SEAL no. 1622
A 7478 obv. (Oriental Institute, Chicago)
A 7478 right edge (Oriental Institute, Chicago)
A 7478 rev. (Oriental Institute, Chicago)
A 7478 upper edge (Oriental Institute, Chicago)
Wasserman 2016, 77
Wasserman 2016, 78
Wasserman 2016, 79
col. i
i 1 [u]z?-zu?-uk-tam li-di-na-[am?]
i 2 ù ḫi-me-tim da-d[i]-ka
i 3 e-ru-ub i-ḫu-ur-ši-im
i 4 i-ba-lum a-ka-lim ṣa-la-a-ku
i 5 [m]u-ra-mi-ik-ti i-di-ni di-a-ni
i 6 mi-nam ep-še20-e-ti-i-ma
i 7 i-ba-lum a-ka-lim ṣa-⌈la-at⌉
i 8 ki-ma ḫa-aš-ḫu-ri-im ša sí-ma!(Text: ZA)-/a-ni-im
i 9 ša i-pa-an ša-tim it-bu-⌈ku⌉
i 10 i-ni-ib-šu i-ba-a-ú-m[a]
i 11 bi-ir-qú ša dAdad(IM) i-na ṣé-ri-/šu
i 12 ma ib-ta bi-ir-qum
i 13 ša ṣí-ḫa-tim e-li-ia
i 14 ki-ma šu-bu-ul-tim ša la sí-/ma-ni-im!
i 15 šu-pu-uk-tam it-tal-ku
i 16 ù ki-ma e-re-eb ⌈ša-tim⌉
i 17 i-su-ú-ḫu lu/šu-[x x] ⌈x⌉ x
i 18 im-ta-al-ku-ma ⌈it-ti⌉ [x]-⌈x⌉-/šu
i 19 i-li-ku ḫa-ra-na-am
i 20 ⌈a⌉-na-ku a-na ma-ri-im l[i-x-x]
i 21 x-⌈ku?⌉-tam a-si x (x) ⌈i⌉-ni-i[m?]
i 22 ⌈ú-la⌉ i-še-a-am ⌈a⌉-mi-⌈ni⌉-x (x)]
i 23 ⌈ù? i-ta/ša⌉-a-(vacant) [x]
i 24 it?-ta-[0]-bi-i-ma [x (x)]-uš
i 25 li-im-⌈ta-al?⌉-[ku? x x] ⌈i-na x x⌉-šu
i 26 li-⌈li?⌉-[0]-ku-ma ḫ[a-ra-na-am]
i 27 ⌈e? ⌉-⌈le?⌉-qé ⌈x x⌉ [x x x]
i 28 a x x [x] ⌈ki-tam⌉ lum-[nam?]
i 29 x x-am i-ka-la šu-ub-ti
i 30 li-x-x a-na i-lim da-a-a-nu
i 31 ma-a-⌈x⌉ x ki le e? šu?-ma
i 32 a za-[x] x-ši-i
Lo. Ed.
i 33 [x? x?] ⌈il?⌉-li-am
i 34 [x? x?] ma-x ⌈bu?⌉-bu-tim
col. ii
ii 1 [x (x)] ta ti kum ⌈e⌉-[li-ia/šu]
ii 2 ki-ma i-ṣú-ri-i[m x x (x)]
ii 3 ša aš-[š]um ú-⌈um?⌉ [x x x (x)]
ii 4 i-ta-na-ap-<ra>-š[u] ⌈x⌉ [x x] x
ii 5 ki-ma za-bi-il ša-ḫa-ar-[ri]
ii 6 ša ti-ib-ni-im lu-qú-ta-at
ii 7 ka-ba-at-ti i-zi-za-⌈am?!⌉
ii 8 UD-mu-um a-na pa-ša-ri-im
ii 9 ki-ma wu-lu-⌈di!?⌉-im i-na-⌈ak?-ki⌉-ir
ii 10 i-qí-im tu-še20-ši-ba-an-ni
ii 11 a-na-ṭá-al ša-pa-ra-a[m]
ii 12 ša ṣi-ḫa-ti-ia i-ka-la-an-⌈ni⌉
ii 13 ù a-na mi-ni-im ki-ma kasap(KÙ.BABBAR)
ii 14 ḫu-bu-ul-li-im ⌈tu?!⌉-s[a?/ga?-x-x]
ii 15 ṣi-ḫa-a-ti a-na ṣa-ma-r[i]-[im?]
