pa-nu-šu
col. v
167–173 Lost.
174 x x ⌈su? lu⌉ [......]
175 i-il-la-ak d[En-ki-du10]
176 ù Ša-am-ka-t[um] ⌈wa-ar⌉-ki-šu
177 i-ru-ub-ma a-na libbi(ŠÀ) Urukki ri-bi-tim
178 ip-ḫur um-ma-nu-⌈um⌉ i-na ṣe-ri-⌈šu⌉
179 iz-zi-za-am-ma ⌈i⌉-na sú-qí-im
180 ša Urukki ri-bi-tim
181 pa-aḫ-ra-a-ma ni-šu
182 i-ta-wa-a i-na ṣe-ri-šu
183 a-na-mi dGIŠ ⌈ma⌉-ši-il pa-da!(ID)-tam
184 la-nam [š]a-pi-il
185 ⌈e-ṣe-em-tam⌉ [pu-u]k-ku-ul
186 m[i-in-de ša] ⌈i-wa-al⌉-du
187 i-n[a š]a-di-i-⌈im⌉
188 ši-iz-⌈ba ša na-ma⌉-a[š-te]-⌈e⌉
189 i-te-en-⌈ni⌉-iq
190 ka-a-a-na i-na ⌈Urukki⌉ ni-qí-a-tum
191 eṭ-lu-tum ⌈ú⌉-te-el-li-ṣú
192 ša-ki-in lu-ša-nu
193 a-na eṭ-lim(GURUŠ) ša i-ša-ru zi-mu-šu
194 a-na dGIŠ ki-ma i-li-im
195 ša-ki-iš-šum me-eḫ-rum
196 a-na dIš-ḫa-ra ma-a-a-lum
197 na-⌈di⌉-i-ma
198 dGIŠ it-⌈ti⌉ [w]a-a[r-d]a-[t]im
199 ina mu-ši ⌈in⌉-né-[mi]- ⌈id⌉
200 i-ta-ak-⌈ša⌉-am-ma
201 it-ta-z[i-iz] ⌈i⌉-na sūqim(SILA)
202 ip-ta-ra-a[s a-l]a-ak-tam
203 ša dGIŠ
204 [eṭ-lu-tum uš-t]a-an-da-nu-ni-iš-šu
col. vi
205–207 Lost.
208 i?-ʾa4-a[n-ni-ip... ...]
209 dGIŠ b[a?-... ...]
210 i-na ṣe-ri-š[u... ...]
211 i-ʾa4-an-ni-i[p x x x x]
212 it-bé-ma dE[n-ki-du10]
213 a-na pa-ni-⌈šu⌉
214 it-tam-ḫa-ru i-na ri-bi-tu ma-ti
215 dE[n-ki-du10] ba-ba-am ip-ta-ri-ik
216 ⌈i-na⌉ ši-pi-šu
217 dGIŠ e-re-ba-am ú-ul id-di-in
218 iṣ-ṣa-ab-tu-ma ki-ma li-i-im
219 i-lu-du
220 sí-ip-pa-am iʾ-bu-tu
221 ⌈i-ga⌉-rum ir-tu-ut
222 dGIŠ ù ⌈dEn⌉-ki-du10
223 iṣ-ṣa-ab-tu-ú-ma
224 ki-ma li-i-im i-lu-du
225 sí-ip-pa-am iʾ-bu-tu
226 i-⌈ga⌉-rum ir-tu-ut
227 ik-mi-is-ma dGIŠ
228 i-na qá-aq-qá-ri ši-ip-šu
229 ip-ši-iḫ uz-za-šu-ma
230 i-né-eʾ i-ra-as-sú
231 iš-tu i-ra-sú i-ni-ʾu5
232 dEn-ki-du10 a-na ša-ši-im
233 is-sà-qar-am a-na dGIŠ
234 ki-ma iš-te-en-ma um-ma-ka
235 ú-li-id-ka
236 ri-im-tum ša sú-pu-ri
237 dNin-sún-na
238 ul-lu e-li mu-ti re-eš-ka
239 ⌈šar⌉-ru-tam ša ni-ši
240 i-ši-im-kum dEn-líl
241 dub 2. ⌈⌉
242 ⌈šu⌉-tu-ur e-li š[ar-ri]
243 4 [š]u-ši
col. i
1 Gilgameš arose and revealed a dream,
2 said to his mother:
3 “My mother, during the course of this night
4 I walked about lustily
5 in the company of young men.
