
Displaying 3226 - 3250 of 3826
Akkadian word Translation Texts
šubtum (//ku-tuš) dwelling
šubtum, šuptum seat, dwelling, abode, place
šubultum ear, spike (of corn)
šubûm (na4ŠUBA) (a semiprecious stone)
šuburrum rump, bottom
ṣūd pānim (IGI.NIGÍN.NA) giddiness, vertigo
šūdadum, šudātum beloved, lover
šuddulum very wide, spacious
sugāgum sheikh, tribal representative
Sugal (ZA.MÙŠ.UNUGki) GN
Sugbanda (//sú-ug-bàn-da) GN
šugītum (a class of women) able to marry
šuḫarratum deathly hush
šuḫarrurum (v.) to be deathly still
ṣuḫārum ((LÚ.)TUR; DI4.DI4.LA?) boy, male child, servant, adolescent
RA 88, 161b: Rev. 13'
YOS 11, 4b: 16, 17
PRAK 1 B 472: rev. 2'
ṣuḫrum youth, time of youth; children
šuḫûm disease (a kind of)
ṣūḫum, ṣuḫḫum laugh, laughter, love play
suḫuppatum boot(s)
suḫuššum (gišGIŠIMMAR.TUR) young date palm, palm-shoot
šukāmum penmanship(?)
AfO 50, 11ff. (Mama): iii 8', iii 10'
sukannīnum dove, pigeon (type of bird)
šukkallum, sukkallum minister, a court official
sukkukum deaf; mentally handicapped
šukkulum (v.) to wipe down, wipe out, pass one’s hand