ii 16 ù at-ta i-ṣa/za-⌈x x⌉-⌈ru?⌉
ii 17 i-ri-⌈iš?-tu?⌉-ka
ii 18 ⌈i⌉-ta-la-ak-ma i-š[e-e]r
ii 19 ídIdigna im-ma-tim-⌈ma?⌉
ii 20 i-ša-at-ti el-lu-tim me-⌈e⌉
ii 21 ⌈il?⌉-la-ak-ma i-⌈mu?⌉-tam
ii 22 í[d]Idigna im-ma-tim i-ša-a[t?-ti?]-am? L[I]
ii 23 a-ḫu-la-ap-⌈ma?⌉ [i]q?-bi? [x x x]
ii 24 ⌈x-x-im⌉ ša i-li-k[u] x x [x (x) (x)]
ii 25 ⌈x⌉-⌈ub?⌉ rēʾû(SIPA)-ma a-na ra-i-im-tim
ii 26 UD?-x x ⌈a-na⌉ li-bi te-er-ti-im
ii 27 ba ⌈x x x x⌉ te ⌈x x⌉
ii 28 ⌈la? i?⌉-ha-x x ra-[i]-im-tim ⌈(x)⌉
ii 29 ma-ru?-ma a-x-x (x) le-qí
ii 30 [x x x] ⌈za? zi?⌉ x x ši x x
ii 31 ki-ša x x x x x x x x (x)
ii 32 ⌈a?-ša?⌉-am? ⌈da?⌉ x x x x x (x)
ii 33 x x x x [x x x x x x]
ii 34 i-li-li-a-tim [(x x x)]
ii 35 x x x x [(x x x x x)]
col. iii
iii 1 (broken)
iii 2 x [x x x x x x x x x]
iii 3 ki-ma?! a-⌈ar⌉ [x x x x x x]
iii 4 i-⌈šu⌉-ti(-)ma x [x x x]-a-ši
iii 5 it-ta-am ⌈da?-am?-qa?⌉-am
iii 6 i-x x x x x x
iii 7 [x] ša-AK-ti-x [x x]-bi-ka
iii 8 [x] la? ú ta i-ši [x (x)] x
iii 9 ⌈aṭ⌉-ṭú-ul-ma ṣí-ḫa-tu-ka
iii 10 i?-ta x x i x am bi? il?-x
iii 11 ar-ḫa-at? x ši im be-x
iii 12 ú? šu-ti-šu it-ba? x šar?-ru?
iii 13 be-lum e-ḫi-id-ma ṣi-ḫa-t[im] / x ⌈ri?⌉ x
iii 14 x x x x [ x x x x]
iii 15 k[i] ⌈x x x x⌉-am [x x] ⌈x⌉
iii 16 a-na ki ⌈gi?-ri-im⌉ x [x x] x x
iii 17 [x x x x] x ša me-eḫ-r[u x] x x
iii 18 [x x x x] ṣi-ḫa-tim i-x [x x]
iii 19 [x x x x] ⌈ù⌉ ši-nu-nu?-tum? [x x x]
iii 20 [x x x x x] x x [x x]
iii 21 [x x] ṣi [x x] x a [x x x]
iii 22 ⌈ki-ma⌉⌈bu?⌉-ri-im x [x x x]
iii 23 [x x] x x ⌈ṣa⌉-aḫ-⌈ḫa⌉ [x x x x]
iii 24 ki-ma? x x ⌈ṭì?-id⌉-di-im i-[x x x x]
iii 25 x x x x a? [x x x]
iii 26 ú-ṣa-am-ma a-na ṣi-⌈ḫa⌉-t[i-šu]
iii 27 la i-na-di-na ka-ia-n[a? x x]
iii 28 lu-uš-pu-ur a-ka-pa?- ⌈x-ka⌉
iii 29 li-il-ka sú?-⌈ri?⌉-[iš]
iii 30 na-na-ri-ka!?(Text: RA) am-ma-a[r] im-⌈ri⌉
iii 31 zi-mi-ka lu-mu-ur
iii 32 ù ⌈a-na⌉-ṭá-al ru-a-am [x]-ti? lu-pu-/uš
iii 33 ba-ni qé-er-bi-i-tim
iii 34 x re-ši x-eš-tum
iii 35 [x x] x x [x x] x x x
Up. Ed.