6 The stars of the sky hid from me,
7 The flesh of Anum fell down before me.
8 I tried to lift it but it grew too heavy for me,
9 I tried to push it but I could not move it.
10 The land of Uruk was gathered about it,
11 the young men kissing its feet.
12 I braced my forehead and
13 they supported me,
14 I picked it up and carried it off to you.”
15 The mother of Gilgameš, well versed in everything,
16 said to Gilgameš::
17 “For sure, Gilgameš, one like yourself,
18 was born in the wild and
19 the upland reared him.
20 You will see him and you will rejoice,
21 the young men will kiss his feet.
22 You will hug him and
23 bring him to me.
24 He lay down and saw another (dream).
25 He arose, talked to his mother:
26 “My mother, I have seen another (dream).
27 [...] ... in the street
28 of Uruk-Main-Street
29 an axe was lying and
30 (people) were gathered around it.
31 The axe itself, it’s appearance was strange.
32 I saw it and became glad.
33–34 I loved it, moaning over it as over a wife
35 I took it up and put it
36 at my side.”
37 The mother of Gilgameš, well versed in everything,
38 [said] to [Gilgameš:]
39–42 Lost.
col. ii
43 “because he will make himself your equal.”
44 As Gilgameš was relating the dream,
45 Enkidu was sitting before the harlot.
46 As the two of them were making love together,
47 he forgot the wild where he was born.
48 For seven days and seven nights
49 Enkidu was erect and
50 coupled with Šamkatum.
51 The harlot opened her mouth and
52 said to Enkidu:
53 “I look at you, Enkidu, you are like a god.
54 Why with the animals
55 do you range through the wild?
56 Come, I will lead you
57 to Uruk-Main-Street,
58 to the sacred temple, the home of Anum.
59 Enkidu, arise, I will take you
60 to E-anna, the home of Anum.
61 Where (men) are engaged in labours of skill,
62 you, too, [like a] true man,
63 will [make a place for] yourself.
64 You are going on a ground
66 He heard her words, he consented to what she said.
67 The woman’s counsel
68 struck home in his heart.
69 She stripped off her clothing,
70 dressed him in one part,
71 the other part
72 she put on herself.
73 She held his hand
74 like a god, leading him
75 to the shepherd’s camp,
76 the site of the sheep-pen.
77 The shepherds gathered about him,
78 like [...]
79 [...]
80 “[In build he is the equal of Gilgameš,]
81 [(but) shorter in stature,]
82 [sturdier of bone.]
83 [Surely it is he who was born]
84 [in the upland,]
col. iii
85 the milk of the animals
86 he used to suck.”
87 They put bread before him.
88 He narrowed (his eyes), gazing
89 and staring.
90 Enkidu did not know
91 the bread for eating,
92 the ale for drinking
93 he had never been shown.
94 The harlot opend her mouth and
95 said to Enkidu:
96 “Eat the bread, Enkidu,
97 the thing proper to life
98 drink the ale, the lot of the land.”
99 Enkidu ate the bread
100 until he was sated,
101 he drank the ale,
102 seven jugs (full).
103 His mood became free, he was singing,
104 his heart became merry and
105 his face shone bright.
106 The barber treated
107 his body so hairy,
108 he anointed himself with oil and
109 became a human being,
110 he put on a garment,
111 becoming like a man.
112 He took up his weapon,
113 fought with the lions.
114 Then the shepherds could rest at night (again).
115 He massacred the wolves,
116 chased off the lions.
