SEAL no. 7065
BM 92518 obv. (British Museum)
BM 92518 lower edge (British Museum)
BM 92518 rev. (British Museum)
BM 92518 rev., upper edge (British Museum)
Steinert/Vacin 2019, 717
Steinert/Vacin 2019, 719
Ea-Marduk type. CDLI No. 355757 (no photo).
1 šà gig-ga {⌈IN⌉} gi-pisan!-gin7 kéš-da
li-ib-bu ma-ar-ṣú ša ki-ma pí-ša-an-ni ka-at-m[u]
2 a íd-da-gin7 al-du-un nu-zu
ki-ma me-e na-ri-im e-ma i-il-la-ku ú-⌈ul⌉ [i-di]
3 a pú-gin7 a-ĝe6-a {⌈GIN7⌉} nu-tuku
ki-ma me-e bu-ur-ti a-gi-a ú-ul i-šu
4 gakkùl-gin7! ⌈ka-bi⌉ ba-dul
ki-ma ka-ak-ku-li [pí?-šu?] ka-ti-im
5 a nu-mu-un-da-ku4-ku4 ninda nu-mu-un-da-ku4-ku4
a-ka-lu ù mu-ú ú-ul i-ir-ru-bu-šum
6 dAsar-lú-ḫi igi-ni im-ma-an-sì
dMarduk(AMAR.UTU) ip-pa-li-ís-su-ma
7 a-a-ni dEn-ki-ke4 gù mu-un-na-dé-e
a-na a-bi-šu dÉ-a i-⌈ša⌉-ás-si
8 a-a-ni šà gig-ga {IN} gi-pisan-gin7 kéš-da
a-bi li-ib-bu ma-ar-ṣú ša ki-ma pí-ša-an-ni ka-at-mu
9 a íd-da-gin7 al-du-un nu-zu
ki-ma me-e na-ri-im e-ma i-il-la-ku ú-ul i-di! (Text:ŠU)
10 a pú-gin7 a-ĝe6-a {GIN7} nu-tuku
ki-ma me-e bu-ur-ti a-gi-a ú-ul i-šu
11 ⌈gakkùl⌉-[gin7 ka-b]? ba-⌈dul?⌉
ki-ma ka-⌈ak-ku⌉-l[i] p[í?-šu] ka-ti-im
12 a nu-mu-un-da-ku4-ku4 ninda nu-mu-un-da-ku4-ku4
akalu(NINDA) ù mu-ú ú-ul i-ir-ru-bu-šum
13 dEn-{LÍL}-ki-ke4 dAsar-lú-ḫi mu-un-na-ni-íb-gi-gi
dÉ-a dMarduk(AMAR.UTU) i-ip-pa-al
14 dumu-ĝu10 a-na-àm nu!(Text:NE)-zu a-na-àm ma-ra-ab-daḫ-e
ma-ri mi-i-na la ti-di-ma mi-i-na-am lu-ṣi-ib-šu
15 níĝ ĝe26-e zu-ĝu10 ù za-e ĝá-zu
ša a-na-ku i-du-ú {Ú} at-ta ti-di
16 ù za-e ĝá-zu níĝ ĝe26-e zu-ĝu10
ša at-ta ti-du-ú a-na-ku i-di
17 lú ḫé-a ⌈gu4 ḫé-a⌉ udu ḫé-a
lu-ú a-wi-lu-tum lu-ú al-pu lu-ú im-me-ru
18 lag mun ù ḫa!-še-na ù-un-daḫ ù-bí-⌈in⌉-[šub]
ki-ir-ba-an ṭa-ab-ti ù ḫa-ši-i us-ḫa-a[m x x x]
19 še10-<gin7> ki-šè ḫé-si-il-le ki-ma ši-it-[ti-im liddi?]
20 bu-lu-úḫ-gin7 ḫé?-si-il-le ki-ma g[i-šu-ú-tim li-ig-šu]
21 im-gin7 gu!(Text:ŠE)-du-šè è-íb-ta ki-ma š[a-ri-im li-še-ṣi]
ši-pa-at KA [x x x x x]
22 ša-ri-ìš 4 libbi(ŠÀ-bi) libbi(ŠÀ) šamê(AN) erṣetim (KI) t[u?-x x x x]
23 i-nu-ma a-na awīlim(LÚ) qáb-la-{DU}-t[um] lu-⌈x⌉-[x x x]
24 [i]-na-ad-di-šu-ú LÀL?? i-le-em-m[a x x x x x x]
25 li-ib-bu i-na-aḫ l[i-x x x x x]
26 2 EME ša li-ib-bi
(Trans. of Akk. only)
1–3 Aching belly which is covered like a box, like the water of a river it does not know where to go, like the water of a well it has no flow.
