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Displaying 861 - 880 of 970
SEAL no. File name Tablet Siglum Edition
7241 Ugaritica 5, 17a RS 17.155
Zomer 2018, 246-248
Geller 2016 , 59-66
Rowe 2014 , 48-58
Arnaud 2007 , 77-89
Dietrich 1988 , 79-101
Nougayrol 1968 , 29-40
7238 Ugaritica 5, 17b RS 17.155
Zomer 2018, 249-252
Rowe 2014 , 48-58
Arnaud 2007 , 77–89
Böck 2007 , 191-196
Dietrich 1988 , 79-101
Nougayrol 1968 , 29-40
7251 Ugaritica 5, 17d // Ugaritica 5, 17*a RS 17.155 // RS 15.152
Zomer 2018, 257f.
Rowe 2014 , 48-58
Arnaud 2007 , 77–89
Nougayrol 1968 , 29-40
7235 Ugaritica 5, 17f RS 17.155
Rowe 2014 , 48-50
Arnaud 2007 , 77–89
Nougayrol 1968 , 29-40
7257 Ugaritica 5, 17h RS 17.155
Rowe 2014 , 48-58
Arnaud 2007 , 77–89
Arnaud 1995 , 137-139
Lambert 1970a , 44
Nougayrol 1968 , 30-40
7254 Ugaritica 5, 19 RS 20.006
Rowe 2014 , 69-71
Collins 1999 , 200-203
Nougayrol 1968 , 64f.
7239 Ugaritica 7, pl. I RS. 34.021
Rowe 2014 , 61-63
Arnaud 2007 , 73-75
Lackenbacher 1991 , 89
7533 UM 29-15-567 UM 29-15-567
Pohl 2022, 290-291
Peterson/Wasserman 2020
1729 UM 29-15-604 UM 29-15-604
1768 UVB 18 pl. 28 W 19900
Metzler 2002 , 866–870
7285 VAT 13226 VAT 13226
1538 VS 1, 32 (Ipiq-Ištar of Malgium) VA 3359
Frayne 1990 , 669–670
1810 VS 10, 179 (Personal complaint) VAT 1421
7499 VS 10, 213 (Ištar) VAT 6656
Pohl 2022, 203-206
Zimmern 1916 , 43
7493 VS 10, 214 (Agušaya A) VAT 5946
Pohl 2022, 124-175
Groneberg 1997 , 75–93
Groneberg 1981 , 107–125
Groneberg 1971 , 43–66
Zimmern 1916 , 10–28
7506 VS 10, 215 (Nanāya) VAT 5798
Pohl 2022, 227-235
Streck/Wasserman 2012 
Von Soden 1938 , 32–44
7141 VS 17, 23 VAT 8354
Wasserman 2016 , 249–250
van Dijk 1971 , p. 11
7059 VS 17, 34 VAT 8539
van Dijk 1972 , 343–345
1811 VS 17, 35 (Personal complaint) VAT 8345