
Displaying 1 - 20 of 24
SEAL no. File name Tablet Siglum Edition
1815 AfO 54, 270ff. (BM 29624 // BM 109164) (Mama) BM 29624 (A); BM 109164 (B)
Oshima/Wasserman 2021, 270–273
1812 ASJ 18, 21 (Enki) YBC 6461
Beckman/Foster 1996 , 19
1821 AUWE 23, 129 W 16743 fn. (VAT 21588)
Cavigneaux 1996b , p. 68
1822 AUWE 23, 130 W 16743 fs. (VAT 21589)
Cavigneaux 1996b , p. 69
1823 AUWE 23, 136 W 16743 cb. (VAT 21573)
Cavigneaux 1996b , p. 71
1670 BM 120015 (Personal complaint) BM 120015
Gabbay/Wasserman 2022, 9–13
1824 BM 67111 (Destruction of Ur) BM 67111
Vacín 2017 , 465–473
1813 CM 8 Pl. 27ff. (Ištar Baghdad) IM 58424 (3 NT-323)
Streck 2003 
Groneberg 1997 , 110-115
1814 CT 44, 21 (Marduk) (a) BM 78278 (Bu 88-5-12, 134); (b) K.3216 (+)
Fadhil/Jiménez 2019, 162–175
Oshima 2011 , 137–190
Sommerfeld 1982 , 130–134 (a)
Lambert 1959–60a , 55–60 (b)
1819 CT 44, 24 (Nanna or Inana) BM 78250 (Bu 88-5-12, 105)
Maul 1988 , 10–16
1826 CT 58, 70 (Enki) BM 78164 (88-4-19, 18)
Geller 1992 
Alster/Geller 1990, p. 24
29818 Gabbay/Samet 2022
Gabbay/Samet 2022, 60-65
1825 KAR 138 (Assur) VAT 9959
1817 MC 7, 206ff. (Elegy on the Death of Narām-Sîn) L 74225
Goodnick Westenholz 1997 , 203–220
1820 MIO 12, Pl. 3f. (Ištar and Dumuzi) VAT 17107
Lambert 1966 , 53-54
1829 PBS 1/1, 2 (Anuna) CBS 19842
Lambert 1989b 
1809 PBS 1/2, 135 (Personal complaint) CBS 1596
Jáka-Sövegjártó 2014 
Cavigneaux 1996c , 23–26
van Dijk 1953 , 128-133
1808 RB 59 Pl. 7f. (Man and his god) AO 4462
Oshima/Anthonioz 2023, 13–33
Lambert 1987b , 188–202
Nougayrol 1952c
1828 TIM 9, 33 (Mother goddess) IM 44131
1818 UET 6/2, 397 (Enlil?)
Wasserman, in preparation.