
Displaying 551 - 575 of 3826
Akkadian word Translation Texts
dārišam for ever
dārītum perpetuity, eternity
dārum era, eternity
dārûm everlasting, enduring
dārûm (//gi16) lasting, eternal
darûm (v.) to last for ever
dašāpum (v.) G be sweet; D make sweet
dašnum mighty
dāṣtum treachery, disrespect
dawûm, damûm (v.) to jerk; convulse
dayyānum judge
dayyānum (//di-ku5) judge
dekûm (v.) G to raise, wake up, call up, unleash, move (to), shift
dešûm (v.) G to sprout; D to let flourish
di'qaqqadim disease affecting the head (a kind of)
di'um I, ṭi'um, ṭīḫum a disease affecting the head, malaria(?)
CT 44, 21 (Marduk):(b) 125, 152
diānum, dânum (v.) to judge
diāšum (v.) G to tread down, thresh, to trample
KAR 158: vi12’
dibbum word, utterance
dīdū, dādū female garment
dīḫum mark
Dilbat GN
diliptum sleeplessness, anxiety
dimmatum moaning
dimtum I (AN.ZA.GÀR) tower