iii 36 i-na x x ⌈a⌉-bu-u[k]
iii 37 tu!-⌈uš⌉-ta-am-ri-iṣ
col. iv
iv 1 ⌈ša⌉ bi šu (x) i?-zi-iq-ni-ka
iv 2 ša-ar-ti-ka {TI KA}
iv 3 ša-ak-n[a] ša-ap-ta-a-a
iv 4 ⌈um?⌉-ma ša!(Text: TA) du-ri-im lu-pu-⌈uš⌉ / AL
iv 5 ù ma?-⌈ri⌉ <i?>-qá-ba-an-ni
iv 6 ù ú-še-e[š-m]i-an-ni
iv 7 a-na um-mi-im ša [x x]-⌈ú⌉
iv 8 ù a-na [x x x x x x]-šu
iv 9 ša ⌈ak⌉?-⌈lu? x⌉ [x x x-t]im?
iv 10 ⌈ù⌉ x x x x x x] x-nam?
iv 11 ⌈ù?⌉ [x x x x x x x]-tim
iv 12 ⌈x x x x x x x⌉⌈ta?⌉-am
iv 13 x x [x x x] a-x-⌈ka? ra?-bi?-im?⌉
iv 14 tu?- ⌈úr?⌉ te-x x-am ra?-⌈bi?⌉-⌈ka⌉
iv 15 ti-i-ba it-tu-⌈úr?⌉-[(x)]
iv 16 i-na šu x ma ta-x-[x]-⌈ni?⌉
iv 17 ù x [x x x]-⌈a?-ni?⌉
iv 18 ki-ma ši? x-[x x x x]
iv 19 ṣi-i-tam!? t[a-x x x]
iv 20 [x x] i-na [x x x x]
iv 21 [x] ti a wi [x x x x x]
iv 22 e ti-di-im [x x x x x] / x-ir
iv 23 ta [x] x [x x x x]-ni
iv 24 ki-i x x [x x x] x x
iv 25 ab [x] ma is x ti x-ri-[i]m
iv 26 ki-ma? i-⌈ṣu-ur ḫu-ri-im⌉
iv 27 ⌈il?⌉-li-⌈ik?⌉ x am?-ša
iv 28 x x (x) a-⌈na?⌉ mi-ma-šu
iv 29 [x x] ṣa-am [x x] ⌈ša?⌉ x x / x x
iv 30 [x x] x x is? úr? x
iv 31 [x x x x] ṣi-i-ru-⌈tim⌉
iv 32 i-ša-x [x x x] pa?-⌈am?⌉
iv 33 ⌈i-ta-na-bi-ra-ma⌉
Up. Ed.
iv 34 ù a-na-ku i-qá-⌈at⌉
iv 35 [r]a-mi-ka
Left ed.
iv 36 i-qá-at <ṣi>-ḫa-ti-ka da-am-qá-tim a-ta-na-ḫa-az pu-uz-ra-⌈am⌉
col. i
i 1 (She:) May he give me the …
i 2 of ghee, your(m.) passion!
i 3 I entered into the pantry,
i 4 lying to sleep without eating.
i 5 My washbasin, when judging the judgment (said):
i 6 “Why are you doing so that
i 7 you are lying down to sleep without eating?”
i 8 (She:) Like a ripe apple,
i 9 which in the beginning of the year heaped up
i 10–11 its fruit, and the lightnings of Adad passed over it,
i 12–13 so, indeed, the lightning of lovemaking passed upon me –
i 14 like an ear of barley, which before its appropriate time
i 15 turned into a heap of grain,
i 16–17 and which (one) deducted as an income of the year.
i 18 (Chorus:) They took consult with each other
i 19 (and) took the road.
i 20 (She:) I … my heart(?) to the darling
i 21 … I have… ey[e]?
i 22 He is not seeking why …
i 23 And he…
i 24 he stood up(?)… in(?) him
i 25 (Chorus:) May they confer(?)… in…
i 26 May they take the r[oad].
i 27 (She:) I will take(?) …
i 28 … Justice, ev[il?]
i 29 … in all the dwelling places(?) …
i 30 May the judges ... to the god
i 31 …
i 32 …
Lo. Ed.
i 33 … is going up(?)
