
Displaying 226 - 250 of 3780
Akkadian word Translation Texts
arḫiš quickly, hastily
arḫum I fast, quick
arḫum II (gu4.ÁB) cow
ariktum kind of spear, lance; length
ārirum priest uttering curses (from arārum)
arītum, erītum (PEŠ4) pregnant woman
arkabinnum door (kind of)
arkum long
armannum apricot(?) tree
armum mountain goat
armūtum desolation
arnum sin, guilt, misdeed, punishment, fault, penalty
arrabum dormouse?, rit., skin of dormouse
arrakum very long
arsuppum carp, barb
SEM 117 (Adad): iii 14', 21'
artum branches, foliage
aruḫtum pregnant woman, lit. quick, fast woman
arûm (v.) G to be(come) pregnant, conceive; Š to impregnate
arum, erum, ḫarum branch, frond (of date palm)
Aruru DN
arwûm, armûm gazelle (male)
ašāgum camelthorn
asakkum I (Á.ZÁG) disease caused by the asakkum demon (a kind of)
asakkum II taboo
ašamšūtum dust storm