4–5 Its [opening?] is covered like a brewing jar: food and water cannot enter into it.
6–7 Marduk observed it and called to his father, Ea (saying):
8–12 “Oh my father! (There is an) aching belly which is covered like a box, like the water of a river it does not know where to go, like the water of a well it has no flow. (Rev.) Its opening is covered like a brewing jar: food and water cannot enter into it".
13 Ea answers Marduk:
14–16 “My son, what do you not know? What can I add to it? What I know, you know; What you know, I know!
17–18 (As for the patient) – be he a human being, or a bull, or a sheep – ex[tract] (out of him) a lump of salt and thyme!”
19–21 “[May he drop (it)] in the form of excre[ment]! [May he eject it] in the form of a b[elch]! [May he make it go out] in the form of w[ind!"]
Incantation of the opening of [… …]
22 To the wind (you say) 4 (times): "O my belly! O my belly! Heaven (and) earth ... […]"
23 When into the (sick) person, the middle of the body ... [...]
24 He will drop it. He will consume honey(?).
25 The belly will come to rest; The b[elly will recover].
26 Two incantations for a belly.
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
abum (//a-a) | father | Kinship terms | 7, 8 |
agûm II (//a-gi6-a) | wave, flood | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 3 |
ak(a)lum (//ninda) | bread, loaf, food | Food/Drink | 5, 12 |
alākum (v.) (DU) | G to go, walk; Gt go off, away; Gtn wander, go repeatedly, roam about, walk; Š caus. of G | Written texts/Literary terms | 2, 9 |
alpum (//gu4) | bull, ox | Fauna (domestic) | 17 |
apālum (v.) (//gi-gi) | G to answer, to pay | 13 | |
awīlūtum (//lú) | humanity | Abstract concepts | 17 |
būrtum (//pú) | cistern, well, fish pond, source (of river), hole, pit | Fabricated objects | 3, 10 |
Ea (//dEn-ki) | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 7, 13 |
edûm (v.) (//zu) | G to know | 2, 9, 14, 15, 16 | |
erēbum (v.) (//ku4) | G to enter, come in; Š cause to enter, bring in | 10, 24 | |
erṣetum (KI) | earth, land, netherworld | 22 | |
gešûm (v.) (//si-il) | to belch | [20] | |
gišûtum (//bu-lu-úḫ) | eructation, belch | Diseases/Demons | 20 |
ḫašûm (//ḫa-še) | thyme | Flora | 18 |
immerum (//udu) | sheep | Fauna (domestic) | 17 |
inūma, enūma (UD) | when, at the time of | 23 | |
išûm (v.) (//tuku) | G to have | 3, 10 | |
kakkullum (//gàkkul) | mash-tub | Fabricated objects | 4 |
katāmum (v.) (//kéš) | G to cover, close | 1, 8 | |
kirbānum (//lag) | lump | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 18 |
lemûm I (v.) | G to consume, eat and drink | 24 | |
libbum (ŠÀ) | heart, mind; inner body | Body/Body parts | 22, 25, 26 |
libbum (ŠÀ) (//šà) | heart, mind; inner body | Body/Body parts | 1, 8 |
Marduk (//dAsar-lú-ḫi) | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 6, 13 |
marṣum (//gig) | sick, troublesome | Human activities/actions | 1, 8 |
mārum (//dumu) | boy, son, descendant | Kinship terms | 14 |
mû I (//a) | water | Food/Drink | 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 12 |
nadûm III (v.) | G to throw (down), lay down, cast, put, implement, N to be thrown away, laid down, rejected; Š caus. of G | 24 | |
nâḫum (v.) | G to rest; D to calm | 25 | |
nārum I (//íd) | river | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 2, 9 |
nasāḫum (v.) | G to tear out, pull out, remove; G~D; N pass. be extracted, torn out | 18 | |
palāsum (v.) (//igi ~sì) | G to look at; N look, gaze, consider | 6 | |
pišannum (//gi-pisan) | box, chest | Fabricated objects | 1, 8 |
qablītum | center, central part, middle (watch) of the night | 23 | |
šamû I (AN) | sky, heaven | 22 | |
šāriš | in the wind | 22 | |
šārum (//im) | wind, breath | [21] | |
šasûm (v.) (//gù ~dé) | G to shout, call (out), read (out); Gtn iter. of G | 7 | |
šiptum (ḖN; KAxUD) | incantation, spell | 21 | |
šittum IV (//še10) | excrement | Body/Body parts | [19] |
ṭabtum (//mun) | salt | 18 | |
waṣābum (v.) | G to add, increase | 28, 36 |