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Displaying 701 - 720 of 970
SEAL no. File name Tablet Siglum Edition
1820 MIO 12, Pl. 3f. (Ištar and Dumuzi) VAT 17107
Lambert 1966 , 53-54
26901 MLC 1362 MLC 1362 (YMP BC 001360)
K. Wagensonner, in preparation
7580 Moortgat 1940 no. 556 (Tašmētu) VA 6935
Limet 1971 , 79–80 no. 5.8
Moortgat 1940 , 135–136 no. 556
26178 MS 2243/1 MS 2243/1
1726 N 2206 N 2206
1727 N 3730 N 3730
7481 N 3731 N 3731
1842 N 5963 + N 5963 + N 7250 + N 7254 + N 7654
Peterson/Wasserman 2020
29315 N 5963+ N 5963+
Pohl 2022, 288-289
Peterson/Wasserman 2020, 405-409
7226 NABU 1996/30 kt a/k 320 (20117)
Hecker 1996 
7042 NATN 917 A30115 (3 NT-30)
Gelb 1957 , 242
CAD P, 415a
7043 NBC 11470 NBC 11470
1719 Ni 13090 Ni 13090
preliminary edition by F.R. Kraus (made in the Istanbul Museum)
1678 Ni 2774 Ni 2774
7529 Nouvelles Fouilles de Telloh 212a AO 4332
Sullivan 1980 , 103–105
7530 OBO 278, 357–365 (personal deity) A.2789 + A.2788
Guichard 2015 , 357–365
7095 OBTI 302 A 21959
Farber 1981 , 57
7489 OECT 11, 1 (Amurru Rīm-Sîn) 1923.766 (Weld-Blundell Collection)
Pohl 2022, 102-111
CDLI P348900
Gurney 1989 , 15–19
7140 OECT 11, 11 1932.156g
7049 OECT 11, 2 Bod AB 215
Farber 1989a , 34-35