i 34 … hunger
col. ii
ii 1 (She?:)…
ii 2 like a bird [of …]
ii 3 which because of … […]
ii 4 is constantly flying around...
ii 5 Like a worker carrying a net
ii 6 for straw you(m.) keep plundering little by little
ii 7 my mood. Stand by me!
ii 8 The day for reconciliation
ii 9 is difficult (lit. hostile) like giving birth.
ii 10 You have made me sit (tied) in string(s):
ii 11 I am looking for a message
ii 12 of my lovemaking, (but) he withholds (it) from me.
ii 13–14 And why, as if it is money of debt, you…
ii 15 (Instead of) striving for (my?) lovemaking?
ii 16 And you(m.), they/he will….
ii 17 Your desire.
ii 18 (Chorus:) He departed and went straight away.
ii 19 Oh the Tigris-river, when
ii 20 will he drink pure water?
ii 21 He is walking in the heat(?)
ii 22 The Tigris-river, when will he dri[nk]?
ii 23 ‘Mercy!’ he said …
ii 24 The… which went …
ii 25 … the shepherd to the beloved-one(f.)!
ii 26 ….. to the message
ii 27 … …
ii 28 He(?) should not … the beloved-one(f.)
ii 29 The darling…
ii 30 … …
ii 31 … …
ii 32 … …
ii 33 … …
ii 34 In the evening …
ii 35 … …
col. iii
iii 1 [… …]
iii 2 … …
iii 3 (Chorus?:) Like … …
iii 4 In a dream… … her
iii 5 the sign, the good fortune …
iii 6 he/she … …
iii 7 (She?:)… … your(m.)
iii 8 … …
iii 9 When I gazed at your lovemaking
iii 10 … …
iii 11 (Chorus?:) She is quick …
iii 12 in(!) his dream he rose …
iii 13 Oh lord, pay attention and … the lovemaking.
iii 14 … …
iii 15 … …
iii 16 … like a fruit …
iii 17 … whose equal…
iii 18 … lovemaking …
iii 19 … and swallows …
iii 20 … …
iii 21 … …
iii 22 Like a calf…
iii 23 …small…
iii 24 Like… of clay he…
iii 25 … …
iii 26 I am going out towards [his] lov[e-making]
iii 27 (but) he does not give (it) to me regularly.
iii 28 May I send to… your(?) …
iii 29 May he come soon.
iii 30 I am looking at your(! Text: my) luminosity …
iii 31 Let me see your radiant face!
iii 32 Indeed, I will observe – let me make love (to you),
iii 33 Oh beautiful of loins!
iii 34 … …
iii 35 … …
iii 36 In … …
iii 37 you became troubled.
col. iv
iv 1 (She:) … in your beard
iv 2 (and) in your hair
iv 3 my two lips are set,
iv 4 saying: “let me build that of a wall …!”
iv 5 Indeed, my darling is proclaiming me
iv 6 and made me hear (it).
iv 7 To (my) mother who …
iv 8 and to his …
iv 9 which … …
iv 10 … …
iv 11 … …
iv 12 … …
iv 13 … your big…
iv 14 Return the … of your big…
iv 15 Raise towards me! He turned.
iv 16 In … …
iv 17 And … … me
iv 18 Like … …
iv 19 In the sunrise …
iv 20 … in …
iv 21 … …
iv 22 You(f.) should not know…
iv 23 You… …
iv 24 Like … …
iv 25 … …
iv 26 Like a rock-partridge
iv 27 He went… her…
iv 28 … to(?) anything of his.
iv 29 … …
iv 30 … …
iv 31 … the exalted ones.
iv 32 … …
iv 33 They keep crossing over.
Up. Ed. + Left Ed.
iv 34–36 And I, through your love and your good lovemaking I find refuge again and again.
