
Displaying 26 - 50 of 3826
Akkadian word Translation Texts
abulmaḫḫum main gate
abum father
abum (//a-a) father
abum (//ad-da) father
abum (//bil) father
abum (//pap) father
abunnatum umbilical cord, navel
aburriš on a green meadow
aburrum rear, field; water-meadow, pasture
Adab (UD.NUNki) GN
Adad (//dIŠKUR) DN
Adad (dIŠKUR) DN
adānum, ḫadānum fixed date, time limit
Adapa PN
EA 356 (Adapa and the Southwind): 11, 15, 17, 22, 35, 40, 41, 46,48, 49, 67
adapum hymn, kind of (Sum.)
KAR 158: iii38’, viii11
adārum I (v.) G to be dark, gloomy; D to darken, look gloomy
adārum II (v.) G to be afraid, fear, be worried, disturbed; Š to cause annoyance, frighten; Št to become frightened, worried
addum storm, thunderstorm
Adgigi name of a lyre or harp
adi until, as far as
adīni hitherto, till now
adirtu I gloominess
âdum (v.) to take notice of
agāgum (v.) G to be(come) furious; D to be angry
agālum I donkey