
Displaying 426 - 450 of 3826
Akkadian word Translation Texts
binītum creature, form, shape; limbs
bīnum I son
KAR 158: v11’, i20’
bīnum II (gišŠINIG) tamarisk
binûtum creation
KAR 158: i30’
birbirrū radiance, sparkle, flash
biri-, beri- between, among
birīt between, among
birītum link, fetter
birkum knee
birkum (//du10-ub) knee
birti between
CUSAS 32, 7e: 16', 20'
bīrum divination
Bisan GN
bišrum (cf. mê bišrim) small child
biṣṣūrum female genitals, vulva
bīšum I bad, malodorous
bīšum II possessions, property
bīt aštammim tavern, hostel
bīt eklētim (É.GI6) dark chamber, underworld
bīt makkūrim storehouse
bīt ṭuppim (//é-dub-ba) school, Edubba
bitiqtum damages, loss
bitqūtum splitting
bitrûm (v.) G to be continuous; Št to persevere, continue
bittum weft yarns