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
aḫāzum (v.) | G to take, marry, grasp, seize, learn; Š to make s.o. take, marry, learn | iv36 | |
aḫulap | (it is) enough! | ii23 | |
akālum (v.) | G to eat, consume, devastate; Gtn iter. of G; Š caus. of G | i4, i7 | |
alākum (v.) (DU) | G to go, walk; Gt go off, away; Gtn wander, go repeatedly, roam about, walk; Š caus. of G | Written texts/Literary terms | i15, i19, i26, ii18, ii21, ii24, iii29, iv27 |
amārum (v.) | G to see; catch sight of; N pass. of G, be found | iii30, iii31 | |
ana mīnim (cf. mīnûm) | why | i6, ii13 | |
anāku | I, me | Personal prons. | i20, iv34 |
arḫum I | fast, quick | Fauna (domestic),Time concepts | iii11 |
aššum | because (of) | ii3 | |
attā | you (m. sg.) | ii16 | |
balum | without | i4, i7 | |
banûm | good, beautiful | iii33 | |
barāqum (v.) | to lighten, shine | i12 | |
bašûm (v.) | G to be, exist; Š bring into being, create | ii4 | |
bâ'um (v.) | G to go along, across, pass, overtake, defeat; Š cause to move along | i10 | |
bēlum (EN) | lord, master, proprietor, owner | Social status/Groups/Professions | iii13 |
berqum, birqum | lightning (flash) | i11, i12 | |
būrum II | calf, (bull) calf | iii22 | |
dādum I | darling, favorite, sexual attractiveness | i2 | |
damqum | good | Qualities/Attributes | iii5, iv36 |
dayyānum | judge | Social status/Groups/Professions | i30 |
diānum, dânum (v.) | to judge | i5 | |
dīnum (DI.KU5) | verdict, case, judgement, legal decision | i5 | |
dūrum | (city) wall, rampart | Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings | iv4 |
ebērum (v.) | G to cross over; Š make to cross, bring across | iv33 | |
edûm (v.) | G to know; D to cause to know | iv22 | |
eli, elu | on, above, over | i13 | |
ellum (KÙ.GA) | pure, clear, sacred | Qualities/Attributes | ii20 |
emūtum | family of the husband, relationship by marriage | Social status/Groups/Professions | ii21 |
epēšum (v.) | G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G | i6, iii32, iv4 | |
erēbum (v.) (KU4) | G to enter, come in; Š cause to enter, bring in; penetrate | i3 | |
ēribum | enterer | i16 | |
esēḫum (v.) | to assign, allocate | i17 | |
ešērum (v.) | G be straight, direct towards; be or become all right, be fair; Š put in good condition, make straight; Št1 pass. of Š; Št2 put, keep in order | ii18 | |
ezēzum (v.) | G to be(come) angry, rage | ii7 | |
girimmum | fruit (a kind of) | iii16 | |
gitmālum | perfect, ideal, noble | Human activities/actions | iii13 |
ḫarrānum (KASKAL) | way, road, journey | Locations/Buildings | i19 |
ḫašḫūrum | apple (tree) | Flora,Food/Drink | i8 |
ḫimētum, ḫemētum | butter, ghee | i2 | |
ḫubbulum | indebted | ii14 | |
ḫuršum | (kitchen) storehouse | i3 | |
ina qāt (cf. qātum) | by agency of, through | iv34 | |
ina ṣērim (cf. ṣērum) | on(to), over, towards | i11 | |
inbum | fruit, flower, sexual appeal | Flora | i10 |
iqqāt (cf. qātum) | by agency of, through | iv34 | |
iṣṣūr ḫūrim (cf. iṣṣūrum) | rock partridge | ii2, iv26 | |
ittum | sign, mark | Abstract concepts | iii5 |
kabattum, kabtatum | liver, mood, mind, intention | Body/Body parts | ii7 |
kalûm V (v.) | G to hold (back), detain | ii12 | |
kaspum (KÙ.BABBAR) | silver, money; price | ii13 | |
kayyānum | regular, normal, constantly, regularly | Abstract concepts,Qualities/Attributes | iii27 |
kīma | like, as; when; that | i8, i14, i16, i26, ii2, ii5, ii9, ii13, iii3, iii22, iii24, iv18, iv26 | |
laqātum (v.) | to gather up, glean | ii6 | |
lemnum (ḪUL) | evil, bad; evil person, enemy | Human activities/actions | iii19 |
leqûm (v.) | G to take, take over; Š caus. of G | ii29 | |
līliātum | evening | ii34 | |
lumnum (ḪUL) | evil, misery | Human activities/actions | i28 |