117 Then the senior herdsmen could sleep (again).
118 Enkidu was their watchman,
119 a man wide awake,
120 a unique fellow.
121 To the wedding house he had been invited,
122 in ... [...]
123–127 Lost.
col. iv
135 while, with Šamkatum,
136 he was pleasuring himself.
137 He lifted his eyes and
138 saw a man.
139 He said to the harlot:
140 “Šamkatum, bring the man over:
141 why he came here,
142 I would hear his reason.”
143 The harlot hailed the man,
144 she went up to him and talked to him:
145 “Fellow, where do you hurry to?
146 What is your toilsome journey?”
147 The fellow opened his mouth and
148 said to Enkidu:
149 “I have been invited to a wedding ceremony
150 it is the lot of the people
151 to take a bride in marriage.
152 I shall load the ceremonial table
153 with tempting foods for the wedding feast.
154 For the king of Uruk-Main-Street,
155 the people’s net will be open for the one who has first pick.
156 For Gilgameš, the king of Uruk-Main-Street,
157 the people’s net will be open
158 for the one who has first pick.
159 He will couple with (the groom’s) allotted wife:
160 he first of all,
161 the bridegroom afterwards.
162 By divine consent it is ordained
163 when his navel-cord was cut
164 she was destined for him.”
165 At the fellow’s words
166 his face turned pale.
col. v
167–173 Lost.
174 ...
175 There goes [Enkidu]
176 with Šamkatum following him.
177 He entered Uruk-Main-Street,
178 a crowd gathered behind him.
179 He stood there in the street
180 of Uruk-Main-Street, and
181 the people were gathered and
182 talked behind him:
183 “In build he is the equal of Gilgameš,
184 (but) shorter in stature,
185 sturdier of bone.
186 For [sure he is one who] was born
187 in the upland,
188 the milk of the animals
189 he used to suck.”
190 Sacrifices were held regularly in Uruk:
191 the young men disported themselves.
192 The lušānum-instrument was ready
193 for the fellow with fair features.
194 For Gilgameš, like for a god,
195 an offering was presented.
196 For Išḫara the bed
197 was laid out,
198 Gilgameš would meet
199 with the young woman by night.
200 He came forward and
201 stood in the street
202 he blocked the path
203 of Gilgameš,
204 while [the young men] were discussing him.
col. vi
205–207 Lost.
208 He was growing [angry ...]
209 Gilgameš [...] (the doorway).
210 Behind him [...]
211 he was growing angry [...]
212 Enkidu moved
213 towards him,
214 they confronted each other in the Main-Street-of-the-Land.
215 Enkidu blocked the doorway
216 with his foot,
217 he did not allow Gilgameš to enter.
218 The grappeled each other, like a bull
219 bending their backs,
220 they smashed the door jamb,
221 the wall quaked.
222 Gilgameš and Enkidu
223 grappeled each other,
224 bending their backs like a bull,
225 they smashed the door jamb,
226 the wall quaked.
227 Gilgameš knelt,
228 his (other) foot on the ground,
229 his anger subsided and
230 he turned his breast away.
231 After he had turned away his breast,
232 Enkidu said
233 to him, to Gilgameš:
234 “As one unique your mother
235 has born you,
236 the wild cow of the fold,
237 Ninsuna.
238 You are exalted over men:
239 the kingship of the people
240 Enlil fixed you as your lot.”
241 (Colophon:) Tablet II,
242 “Surpassing all other [kings]”.
243 240 (lines).
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
ak(a)lum (NINDA) | bread, loaf, food | Food/Drink | 87, 91, 96, 99 |
Anum | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 7, 58, 60 |
assammum | jug, goblet, drinking vessel | Fabricated objects | 102 |
aššatum, aštum | wife | Kinship terms | 33, 159 |
bābum (KÁ) | doorway, door, gate, entrance | Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings | 215 |
barbarum (UR.BAR.RA) | wolf | Fauna (wild) | 115 |
Eanna | TN | Locations/Buildings | 60 |
Enkidu | PN | 45, 49, 52, 53, 59, 90, 95, 96, 118, 148, [175], 212, 215, 222, 232 | |
Enlil | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 240 |
eṣemtum (uzuGÌR.PAD.DU) | bone | Body/Body parts | [82], 185 |
eṭlum (GURUŠ; ŠUL) | manly; young man | Social status/Groups/Professions | 147, 193 |
gallābum (ŠU.I) | barber, hairdresser | Social status/Groups/Professions | 106 |
Gilgameš | PN | 1, 15, 16, 17, 37, [38], 44, [80], 156, 183, 194, 198, 203, 209, 217, 222, 227, 233 | |
guprum | shepherd’s hut | Locations/Buildings | 75 |
ḫarimtum (KAR.KID) | harlot, (temple) prostitute | Social status/Groups/Professions | 45, 51, 94, 139, 143 |
ḫaṣṣinnum | axe | 29, 31 | |
igārum | wall | Fabricated objects | 221, 226 |
Išḫara | DN | 196 | |
kakkabum (MUL) | star, meteor | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 6 |
kakkum (GIŠ.TUKUL) | stick, weapon, battle | Fabricated objects | 112 |
lābum | lion | Fauna (wild) | 113, 116 |
libšum | clothing; garment | Fabricated objects | 69, 71, 110 |
lī'um | bull | 218, 224 | |
lušānum | l.-instrument | 192 | |
mušītum | night(-time) | Abstract concepts,Time concepts | 3, 48 |
mūšum (GI6) | night(-time) | Abstract concepts,Time concepts | 199 |
mutum | husband; man, warrior | Kinship terms | 161, 238 |
nammaštûm, nammaššûm | moving things, animals | Fauna (wild) | 54, 85, 188 |
nāqidum | herdsman | 117 | |
Ninsun | DN | 237 | |
nīqum (UDU.SÍSKUR) | offering, sacrifice | 190 | |
pagrum | body, corpse | Body/Body parts | 107 |
paššurum (BANŠUR) | table | 152 | |
pūgum | net | 155, 157 | |
pūtum | forehead, brow | Body/Body parts | 12 |
qātum (ŠU) | hand | Body/Body parts | 73 |
rē'ûm (SIPA) | shepherd, herdsman | Social status/Groups/Professions | 65, 75, 77, 114 |
rīmum (AM) | wild bull | Fauna (wild) | 236 |
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) | mountain, open country | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 19, [84], 187 |
Šamḫat, Šamkatum | PN | 50, 135, 140, 176 | |
šamnum (Ì; Ì.GIŠ) | oil, fat, cream | Food/Drink,Materials | 108 |
šamû I (AN) | sky, heaven | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 6 |
šarrum (LUGAL; EN) | king, lord | Social status/Groups/Professions | 154, 156, 242 |
šēpum | foot, leg | Body/Body parts | 11, 21, 216, 228 |
ṣērum (EDIN) | back, upperside, steppe, open country, towards | Abstract concepts,Body/Body parts,Locations/Buildings,Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 47, 55 |
šikarum (KAŠ; KEŠ) | beer, ale | Food/Drink | 92, 98, 101 |
sinništum (MUNUS) | woman | 67 | |
sippum | (door-)jamb | Fabricated objects | 220, 225 |
šizbum (GA) | milk | 85, 188 | |
supūrum | sheepfold | Locations/Buildings | 236 |
sūqum (SILA) | street | 27, 179, 201 | |
šuttum | dream | 1, 44 | |
ukultum | food, provisions | 153 | |
ummum | mother | Kinship terms | 2, 3, 15, 25, 26, 37, 234 |
ūmum I (UD) | day, daily | Abstract concepts,Nature/Cosmological phenomena,Time concepts | 48 |
Uruk | GN | GN | 10, 28, 57, 154, 156, 177, 180, 190 |
wardatum (KI.SIKIL) | girl, young woman | Social status/Groups/Professions | [198] |