malākum (v.) | G to give advice; Gt to discuss, confer, consider, ponder | i18, i25 | |
marāṣum (v.) | G to be(come) ill, arduous, difficult; Š to cause trouble, to bring illness | iii37 | |
mārum (DUMU) | boy, son, descendant | Kinship terms,Social status/Groups/Professions | i20, ii29, iv5 |
mati | when? | Abstract concepts | ii19, ii22 |
meḫrum, miḫrum | refrain, answer, person of an equal status, colleague; copy, equivalent | iii17 | |
mimma | anything, something; everything, all | Abstract concepts | iv28 |
mīnum | what, what? | i6, ii13 | |
mû I (A(.MEŠ)) | water | Food/Drink,Nature/Cosmological phenomena | ii20 |
murammiktum | washbasin | i5 | |
nadānum (v.) (SUM) | G to give, bestow | i1, iii27 | |
nakārum (v.) | to be(come) different, strange, hostile; G change; D change, alter | ii9 | |
nannārum | light of the sky, moon | iii30 | |
naṭālum (v.) | G to look, gaze; Š to show | ii11, iii9, iii32 | |
pānûm | first, earlier, front | Time concepts | i9 |
pašārum (v.) | G to loosen, dissolve, release, free, solve, dissipate; D dispel, disperse; N become reconciled to, forgive | ii8 | |
puzrum | concealment, hiding-place | Abstract concepts,Human activities/actions | iv36 |
qabûm (v.) (DUG4) | G to say, speak, command | ii23, iv5 | |
qātum (ŠU) | hand | iv34 | |
qerbītum | womb, centre, interior | Body/Body parts | iii33 |
rabûm (GAL) I | big | Qualities/Attributes | iv13 |
râmum | love, love-making | Abstract concepts,Emotions/Feelings,Human activities/actions | iv35 |
ra'īmum | loved, beloved | ii25, ii28 | |
rē'ûm (SIPA) | shepherd, herdsman | Social status/Groups/Professions | ii25 |
ru'āmum | love-making; sexual charm of a woman | Abstract concepts | iii32 |
šaḫarrum | a net for carrying straw, barley | Fabricated objects | ii5 |
šakānum (v.) (GAR) | G to put, place, lay down, Š make smb. place, establish, N be put, established | iv3 | |
ṣalālum (v.) | G to lie down, sleep | Human activities/actions | i4, i7 |
ṣamārum (v.) | to wish, strive for | ii15 | |
ṣamûm (v.) | to be(come) thirsty, thirst for; D make thirsty | iii26 | |
šapārum (v.) | G to send, write, govern, administer | Verbal expressions | ii11, iii28 |
šaptum | lip, rim | Body/Body parts | iv3 |
šārtum | hair, (animal’s) pelt | Body/Body parts | iv2 |
šattum (MU) | year | Abstract concepts,Time concepts | i9 |
šatûm II (v.) | G to drink | ii20, ii22 | |
šemûm (v.) | G to listen, to hear; Gtn to hear, to listen again and again | iv6 | |
ṣērum (EDIN) | back, upperside, steppe, open country, towards | i11 | |
ṣīḫtum | laughter, pl. flirtations, amusements, delights | Abstract concepts | i13, ii12, ii15, iii9, iii13, iii18, iii26, iv36 |
simānum I | (right) occasion, season | i8, i14 | |
ṣīrum | exalted, supreme, splendid, outstanding | iv31 | |
ṣītum | exit, (new) growth of plant, rise | Abstract concepts | iv19 |
šubtum, šuptum | seat, dwelling, abode, place | Abstract concepts,Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings | i29 |
šubultum | ear, spike (of corn) | Body/Body parts | i14 |
šuttum | dream | iii4 | |
tabākum (v.) | G to pour (out), lay flat; Ntn repeatedly swoop on | i9 | |
târum (v.) (GUR) | G to turn, return, become again; D to bring, send, give, pay back | iv14 | |
têrtum | instruction | ii26 | |
tibnum | straw, chaff | ii6 | |
ṭīdum, ṭiṭṭu | clay, mud | Materials | iii24 |
umma | saying | iv4 | |
ummum | mother | Kinship terms | iv7 |
ūmum I (UD) | day, daily | Abstract concepts,Time concepts | ii8 |
uzzuktum | ? | i1 | |
walādum (v.) | G to give birth | ii9 | |
waqûm (v.) | G to wait, Dt wait, await, expect, to wait attentively | ii10 | |
wašābum (v.) | to sit, dwell | ii10 | |
zabbilum | bearing, bearer | ii5 | |
zaqānum (v.) | to wear a beard, be bearded | iv1 | |
zīmum | face, appearance, figure | Body/Body parts | iii31 |